

Playmobil: The Movie Full Movie tamil dual audio megavideo Online Free






Rating 1688 Vote; directors Lino DiSalvo; India, France; actors Jim Gaffigan; Comedy; 2019. This horrific, my 4 year old cried from the ending he died from his own tears, rip fortnite. Claims hes the worlds greatest spy everyone knows his name...

Lego movie+emoji movie•mib international

Do you ever just forgot that this movie exists before its even come out. User Score Play Trailer Overview Marla is forced to abandon her carefully structured life to embark on an epic journey to find her younger brother Charlie who has disappeared into the vast and wondrous animated world of Playmobil toys. Featured Crew Lino DiSalvo Director, Story Blaise Hemingway Screenplay Greg Erb Jason Oremland You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up. Global s focus the search bar p open profile menu esc close an open window? open keyboard shortcut window On media pages b go back (or to parent when applicable) e go to edit page On TV season pages → (right arrow) go to next season ← (left arrow) go to previous season On TV episode pages → (right arrow) go to next episode ← (left arrow) go to previous episode On all image pages a open add image window On all edit pages t open translation selector ctrl + s submit form On discussion pages n create new discussion w toggle watching status p toggle public/private c toggle close/open a open activity r reply to discussion l go to last reply ctrl + enter submit your message → (right arrow) next page ← (left arrow) previous page.

Ich verstehe nicht warum alle sagen das sei ein billiger Abklatsch von the Lego Movie ich meine nur weil Lego zuerst Einen Film rausgebracht hat beziehungsweise mehrere heißt das doch nicht das Playmobil das nicht machen darf. Playmobil: the missing piece online. Playmobil: The Missing pièces détachées. Playmobil: The Missing pièce montée. Ah a movie about spiderman turning Nick Fury into a pigeon. Playmobil: The Movie Marla is forced to abandon her carefully structured life to embark on an epic journey to find her younger brother Charlie who has disappeared into the vast and wondrous animated world of Playmobil toys. Duration: 99 min Quality: CAM Release: 2019 IMDb: 4.

Congratulations on spoiling almost the entire film. Recensione di Marianna Cappi lunedì 28 ottobre 2019      Da ragazzina Marla passava le giornate a giocare col fratellino Charlie e sognava di girare il mondo. La scomparsa prematura dei genitori l'ha però trasformata anzitempo in una donna occupata in tutto tranne che a divertirsi. Charlie ne soffre e, una sera, uscito di casa senza avvisare, viene attirato dalla vista di un padiglione di giocattoli, dove una distesa di Playmobil sembra aspettare solo di essere animata da un giocatore pieno di fantasia. Quando Marla lo ritrova, non fa in tempo a portarlo via che entrambi vengono risucchiati dal mondo dei giochi e portati in un'altra dimensione, dove hanno le fattezze di due Playmobil e li attende al varco una grande avventura. Esordio alla regia di Lino DiSalvo, animatore di lunga data alla Disney, Playmobil: The Movie è prodotto dallo studio canadese del Piccolo Principe e di Mune. Il film non potrebbe partire in maniera più fittizia e meccanica, con un prologo costruito a tavolino che uccide in quattro e quattr'otto i genitori per avere due comodi orfani, impone una canzone senza un solo verso originale e sa di pretestuoso dal primo all'ultimo fotogramma. Ma la buona notizia è che, una volta nel mondo di plastica, comincia il film vero, e allora tutto va molto meglio. Il commercio dei Playmobil punta da sempre su un immaginario di genere - dal western alle storie di pirati, dai mondi incantati di fate e unicorni a quelli storici di gladiatori e cavalieri - e il film di Di Salvo non fa che attingere ad esso, amplificandolo e intrecciando le carte, in una maniera che ricorda da vicino il gioco infantile, per come mescola ambienti e personaggi, ma è anche narrativamente soddisfacente e sofisticata. In particolare, dietro il viaggio sentimentale che porta Marla e Charlie a ritrovare il piacere dell'infanzia perduta e il gusto di divertirsi insieme, c'è l'evidente archetipo del viaggio spaziale della principessa Leila e di Luke Skywalker sul Millennium Falcon di Ian Solo, qui trasformato in Del, autista squattrinato di un furgone che vende burrito piccanti, e già che c'è contrabbanda fieno magico. A confermare il modello ci sono anche un robottino, un accenno di commedia sentimentale tra Marla e Del, e una lumaca gigante e spietata che sembra uscita da qualche piega della saga di tutte le saghe. Ma ci sono anche la fata madrina delle favole (che nella versione italiana ha la voce di Cristina D'Avena) l'imperatore Maximus (J-Ax) lo 007 Rex Dasher, col suo jingle-tormentone, e un'eco di tutti i classici in cui i piccoli eroi sono stati inghiottiti dal gioco e trasformati immediatamente nel fisico e poi più nel profondo, da una lezione di vita. Contenuto nella durata e nelle ambizioni, il (primo. film dedicato ai Playmobil non ha l'estro folleggiante dei Lego Movie, né il loro umorismo adulto, ma si accontenta di mantenere la promessa di un'avventura a sorpresa in un universo fantastico e variegato, che coinvolge finché dura, e non dà dipendenza.  Sei d'accordo con Marianna Cappi? Scrivi a Marianna Cappi Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Convalida adesso il tuo inserimento. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un messaggio al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Accedi alla tua posta e fai click sul link per convalidare. Chiudi Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Grazie. Gli storici giocattoli prendono vita. Overview di Giorgio Crico giovedì 12 settembre 2019 Playmobil: The Movie è il primo lungometraggio animato dedicato al mondo della Playmobil - appunto - che, dopo il successo dei progetti su grande schermo della Lego, ha deciso di seguire l'esempio dell'azienda danese e sbarcare al cinema per prendersi la sua fetta di mercato. Per riuscirci, ha deciso di affidarsi alla regia di Lino DiSalvo, animatore che nel suo curriculum vanta collaborazioni a Frozen, Rapunzel o Chicken Little. "Non credo di essere una persona che possa sembrare in grado di sostenere un combattimento, suppongo. Ma nelle giuste circostanze mi piacerebbe moltissimo girare un film di spie anche se penso che dovrebbe essere qualcosa tipo Spy con Melissa McCarthy" Daniel Radcliffe La storia di Playmobil: The Movie inizia nel mondo reale, con i due fratelli Marla e Charlie - rimasti orfani quattro anni prima per colpa di un incidente occorso ai genitori - che sono alle prese ognuno con i suoi problemi: lei ha la responsabilità del fratello da crescere, lui invece è un solitario molto chiuso in sé stesso. Un giorno, Charlie fugge dalla sorella per visitare una mostra a tema Playmobil e lei lo raggiunge per rimproverarlo ma, immediatamente, entrambi finiscono proprio nel mondo dei Playmobil, nel bel mezzo di una battaglia tra vichinghi. Qui Charlie viene rapito da dei pirati e scompare misteriosamente, costringendo Marla a cercarlo aiutata da improbabili alleati, tra cui un autista di camion e un agente segreto... In maniera piuttosto retrò ma sempre efficace, anche questo nuovo film animato si serve della dicotomia mondo reale/mondo immaginario dei giocattoli, un po' come il già citato The Lego Movie, anche se lo fa in maniera molto esplicita, in stile anni 80 appunto. Il mondo dei Playmobil è poi rappresentato nel modo più ampio possibile, con tantissime ambientazioni e altrettanti personaggi che arrivano direttamente dalla storia quasi quarantennale dell'azienda tedesca (ma non mancano le inserzioni originali pensate apposta per il film. Per quanto riguarda le voci originali, il nome di richiamo del cast è sicuramente quello di Daniel Radcliffe, ovviamente conosciuto da tutti come l'Harry Potter dell'omonima saga cinematografica, che interpreta l'agente segreto Rex Dasher (tutti gli altri interpreti sono piuttosto noti negli USA e molto meno da noi: si tratta di attori di lunga percorrenza in serie tv di successo, comici e anche un ex American Idol nel ruolo dell'antagonista principale. Sei d'accordo con Giorgio Crico? Scrivi a Giorgio Crico.

After the death of her parents in a car crash, teenager Marla (Anya Taylor-Joy) has to care for her younger brother and loses her sense of adventure. She rediscovers it when the siblings are somehow transported to a strange Playmobil world. When Charlie (Gabriel Bateman) is kidnapped, its up to Marla to rescue him. Just as Playmobil, a toy range invented in 1974, is like Lego with less scope for creativity, Playmobil: The Movie is much like The Lego Movie without the clever ideas. This is a generic ‘rediscovering the joy of childhood movie with merchandise opportunities grafted on. Marla ( Taylor-Joy) is a teenager excited about embarking on a trip around the world. That trip is halted before it starts when her parents are killed in a car crash (making the movies first ten minutes needlessly heavy) and she has to take over guardianship of her younger brother, Charlie (Bateman. Marla grows joyless and stern under the weight of her new responsibility, to the point that Charlie runs away from home to escape her. Charlie sneaks into a toy fair, where Marla tracks him down to a Playmobil display. For some reason, theyre magicked into a Playmobil world and transformed into toys, where they have to beat an evil emperor (Adam Lambert) and find a way home. Feels like little more than a feature-length commercial. Playmobil: The Movie never manages to establish a convincing world because it fails to tell us what the rules are here. All the characters look like Playmobil figures but they just act like regular humans. Theres no fun had with the limits of figures with legs that dont move independently, hands shaped like cup-holders and largely identical faces. The journey through different worlds – cowboy, Viking, futuristic, fantasy – is because Playmobil makes those ranges. Theres little effort to give it more internal logic than that, and none of the confident self-effacement of The Lego Movie or Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. There are injections of enjoyable surreality, mostly from a Daniel Radcliffe -voiced secret agent who is both a master of disguise and kind of an idiot, but not nearly enough. As it is, its just a gently pleasant kid-distraction. Everybody knows that movies based on toys are made to try and sell more toys, but its very much appreciated when they put some effort into disguising that. Playmobil: The Movie feels like little more than a feature-length commercial. Maybe its fitting Playmobil: The Movie is old-fashioned, stiff and only suitable for those between the ages of four and ten, but it sure isnt much fun.

Playmobil: The Missing piece of peace. 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵🏁🏁🏁🏁🏎️. We have movie night every Friday and this movie was the latest choice. Our family loved it and thoroughly enjoyed it. It genuinly is a grear family movie. Loads of disney references to various characters and themes, and a fun watch. Ignore the comparisons to Lego and give this a go! One for the fam. So. This is to promote a children's movie? First of all the brand caters to children specifically between the ages of 2 and 5 so I don't think they know enough about branding to want to see a movie about it. Second, even the acting in the trailer is bad! It doesn't look interesting whatsoever and the police officer who only had 3 lines somehow still seemed to not get it! 😂😂😂.

Die geobra Brandstätter Gruppe bittet Sie, Cookies zu funktionellen Zwecken zu akzeptieren. Funktionelle Cookies dienen zum Speichern Ihrer Auswahl, zur Erstellung von Statistiken und zur Verbesserung Ihres Einkaufserlebnis. Weitere Informationen zu Cookies und der Verarbeitung Ihrer persönlichen Daten erhalten Sie unter Weitere Informationen oder unter Datenschutzerklärung. Akzeptieren Sie diese Cookies und die damit verbundene Verarbeitung Ihrer persönlichen Daten? Ja, ich akzeptiere Weitere Informationen. Playmobil: the missing piece watch. 6:49 dazzreviews: and then we cut into. ad: BATTLE BREAKERS.

Playmobil 3a the missing piece new. Playmobil: The Missing piece by piece. Playmobil: the missing piece movie. This defeat legó movie 2👍. Playmobil: The Missing pièce en plus. Annoying,pandering and generic blur of motion that has no reason to exist. Playmobil the missing piece trailer. The Movie Spirit Riding Free Ghostbusters Dragons Dinos Sand 1. 2. 3 Action City Action City Life Sports & Action Family Fun History Space Pirates Knights Wild Life Country Princess Magic Fairies Dollhouse Other Nuevo Casa Moderna Comprar ahora Tienda Emocionantes aventuras con los Dinos de PLAYMOBIL Comprar ahora El nuevo Porsche 911 GT3 Cup de PLAYMOBIL! Nuevo Palacio de Princesas PLAYMOBIL THE MOVIE PLAYMOBIL Casa Moderna PLAYMOBIL Dinos Porsche 911 GT3 Cup Nuevo Descubre La Casa de Muñecas de Lujo PLAYMOBIL Casa de Muñecas Explora ahora Descubre los sets PLAYMOBIL de Piratas PLAYMOBIL Piratas Catalogo en Línea Nuevo Hospital Infantil! PLAYMOBIL City Life Film PLAYMOBIL Knights Ver ahora! Folleto de Zoológico Leer ahora Explora los nuevos Sets de Cohetes Espaciales PLAYMOBIL City Action Suscripción al PLAYMOBIL Newsletter Diviértete en el Parque Acuático PLAYMOBIL Family Fun Descubre ahora Explorar ahora Explora los nuevos sets de Granja PLAYMOBIL Country Jetzt entdecken.

To come! lies "Marla" with a straight face to her little brother to conclude the "franchise" non-starter PLAYMOBIL: THE MOVIE. During a weekend when one film was raking in upwards of 33,600 per screen, the Super Smart Hollywood Moguls threw this flick up on more than 2,500 screens nationwide and saw it capture well under 1% of that more appealing film's per-screen take to go down as one of our history's biggest flops ever. Needless to say, I was the ONLY person viewing PLAYMOBIL: THE MOVIE during a prime showtime in a 400-seat theater. (It was not unlike sitting through a Detroit Tigers or Tampa Bay Rays home contest, but without even having a shot of coming away with a foul ball! Perhaps the best thing I can say about PLAYMOBIL: THE MOVIE is that all of its rain delays were only on the screen. For those viewers who have always hankered for a horror flick featuring "Barney, the Purple Dinosaur" as the main villain, PLAYMOBIL: THE MOVIE is likely to float your boat. For everyone else, this movie merits a "Buyer: Beware! warning.

AND I LOVE YOY OMG OMG OMG AHHHHH. Is this an out of season April Fools Joke. Press alt. to open this menu. We all know the real car isn't gonna look anywhere close to that exotic and futuristic. Playmobil: the missing piece poem. The one time a comedy seems somewhat different and original, is actually the one time it's a remake. I love you M trainor... 😘😘 Your so amazing😍😍. Knock knock to all once spies in disguise👋.

Playmobil: The Missing pièce détachée voiture

This looks really good. Playmobil: the missing piece book. Playmobil 3a the missing piece family. The song is very beautiful🍭🍭. Im only here for Adam Lambert. Well, we gotta look on the bright side. At least this film is everything what The LEGO Movie *wasn't. I wouldn't subject my young nephews/nieces to this clearly demographic-pandering rip-off. I'll stick to the first two LEGO Movies, and LEGO Batman. YouTube. 1:43 Naught knight. Playmobil the missing piece putlockers. Follow ing Go To Audience-Alienating Premise: While the idea of a LEGO movie was met with ridicule before its release, it ended up blowing everyone away and actually made sense since LEGO is such a worldwide phenomenon. Playmobil is more of a niche toy, with many comparisons to The Lego Movie flooding in as soon as the trailer released. Fitting, since Playmobil has always been stuck in LEGO's shadow. In fact, the only way this movie wouldn't be overshadowed by The Lego Movie is if this movie came before, which it didn't. Awesome Art: While it doesn't look much like Playmobil, even the movie's harshest critics agree that the artstyle is gorgeous. Cliché Storm: Sibling duo, who are orphans with the older sister being Promoted to Parent, have a strained relationship. The older sister grew up too fast, while her brother is still a kid playing with toys. One day, the two of them accidently enter a magical world of toys, where the older sister has to prove herself and learn to be a kid again, while her brother gets superpowers which helps him mature. Ensemble Dark Horse: Rex Dasher is generally considered to be one of the few genuinely likable characters, due to being a charming British spy played by none other than Harry Potter himself. Some people outright state the movie would've been much better if it focused on him, or at least focused on him more, since he doesn't appear as often as advertising might suggest. Emperor Maximus is also quite beloved by viewers, due to his extremely hammy performance and catchy Villain Song. Fandom Rivalry: Take a guess. Many fans of The Lego Movie accuse Playmobil to be a shameless rip-off of the former, not unlike the rivalry between LEGO and Playmobil themselves. Friendly Fandoms: However, some Lego Movie fans are okay with the movie, since some speculate that The Lego Movie 2 The Second Part could be the last one, so they would be more than happy to check this movie out. Harsher in Hindsight: This is not the first STX film starring a member of the Golden Trio to bomb at the box office. He Really Can Act: Adam Lambert sure has a nice singing voice, but this movie is proof that he is also a somewhat talented voice actor. Just Here for Godzilla: Many people looked forward to watching the movie just for Adam Lambert. Strangled by the Red String: Rex Dasher is supposedly Marla's Love Interest, however they don't share a lot of scenes clarifying that. And even if they did, Rex is a toy while Marla is a real person. So Bad, It's Good: While nowhere near as bad as The Emoji Movie, Pan Pizza at least recommended this movie for bad movie night, saying it can be really enjoyable if seen with the right people. They Copied It, So It Sucks. The similarities to The Lego Movie aren't even subtle. To the movie's credit, they at least try to tell an original story, rather than simply copying The Lego Movie 's story. It's even referenced in the critical consensus on Rotten Tomatoes: Much like the toys it advertises, Playmobil: The Movie seems sadly destined to be regarded as a superficially similar yet less desirable alternative to the competition. They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Many viewers argue that the plot and premise of the movie has potential, however, they couldn't have handled it worse than they did in the movie. The movie pretty much goes from setpiece to setpiece, some more interesting than others, but without any significant development made in any of them. If there wasn't the overlaying theme of the heroine trying to save her brother while discovering the feeling of being a kid again, the movie would be a straight-up Random Events Plot. For that matter, the parents dying and straining of Marla and Charlie's relationship is only brought up at the very beginning. Some people felt that the movie could've focused more on these two characters and their realistically tragic situation, especially since the movie takes a nose-dive into childlike absurdity without any real connection between one plot and the other. Took the Bad Film Seriously: Despite the rather lackluster script, the main cast has gotten praise for at least trying to give good performances, with Daniel Radcliffe being usually singled out as the best performance in the movie, with his voice work giving Rex Dasher a lot more personality that the script wouldn't allow. Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Many reviews consider Charlie to be very rude and hurtful to his sister, acting like a brat for no onscreen-illustrated reason and outright using their parents' deaths to claim she's dead inside. Ultimately its she, not him, that learns a life lesson, implying that he wasn't in the wrong. Though in all fairness, he is still just a kid who was hardly taught any better. Marla isnt exactly exempt from this either since it is implied her overprotective nature caused Charlie to be annoyed with her. Del also fits into this category during the scene where he leaves Marla when she reveals that she lied about having more gold than she previously said. Marla calls Del out on this, saying he wouldnt have helped her if she didnt offer him any gold. While Del admits this, he tries to downplay it since the dangers they faced are what hes more concerned about. While it is true Marlas actions resulted in many dangers, Del pretty much admits that he wouldve only helped Marla if it benefited him and uses the dangers from the adventure as an excuse to back out. We're Still Relevant, Dammit. If the premise alone wasn't already a testament to that, in the movie proper Charlie is seen flossing. That is all.

Animated feature film inspired by the Playmobil brand toys. Director: Lino DiSalvo Writers: Greg Erb, Jason Oremland, Lino DiSalvo Starring: Anya Taylor-Joy, Daniel Radcliffe, Gabriel Bateman, Adam Lambert, Jim Gaffigan, Kenan Thompson Producers: Moritz Borman, Timothy Burrill, Lino DiSalvo, Greg Erb » See full cast & crew 1 fans 13 Blu-ray collections 1 DVD collections 2 iTunes collections Playmobil: The Movie Review Review by Brian Orndorf, December 5, 2019 It�s impossible to escape the familiarity of �Playmobil: The Movie, � which tries to do for the German toy line what �The Lego Movie� did for Lego. The screenplay (credited to Blaise Hemingway, Greg Erb, and Jason Oremland) doesn�t make the effort to become its own thing, adhering closely to the formula that made the brick-based picture such a colossal hit. Trouble is, Playmobil isn�t quite as popular as Lego in the toy marketplace, and the company�s first foray into feature-length animation is missing a sense of exploration, unwilling to do something with this toy universe that hasn�t already... more... Related products Playmobil: The Movie (Soundtrack) 9. 99 See all related products ».

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They were trying to cash in the LEGO movie.


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Omg Will Ferrell, Julia Louis Dreyfus, AND Gabe from the Office is in this movie. Playmobil: the missing piece theme.


Now that's literally hot. Que música animada. NÃO CONSIGO PARAR DE DANÇAR. Playmobil: the missing piece pdf.

Playmobil: the missing pieces

I remember about a year ago I tried to make my own homemade live-action Indiana Jones ripoff in iMovie. Let's just say it didn't go very well. I even had a scene where there was a rolling ball chasing after our heroes, but like I said, it was live-action and in iMovie, so I just planned to draw the huge ball in flipaclip. I never ended up finishing the movie, which I'm kinda thankful for.

Starring: Adam Lambert, Annakin Slayd, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ben Diskin, Cindy Robinson, Dan Navarro, Daniel Radcliffe, Dino Andrade, Gabriel Bateman, Ian James Corlett, Jim Gaffigan, Jodi Larratt, Karen Strassman, Keith Silverstein, Kellen Goff, Kenan Thompson, Kirk Thornton, Lino DiSalvo, Maddie Taylor, Meghan Trainor, Paul Hurwitz, Ryan S. Hill, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht Summary: In PLAYMOBIL's animated action adventure, a top secret organization has caused citizens from different lands to vanish from thin air. The dashing and charismatic secret agent Rex Dasher (Daniel Radcliffe) must partner with smooth-talking food truck driver Del (Jim Gaffigan) and Marla (Anya Taylor-Joy) a smart, savvy civilian with her own In PLAYMOBIL's animated action adventure, a top secret organization has caused citizens from different lands to vanish from thin air. The dashing and charismatic secret agent Rex Dasher (Daniel Radcliffe) must partner with smooth-talking food truck driver Del (Jim Gaffigan) and Marla (Anya Taylor-Joy) a smart, savvy civilian with her own secret agenda, to rescue them. Against unthinkable odds, the trio go on a fantastic journey across stunning new worlds as they gather clues for their rescue mission. [STXFilms] … Expand Genre(s) Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Animation, Family, Musical Rating: PG Runtime: 99 min.

Playmobil The Movie follows the adventures of siblings Charlie ( Gabriel Bateman) and Marla ( Anya Taylor-Joy. When the former unexpectedly disappears into the animated universe of Playmobil, Marla must go on a quest to bring him home. During her adventures she teams up with some unlikely new friends, including smooth-talking food truck driver Del ( Jim Gaffigan) dashing and charismatic secret agent Rex Dasher ( Daniel Radcliffe) a wholehearted misfit robot and an extravagant fairy-godmother ( Meghan Trainor. Adam Lambert  voices the character of villain Emperor Maximus. Originally scheduled for release on August 30, 2019, the failing STX Films pushed the films release back, hoping that their Hustlers is a hit upon its release and thus infuses their coffers with enough money to market this film. However, all the money in the world will probably not be enough to save this film from becoming a catastrophic box office failure. Check out photos from Playmobil The Movie: Playmobil The Movie Posters and Photos.

Frozen 2 Wins 3rd Weekend as Playmobil Stumbles at the Box Office Dec 8, 2019 STXFilms' Playmobil now has the third-worst domestic opening for a movie rolling out in more than 2, 000 theaters. Playmobil: The Movie Doesn't Stand a Chance Against Frozen 2 This Weekend Ryan Scott Dec 4, 2019 STX Entertainment's Playmobil: The Movie is the only new wide release at the box office this weekend. PlayMobil the Movie Trailer #3 Brings Epic-Sized Adventure for Tiny Toys B. Alan Orange Jul 23, 2019 STX has unleashed an all-new trailer for their upcoming animated adventure Playmobil The Movie, featuring Anya Taylor-Joy and Daniel Radcliffe. New Playmobil Trailer Introduces Daniel Radcliffe as Super Spy Rex Dasher Ryan Scott Apr 16, 2019 Studiocanal has released the first trailer for the upcoming Playmobil: The Movie, which looks to capture some of that LEGO Movie magic. Playmobil: The Movie Trailer Brings The Iconic Toys to Animated Life Kevin Burwick Dec 13, 2018 Studiocanal has released the first trailer for Playmobil: The Movie, introducing a stellar voice cast. Playmobil Movie Gets a New Title as Production Beings Sep 28, 2015 Production has started on Playmobil: Robbers, Thieves and Rebels, with Cross Creek coming aboard to distribute the movie in late 2018. Playmobil Movie Is Happening with The Little Prince Team B. Alan Orange Nov 12, 2014 ON Entertainment, Wild Bunch and Pathe will bring the worldwide toy phenomenon Playmobil to the big screen in an animated movie.

Playmobil: the missing piece full. Made me emotional in d end with a smile on face! Lovely💙✨. Film: I bet my sister would be proud of me Me: I bet she wants to disown you.

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creator: Ron Leshem, Yaron Zilberman

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Rate How Difficult to Pronounce this word Very Easy Easy Moderate Difficult Extremely Difficult Record in your own voice, pronunciation for this word now and play it back to check how you pronounced. Learn to pronounce this word Save 1 Meaning found for Yamim Noraim. Meaning Translate Sentence Antonyms Synonyms 1. The days that open the Hebrew month of Tishri, is from the Feast of Trumpets to Yom Kippur, and are seen as the holiest time on the biblical calendar. They are the days of repentance. When the shofar sounds on the Feast of Trumpets, it signals that only ten days remain until Yom Kippur. And Yom Kippur is linked to the sealing ones eternal destiny, as on the Day of Judgment. But it not just these two days that are considered most holy but all ten. Together they are called the Yamim Noraim, the days of Awe, or the "Awesome Days. Reference: The Book of Mysteries, by Jonathon Cahn) Add Meaning Yamim Noraim Translate not found If you know the Translate of this word, share it. Add Translation Yamim Noraim Sentence not found If you know the Sentence of this word, share it. Add Sentence Yamim Noraim Antonyms not found If you know the Antonyms of this word, share it. Add Antonyms Yamim Noraim Synonyms not found If you know the Synonyms of this word, share it. Add Synonyms Can you give more accurate and better pronunciation for Yamim Noraim in voice or text.

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Incitement watch free movie. WATCH INCITEMENT FULL MOVIE DOWNLOAD IN HINDI 720P. Download MOJOboxoffice Watch incitement Movies Online…. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Yamim Noraïm Le chofar dit: Éveillez-vous, dormeurs, de votre sommeil et vous, assoupis, de votre torpeur. Maïmonide, Ya"d Hilkhot teshouva 3:4) Sources halakhiques Textes dans la Loi juive relatifs à cet article Choulhan Aroukh Orah Hayim chap. 581 Autres références rabbiniques Sefer Maharil, Hilkhot yamim noraïm modifier Les jours redoutables ( hébreu:  ימים נוראים yamim noraïm) désignent dans le judaïsme une période mal définie, considérée comme particulièrement propice au repentir, alors même que lhumanité est en instance de jugement devant Dieu. Apparue au XIV e  siècle, la notion désigne tantôt une saison pénitentielle sétalant du mois d eloul à Yom Kippour voire à Hochana Rabba (le dernier jour de la fête de Souccot) tantôt les seules fêtes solennelles de Roch Hachana et Yom Kippour ou les dix jours entre ces deux fêtes. Les yamim noraïm dans les sources juives [ modifier, modifier le code] Le terme yamim noraïm apparaît pour la première fois dans le Sefer Minhaggim du Maharil et y désigne la période des selihot ( poèmes liturgiques implorant le pardon divin) qui débute le dernier dimanche du mois d eloul, cest-à-dire le dimanche précédant Roch Hachana [ 1. La notion de noraout (« redoutabilité ») est plus ancienne et rencontrée à maintes reprises dans la Bible hébraïque pour décrire la crainte respectueuse inspirée par la majesté divine [ 2. Le terme napparaît pas dans la littérature séfarade médiévale et le Choulhan Aroukh ne parle que des « jours des supplications » ( yemei tahanounim) qui couvrent une période allant du mois d eloul à Yom Kippour [ 3. Cest également la coutume des Juifs dorient [ 4] les rabbins yéménites délivrent même des sermons sur le repentir lors du chabbat précédant la néoménie du mois d eloul [ 4] alors que leurs homologues ashkénazes ne le font quà loccasion du chabbat précédant Yom Kippour. Diverses opinions continuent donc à se rencontrer dans la littérature ultérieure, parfois au sein dun même ouvrage. En effet, Shneour Zalman de Liadi utilise tantôt le terme pour la période allant des selihot à Yom Kippour [ 5] à l'instar du Magen Avraham   (en. 6. tantôt pour désigner les dix jours de pénitence entre Roch Hachana et Yom Kippour [ 7. L Aroukh Hachoulhan ne définit par [Quoi. ce terme que les fêtes de Roch Hachana et Yom Kippour [ 8] de même qu Ovadia Yossef dans le Yabia Omer. Le Rem"a signale par ailleurs les nombreuses coutumes qui rapprochent le dernier jour de Souccot, Hochanna Rabba, de la veille de Yom Kippour [ 9] reprenant une tradition kabbalistique qui voit en Hochana Rabba le jour de la finalisation du jugement. Observances des yamim noraïm [ modifier, modifier le code] Lecture des selihot au pied du Mur occidental, la veille de Yom Kippour 2010 Les jours redoutables ont, de tout temps, été les temps de plus grande affluence annuelle des Juifs à la synagogue [ 10] et il est interdit en ces jours de se dérober à la participation aux prières publiques lorsquon sait que la congrégation atteint péniblement le quorum de dix hommes [ 11. La période, quelle quen soit la durée, doit privilégier le repentir. La tsedaqa (dons monétaires, de préférence anonymes, aux pauvres) et la prière (au sens où le judaïsme lentend, cest-à-dire plus axée sur lintrospection que sur limploration [ 12] sont également encouragées [ 13] car elles annulent selon la tradition tous les mauvais décrets. Ce processus dintrospection serait facilité par les sept sections de consolation, lues pendant les sept chabbatot séparant le 9 av de Roch Hachana car elles évoquent la vulnérabilité de lêtre devant le changement [ 14. Avant les fêtes [ modifier, modifier le code] Les ashkénazes commencent à sonner du chofar après l office du matin à partir du mois d eloul jusquà la veille de Roch Hachana afin de marquer une différence entre sonneries facultatives et obligatoires. Il est aussi de coutume de lire le psaume 27 après les offices du matin et du soir, de la néoménie d eloul jusquà Hochanna Rabba [ 15. Les séfarades (et les orientaux) ne font rien de tout cela (apparemment pour des raisons de censure de la part des autorités musulmanes [ 4] mais commencent à lire des selihot à laube (alors que les ashkénazes ne le font quà partir du dimanche précédant Roch Hachana [ 16. Dans les communautés séfarades et orientales, un chamach (bedeau) passait réveiller tous les membres de la congrégation, les appelant par leur nom (y compris les nourrissons qui ne lavaient pas encore reçu. La participation était obligatoire et les enfants avaient pour rôle de réveiller les récalcitrants, de la manière forte si besoin était [ 4. Tous formulent des bons vœux (« puissiez-vous être écrit et consigné dans le livre de bonne vie ») dans leur correspondance, dès le mois d eloul [ 15. Certains ont coutume, avant les fêtes des yamim noraïm, de se mortifier par des jeûnes volontaires [ 17. Il est également devenu traditionnel, depuis linstauration de cette pratique par les kabbalistes de la terre dIsraël [ 4] de se rendre sur les tombes des Justes pour demander à Dieu de prendre en compte les mérites de ces illustres morts lorsque viendra le moment de juger les vivants (en veillant à ne pas adresser les prières aux morts eux-mêmes mais des formules de consolation sont autorisées. 18. Les fêtes des jours redoutables [ modifier, modifier le code] Les fêtes des yamim noraïm ( Roch Hachana, Yom Kippour et Hochana Rabba) sont, pour les ashkénazes, marquées par le blanc car en ces jours, les hommes atteignent ou doivent à tout le moins viser un niveau de pureté angélique: rideau de larche, manteau des rouleaux de la Torah, estrade de lecture, napperons des pupitres, officiant et chefs de famille sont revêtus de blanc [ 19. Lofficiant et le sonneur de chofar ont par ailleurs lhabitude de sisoler avant Roch Hachana, se gardant de toute impureté et se plongeant dans une littérature appropriée (lois des jours ou du chofar, poèmes, éthique, morale, etc. 20. Roch Hachana [ modifier, modifier le code] Le « jour de la sonnerie » ou « du souvenir de la sonnerie » est devenu dans la littérature rabbinique le jour de jugement de lhumanité au cours de laquelle celle-ci passe comme un troupeau devant son créateur, trônant devant trois livres, celui de la vie, celui de la mort et celui des cas non-décidés [ 21. La liturgie est marquée par la sonnerie du chofar (sauf le chabbat) les pièces liturgiques emplies de crainte comme l Ounetanè Toqef ou de supplication comme l Avinou Malkenou (à l'exception du chabbat. Laprès-midi du premier jour (ou du second si le premier a lieu à chabbat) les fidèles se hâtent près dun point deau pour y jeter leurs fautes au plus profond des mers, là où, selon les paroles de Michée [ 22] elles ne remonteront plus jamais [ 23. Yom Kippour [ modifier, modifier le code] Le « jour des propitiations » est celui où Dieu entérine la décision qu'il a, selon la tradition rabbinique, écrite à Roch Hachana [ 21. Les dix jours compris entre Roch Hachana et Yom Kippour et incluant ceux-ci sont, selon la tradition rabbinique, les jours où, selon les mots dIsaïe, Dieu se laisse trouver (par les pénitents. 24. Ils représentent donc pour les cas non-décidés évoqués plus haut la plus grande chance de faire revenir Dieu sur une décision néfaste les concernant. Les jours précédant Yom Kippour donnent lieu, dans les milieux orthodoxes, à la cérémonie des kapparot   (en) au cours de laquelle un animal (le plus souvent un coq) est offert en victime expiatoire de substitution [ 25. Yom Kippour donne donc lieu à une ferveur intense, se manifestant par forces confessions et supplications ainsi que par des pièces liturgiques plus expressives encore quà Roch Hachana. Hochana Rabba [ modifier, modifier le code] En ce dernier jour de Souccot, où la joie lemporte franchement sur la solennité, le monde est, selon la tradition rabbinique, jugé sur leau et, comme tout ce qui concerne la vie humaine en dépend [ 26] une tradition kabbaliste y voit le jour de la « fin de jugement du monde [ 27]  » lultime chance de se repentir. La soukka elle-même inspire des réflexions profondes sur la précarité de lexistence qui tempèrent les éventuels débordements lors de la joyeuse fête de Souccot. Cest pourquoi, bien quon lise à Hochana Rabba le Hallel, contrairement à Roch Hachana, laustérité demeure dans la liturgie de ce jour, précédé par une veillée détude à consonance fortement pénitentielle. Chez les ashkénazes, diverses coutumes ont pour but de mettre en exergue la pureté, dont le bain rituel pris la veille de la fête; la synagogue est encore vêtue de blanc, ainsi que lofficiant [ 9. Les yamim noraïm de nos jours [ modifier, modifier le code] En Israël [ modifier, modifier le code] Lacceptation la plus fréquente des yamim noraïm étant celle des dix jours de pénitence, comme dans lanthologie intitulée Yamim Noraïm de lécrivain Sha"y Agnon, le ministère israélien de léducation a décidé de les définir ainsi pour présenter les cent concepts fondamentaux de léducation israélienne [ 28. La réalité israélienne, notamment sa constitution dune armée en service permanent, y compris les jours de fête a soulevé de nouvelles questions et réponses dans le domaine de la Loi juive [ 29] Aux États-Unis [ modifier, modifier le code] Les jours redoutables ont également été identifiés aux dix jours de pénitence par Ronald Reagan lorsquil a acté lexistence des « Jewish High Holy Days » dans les années 1980 [ 30. Ceux-ci continuent à constituer un pic dans la fréquentation annuelle des lieux de prière au point dexcéder souvent leur capacité. Un usage assez impopulaire sest développé de faire payer les places à lavance, ce qui représenterait une certaine source de revenus mais il serait question de renoncer à cette pratique [ 31. 32. Notes et références [ modifier, modifier le code] ↑ Sefer Maharil, Hilkhot yamim hanoraïm, éd. Sevonto 1556, p. 35 ↑ Juges 13:6, Psaumes 47:3 etc. ↑ Choulhan Aroukh Orah Hayim 581:1 ↑ a b c d et e (he) Pr. Y. J. Rivlin, «  Les jours redoutables dans les communautés orientales  », sur Daat ↑ Choulhan Aroukh HaRav O. H. 88 ↑ Magen Avraham 88:2 ↑ C. A. HaRav O. 6 ↑ Aroukh Hachoulhan O. 581:4 ↑ a et b C. O. 664:1 ↑ Cf. T. Roch Hachana 4:8, 59c; Tzemah Tzedek Orah Hayim, n20 ↑ C. HaRav, O. 55 ↑ cf. E. Gugenheim, Le judaïsme dans la vie quotidienne, éd. Albin Michel, coll. Présences du judaïsme, p. 30 ↑ R' Shlomo Ganzfried, Kitsour Choulhan Aroukh   (en) 128:1 ↑ «  The High Holidays  », sur My Jewish Learning (consulté le 27 septembre 2010) ↑ a et b K. C. 128:2 ↑ K. 128:5 & Yossef Da'at ad loc. ↑ ibid. 128:12 ↑ ibid. 128:13 ↑ E. Gugenheim, loc. cit., p. 98 ↑ K. 128:11 ↑ a et b T. B. Roch Hachana 16a-b ↑ Michée 7:18-20 ↑ K. 129:21 ↑ T. Roch Hachana 18a ↑ K. 131:1 ↑ Tour Orah Hayim 664:1 ↑ Zohar, Tzav 31b ↑ (he) doc] «  Cent concepts de base de lhéritage, du sionisme et de la démocratie  », sur Misrad Hahinoukh, hatarbout vehasport (Ministère de léducation, de la culture et du sport) également disponible sur (he) «  Jours redoutables - explication du concept  », sur Daat ↑ Cf. (he) «  Les jours redoutables à l'armée selon la Torah orale  », sur Daat ↑ Cf. «  Reagan on Observance of the Jewish High Holy Days  » & «  Reagan Acknowledges Jewish High Holy Days  », sur Jewish Virtual Library ↑ Sue Fishkoff, «  Praying without Paying' is becoming a more popular option among shuls  », sur JTA, 20 août 2007 ↑ Gabrielle Dunn, «  Jewish high holidays come at a high cost  », sur The Boston Globe, 21 septembre 2008 Annexes [ modifier, modifier le code] Liens internes [ modifier, modifier le code] Célébrations dans le judaïsme Liens externes [ modifier, modifier le code] en) Tamara Cohen, «  Five suggestions to focus your spiritual preparations for the High Holidays  », sur My Jewish Learning Bibliographie [ modifier, modifier le code] Kitsour Choulhan Aroukh, abrégé du Choulhane 'Aroukh, accompagné de Yossef Da'at, vol. II, pp. 615-659, éd. Colbo, Paris, 1996/2009 Grandes Fêtes in S. -A. Goldberg (éd. Dictionnaire encyclopédique du judaïsme, éd. Cerf/Robert Laffont, Paris 1996. ISBN   978-2221080993) pp. 367-368.

Stem ming Example sentences with "Yamim Noraïm" translation memory add example No translation memories found. Consider more lenient search: click button to let Glosbe search more freely. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Yamim Noraïm" in 0 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned. Prayer Service Resources Yamim Noraim Seli h ot Piyut Mi She-Anah rewritten to include women's stories.  Written by Lisa Exler and Julia Andelman. Order of service for Selihot. Originally written for Cambridge Minyan. Recordings of Ebn Leader and Elie Kaunfer leading Seli h ot services at Kehilat Hadar. Rosh HaShanah Candle lighting for Yom Tov. Kiddush for Rosh HaShanah evening and morning. Rosh HaShanah Guide. Handout and explanation of the Rosh HaShanah service written by Ethan Tucker. Designed to make the services more accessible to beginners. Order of service for Rosh HaShanah, with page numbers for Silverman  ma h zor. Supplement for the Silverman  mahzor, including Psalm 130,  B'rikh Sh'meih  etc. Honor cards for Rosh HaShanah.  Use these to give out honors to the congregation, such as aliyot or opening the ark. Haftarah blessings for Rosh HaShanah morning.  Click  here  if Rosh HaShanah falls on shabbat. Piyut VeYe'etayu arranged for easier singing. Instructions for the Shofar service, from Kehilat Hadar. Birkat Kohanim explanation and handout. Havdallah for Yom Tov.  Click here if Rosh HaShanah falls on shabbat. Tashlikh Handout and explanations for Tashlikh. Traditional Tashlikh liturgy. Yom Kippur Yom Kippur Guide.  Handout and explanation of the Yom Kippur service written by Ethan Tucker. Designed to make the services more accessible to beginners. Order of service for Yom Kippur, with page numbers for Silverman  ma h zor  (only fully accurate when Yom Kippur falls on shabbat. Piyut Mi She-Anah rewritten to include women's stories.  Written by Lisa Exler and Julia Andelman. For Kol Nidrei. Honor cards for Yom Kippur.  Use these to give out honors to the congregation, such as aliyot or opening the ark. Haftarah blessings for Yom Kippur morning and afternoon.  Click  here  if Yom Kippur falls on shabbat. Readings to be distributed for the Martyrology service  during Yom Kippur  musaf. At Kehilat Hadar in 2006, the first was read aloud and the rest were read silently. Yom Kippur youth service outline. Written by Rachel Petroff Kessler. Havdallah for Yom Tov.  Click  here  if Yom Kippur falls on shabbat. Kiddush Levanah, can be said the evening after Yom Kippur when the moon is visible. Learning Tefillah Want to learn more about our prayers—from both a meaning and experiential angle? Read and listen to thoughts on different sections of tefillah from R. Elie Kaunfer, Dena Weiss, and Joey Weisenberg.

39 Songs, 1 Hour 18 Minutes TITLE TIME Zochreini Nusach 0:37 Zochreini - Bobov 1:53 Zochreini - Zinger 0:44 Zochreini - Seret Viznitz 1:55 Zochreini - Modzitz 0:54 Zochreini - Belz 1:50 Veyaida Pitsburg 3:21 Veyaida - Viznitz, Breslev 1:10 Kevakoras - Yossele Rosenblatt 2:23 B'rosh Hashunah 2:47 I'teshivu 0:34 Udom Yesoidoi 1:07 Ein Kitzvu 3:07 Hayoim Haras - Ger 2:22 Vehoiyu Bayoim 1:59 Zamri - Belz 1:16 Moron D'bishmayu - Bobov 3:26 Rachmono 2:10 Adirei 1:31 Ledovid Hashem - Belz 2:02 Ve'al Kulom - Modzitz 1:18 Slach Nu 3:38 Heyei Im Pifiyois - Ger 1:32 Achas V'achas - Belz V'al Kilom - Yossele V'al Kilom - Karlin Adirei Hashem Melech Yaaleh - Bobov 4:17 Omnom - Viznitz Kadish - Satmar 2:01 Ki Hinei Kachoimer - Belz 0:43 Ki Hinei Kachoimer - Chevroin 3:40 Ki Uni Amechu - Ger 2:33 Anim Zemiros - Belz 2:07 Uvechein Tzadikim - Munkatch Lumir Machen a Beit - Barditchev 6:00 Hayoim T'amtzeinu - Modzitz 1:24 Hayoim T'amtzeini - Kvidinov 2:08 VI Nemt Men 1:20 Released: Aug 14, 2018 2018 Lchaim Music More By Yosef Moshe Kahana * New subscribers only. Plan automatically renews after trial.

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RIETS invites faculty, students, alumni and guests to experience the uniquely inspiring Yomim Noraim Tefillos in our Glueck Center Beis Medrash. Faculty and students of any Yeshiva University school (and their spouses and children) may register for Yomim Noraim seats free of charge. Alumni and guests may also reserve seats with a minimum donation to RIETS; please see details below. Please Note: Your support of our Yeshiva is critical to ensure that RIETS continues to provides a vibrant Torah atmosphere with our local Washington Heights community and beyond. We welcome your participation during the Yomim Noraim and throughout the year and encourage you to contribute generously to our institution. All donations to RIETS are tax deductible. Deadline for sign-up: Sept. 23 Rosh Hashana Click here  to register for Rosh Hashana seats. Please note, there is no charge for all current faculty, staff and students of all Yeshiva University schools (and their spouses/children.   Suggested donation for all alumni and guests is 25 per seat. Yom Kippur Click here  to register for Yom Kippur seats. Please note, there is no charge for all current faculty, staff and students of all Yeshiva University schools (and their spouses/children. Suggested donation for all alumni and guests: Students of non-YU Schools: 50 donation per seat Professionals: 100 donation per seat Deadline for sign-up: Sept. 30 Kesiva V'Chasima Tova For additional information or to ask questions, please contact.

Welcome To, You Can Listen To Music On Our Site ברוכים הבאים לאתר ג'ואיש מיוזיק אפ אם, אתם מוזמנים להאזין למוזיקה באתר שלנו Home Music Artist List New Releases All Albums Instrumental Acapella Albums Shabbos Albums Holiday Music Pesach Lag Bomer Shvuois Yamim Noraim Succot Chanukah Purim Cantorial Albums Yiddish Albums Kids Albums Womens Albums Singles Free Music Torah Shiurim Video Music Clips Concerts & Events AboutUs Contact Genres Acapella Cantorial Chanukah Free Music Instrumental Israeli Songs Jewish Music Kids Music Lag B'omer Mizrachi New Albums Pesach Purim Shabbos Shvuois Singles Succot Torah Shiurim Yamim Noraim - Selichot & Tefilah Yamim Noraim - Songs Yiddish × Enter Keyword To Search Tishrei In Barditchev – Rosh Hashona Kids Music, Yamim Noraim - Songs, Yiddish Avinu Malkeinu Singles, Yamim Noraim - Songs Zochreinu Lchaim VHakohanim Heilige Taig Free Music, Singles, Yamim Noraim - Songs Bizchutah DMaran Aneinu Adon Haselichot Yomim Noraim 5780 Jewish Music, Yamim Noraim - Songs Elul 5779 Jewish Music, New Albums, Yamim Noraim - Songs Rosh Hashanah 5780 – London Page 1 of 10 1 2 3 » Copyright. London England - All Rights Reserved.

Incitement Watch freedom. LShanah tovah tikatevu vtichatemu! May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year! May 5780 be better than 5779. Its time for the High Holidays/Yamim Noraim once again! Im a little late putting up the sechedule this year, but for any Jewish person who is unable to go to synagogue but still wants to observe by watching or participating in a service (and are able to use technology on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) there are streaming services available! Below Im linking to my former shuls schedule (Central Synagogue, an Ashkenazi Reform Synagogue) and my current shul (Park Avenue Synagogue, an Ashkenazi Conservative Synagogue. Central has their own machzor (linked next to each service) while PAS uses the Mahzor Lev Shalem. All times are in Eastern Standard Time, click here to convert to your local time. Central Synagogue (Ashkenazi Reform) Monday, 9/30/19 @ 11:45 AM: Rosh Hashanah Morning Worship ( mahzor) Tuesday, 10/1/19 @ 9:30 AM: Rosh Hashanah Worship Service ( mahzor) Tuesday, 10/8/19 @ 6 PM: Kol Nidrei Worship Service ( mahzor) Tuesday, 10/8/19 @ 8:30 PM: Kol Nidrei Worship Service ( mahzor) Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 9 AM: Yom Kippur Service ( mahzor) Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 11:30 AM: Yom Kippur Morning Worship ( mahzor) Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 2:30 AM: Yom Kippur Family Service ( mahzor) Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 4 PM: Yom Kippur Afternoon (Yizkor and Nilah Service. mahzor) Park Avenue Synagogue (Ashkenazi Conservative Egalitarian) Sunday, 9/31/19 @ 6 PM: Erev Rosh Hashana Minha/Maariv Monday, 10/1/19 @ 8:30 AM: Rosh Hashana Shacharit Monday, 10/1/19 @ 10 AM: Rosh Hashana Shofar & Sermon Monday, 10/1/19 @ 6 PM: Rosh Hashana Minha/Maariv Tuesday, 10/2/19 @ 8:45 AM: Rosh Hashana II Shacharit Tuesday, 10/2/19 @ 10 AM: Rosh Hashana II Shofar & Sermon Tuesday, 10/8/19 @ 6:10 PM: Erev Yom Kippur Minha Tuesday, 10/9/19 @ 6:30 PM: Kol Nidrei Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 8:45 AM: Yom Kippur Shacharit Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 10:45 AM: Yom Kippur Sermon Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 1:30 PM: Yom Kippur Yizkor Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 3:45 PM: Yom Kippur Minha Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 5:15 PM: Yom Kippur Neilah Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 7:06 PM: Yom Kippur Shofar Wednesday, 10/9/19 @ 7:15 PM: Yom Kippur Maariv If anyone elses synagogue streams its services, please reblog and include the details! A Yom Kippur companion for those interested! Has some essays and activities to help prep for and understand the Day of Atonement. 9 Tishrei 5779 Return again  Return again Return to the land of your soul Return again Return again Return to the land of your soul Return to who you are Return to what you are Return to where you are Born and  Reborn  Again Return to who you are Return to what you are Return to where you are Born and Reborn  Again I return  Again I return Again I return to The time of My soul הָאוֹמֵר, אֶחֱטָא וְאָשׁוּב, אֶחֱטָא וְאָשׁוּב, אֵין מַסְפִּיקִין בְּיָדוֹ לַעֲשׂוֹת תְּשׁוּבָה. אֶחֱטָא וְיוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְכַפֵּר, אֵין יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְכַפֵּר. עֲבֵרוֹת שֶׁבֵּין אָדָם לַמָּקוֹם, יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְכַפֵּר. עֲבֵרוֹת שֶׁבֵּין אָדָם לַחֲבֵרוֹ, אֵין יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְכַפֵּר, עַד שֶׁיְּרַצֶּה אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ. אֶת זוֹ דָּרַשׁ רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר בֶּן עֲזַרְיָה, מִכֹּל חַטֹּאתֵיכֶם לִפְנֵי יְיָ תִּטְהָרוּ ( ויקרא טז) עֲבֵרוֹת שֶׁבֵּין אָדָם לַמָּקוֹם, יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְכַפֵּר. אָמַר רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא, אַשְׁרֵיכֶם יִשְׂרָאֵל, לִפְנֵי מִי אַתֶּם מִטַּהֲרִין, וּמִי מְטַהֵר אֶתְכֶם, אֲבִיכֶם שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַיִם, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר ( יחזקאל לו) וְזָרַקְתִּי עֲלֵיכֶם מַיִם טְהוֹרִים וּטְהַרְתֶּם. וְאוֹמֵר ( ירמיה יז) מִקְוֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל יְיָ, מַה מִּקְוֶה מְטַהֵר אֶת הַטְּמֵאִים, אַף הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מְטַהֵר אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל: One who says: I shall sin and repent, sin and repent, they do not afford him the opportunity to repent. [If one says] I shall sin and Yom HaKippurim will atone for me, Yom HaKippurim does not effect atonement. For transgressions between man and God Yom HaKippurim effects atonement, but for transgressions between man and his fellow Yom HaKippurim does not effect atonement, until he has pacified his fellow. This was expounded by Rabbi Elazar b. Azariah: “From all your sins before the Lord you shall be clean” ( Leviticus 16:30) for transgressions between man and God Yom HaKippurim effects atonement, but for transgressions between man and his fellow Yom HaKippurim does not effect atonement, until he has pacified his fellow.  Rabbi Akiva said: Happy are you, Israel! Who is it before whom you become pure? And who is it that purifies you? Your Father who is in heaven, as it is said: “And I will sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean” ( Ezekiel 36:25.  And it further says: “O hope (mikveh) of Israel, O Lord” (Jeremiah 17:1–just as a mikveh purifies the unclean, so too does he Holy One, blessed be He, purify Israel. Mishnah Yoma 8:9 10 Tishrei 5779 Who am I? Am I a body? Soul? Mind? I am here And I answer the call Of Adonai anonymous said: what can i do for yamim noraim if i am not able to attend shul? Rosh Hashanah try to have a meal with family or friends, Yom Kippur fast, and the ten days between them (if you didnt beforehand) be extra nice and extra Jewish, and try to apologise to everyone you have hurt or offended. This includes giving to charity, learning Torah, and being extra careful generally. The day after the 2 days of Rosh Hashanah (assuming youre not in Israel) Wednesday 18 is also a dawn-to-dusk fast day, Tzom Gedaliyah. Try to bake a honey cake (or apple cake if you dont eat honey. Its nice to feel culturally connected to other Jews. Remember that Rosh Hashanah is judgment and Yom Kippur forgiveness. Followers, any more advice? I feel the loss of my grandmother the most at Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. I remember her always being there at shul with us, with the doily on her head. I dont remember if she was more focused on the melody like my mother (her daughter) is or more focused on the words like my father (her son-in-law) is. I remember that she always had a tin of La Vie Pastillines hard candy in her pocketbook that she would sneak me during Yom Kippur. I still remember their taste and texture when Im in shul attempting to deal with fasting.  Its been twenty years since she passed away, and although time has tempered the pain of loss, it hasnt lessened the immediacy of her memory. L'shanah tovah u'metukah! Teshuvah: To all Ive wronged (intentionally or unintentionally) I apologize, ask for forgiveness, and will strive to do and be better in the coming year. To all who have wronged me (intentionally or unintentionally) I forgive and will not hold on to my anger and irritation. May the new year be good and sweet! anonymous I know this is a week early, but what are you planning to do in Yom Kippur? Im spending with my community (one of the many Sephardi ones) in Montréal, Canada. I got my seats sorted out a month before Rosh Hashana. Both the dinner before as well as break the fast will be at my own home — unless someone invites me before that, then plans could change. If we are meant to "afflict ourselves. Vayikra 23:28) on Yom Kippur then why is it that "Israel had no holidays as joyous as … Yom Kippur. Mishna Ta'anit 4:8)  Im so confused?  Me weeks before Rosh Hashanah: youll definitely get all that cooking done beforehand and freeze it and make fresh soup the day of. Go you! Me this week: no problem, you got this, just set up your menu for Yom Tov and youre all set! Use evenings and mornings to start prepping! Me on Erev Shabbos: its cool, you dont need to cook anything for Shabbos, you can just snack. And its fine you havent even begun planning for Yom Tov, you have a tiny family. Leave all that cooking for Rosh Hashanah for Motzei Shabbos. In fact, lets not even go grocery shopping, you can do it later. Me right now, Motzei Shabbos: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU HAVE NO PLAN BESIDES SOUP My Yamim Noraim outfit a string of pearls my grandma gave me for my bat mitzvah,  External image External image and white lace pumps, unless the back piece turns out to be suede like I think it is, in which case I give up Show me yours please I need inspiration (bc I have one outfit for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur) to look at pretty outfits thank you During Yamim Noraim HaSatan: Here is a list with everything wrong Israel has done this year. G-d: My first Yom Kippur was a really interesting experience. I successfully fasted the whole time, but throughout the day I wasnt really sure that it was adding much to my repentance. Mostly I just ended up feeling achey and fuzzy, not necessarily opened up to greater vulnerability. What struck me, though, was that on the next day, when my glucose levels were back to normal, I really did feel this sense of having bowed all the way down before Hakadosh Baruch Hu to ask for forgiveness. The recovery felt like a rebirth, and a renewal of faith and vows to G-d. I was also simply struggling with the very basic idea of repenting for my own sins. Repentance has been drilled into me as such a Christian concept, that its hard to put it into a different context and frame of mind. Even though I had been working throughout Elul (albeit, sporadically) to come to terms with my own failings from the past year, I wasnt sure how much progress Id really made, spiritually. I tend to be someone who tries to make amends quickly and fully if something has happened between me and another person, particularly as Ive grown older. With that said, I know I still fail myself, others, and Hashem on a regular basis, in large and small ways, and so I hope that all that has been forgiven. What I found really moved me, though, was the whole idea and act of public, communal confession. We were all there, beating our chests, tapping our hearts open for one another, holding each other up, and each of us sharing in the blame for this long list of sins. We are truly responsible for one another, both in misdeeds and in healing. I found that, in particular, to be immensely powerful. I will be interested to see what next years Yom Kippur will feel like, since this is my first year for celebrating all these holidays and so there is always a sense of stepping into the unknown. For now, I will strive to keep the lessons I learned this Yom Kippur with me as I move forward. Play The gate between heaven and earth is always creaking open. The Book of Life and the Book of Death are open every day, and our name is written in one or the other of them at every moment, and then erased and written again the moment after that. We are constantly becoming, continuously redefining ourselves. This doesnt just happen on Rosh Hashanah. And every day of our life is fraught with meaning and dread, not just the Ten Days of Teshuvah. We always live at an unbearable nexus. Everything we do, every prayer we utter, every intention we form, every act of compassion we preform, always ripples out from the center of our being to the end of time. We always stand at the end of a long chain of consequences as well, and we are always struggling to control things that wont submit to our control, personal outcomes that were set in motion long ago. And there is always a trial going on, not just the heavenly court that convenes at Kol Nidre on the eve of Yom Kippur. We are called to judgement at every moment. Our response to every moment is a judgement on us, one that is continuously unfolding, and subject to continuous modification. And every moment is a rehearsal for our death. From the day we are born we are engaged in the process of dying, not only because the larger arc of our life is moving in that direction, but because we experience death moment by moment. We die to the world every time we breathe out, and every time we breathe in, every time our breath returns to us of its own accord, we are reborn, and the world rises up into being again. And our heart is always breaking, and the gate is always clanging shut. It is always the last minute. We are always desperate, not just at Neilah, the final moments of Yom Kippur. And the houses we live in never afford us real security. Their walls and roofs are never complete - they never really keep us from the world or from harm, and it is only when we realize this that we are truly home. And the task of finding an authentic source of security falls to us all the time, not just on Sukkot, when we leave our houses and go and sit in an imaginary house with the wind in our hair and the stars shining down on the top of our head. This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: The Days of Awe as a Journey of Transformation by Alan Lew Play Today I wore a kippah for the first time (we have choir kippot and my section pal handed me her spare one) and I survived and had a decent time having lunch with mostly strangers and I have Unetaneh Tokef on loop in my head which is…a bit ominous. שנה טובה ומתוקה! Play.

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With Rosh Hashanah approaching, we asked leading thinkers and educators to share with us their favorite books or seforim they rely on to help prepare for the holiness and awe of the day. Charlie Harary As told to Bayla Sheva Brenner What inspires me the most are different pieces from modern-day baalei machshavah that focus on the greatness of man. They emphasize that the Yamim Noraim is less of a time for us to feel terrible about ourselves and more of a time to recognize the inner greatness that is within us and how to tap into that—less fear and more awe. I read Nesivos Shalom by Rabbi Sholom Noach Berezovsky, the Slonimer Rebbe. I actually keep a quote from the sefer in my pocket throughout the holiday. It changes the way one views the three books that are opened at this time. Theres the Book of Life, into which the righteous are automatically entered; the Book of Death, into which the wicked are automatically entered and the book in which the beinonim (neither completely wicked nor completely righteous) are inscribed until theyre judged on Yom Kippur. If the ultimate goal is just to be a beinoni, thats not very motivating for me. The Nesivos Shalom speaks about how we can actually write ourselves into the book of our choice. It states: “If a person accepts upon himself that he wants to fulfill his mission here in this world and fix what needs to be fixed, then he is writing himself into the Book of Life. ” The purpose-driven life is the righteous life. Whether youre a big rabbi or an attorney, you could look at your life and say, “This year is going to be filled with more purpose. ” That awareness puts you in the good book. Charlie Harary, Esq., is a prolific motivational speaker, CEO of H3 & Co, a private equity company based in New York, and associate professor of management and entrepreneurship at Yeshiva Universitys Sy Syms School of Business. He is also a senior lecturer for the Orthodox Union, Aish HaTorah and NCSY. Bayla Sheva Brenner is senior writer in the OU Communications and Marketing Department. Allison Josephs My youngest is three-and-a-half. At this stage in my life, I dont have the mindspace or time to work on a Ramban with a chavruta. For young moms, chronically chasing after children and lacking sleep doesnt leave you much time [to learn. You often wonder, “Where am I holding spiritually? ” [One needs to remember that] this is a stage. You are doing what you need to be doing right now. My favorite approach is when an author takes a lot of different sources and shows how there is an overriding unexpected theme, one that you hadnt looked at before. A book that Ive wanted to get to for a while—written by one of my teachers—is Rabbi Ari Kahns Emanations: In-depth analysis of the Jewish holidays through the prism of rabbinic perspective (Jerusalem, 2002. He brings in Midrashic, aggadic and mystical sources with deep and beautiful ideas on the holidays. I also enjoy learning from, an innovative online Jewish learning site run by Rabbi David Fohrman. The segments are short; you can do them in less than an hour. He brings out revelations from the text, patterns that youve never noticed before. It provides a fresh perspective thats very meaningful. The nice thing about Rabbi Kahns sefer and the Aleph Beta classes is that they dont require huge time commitments, but are enough to fill yourself up with something to think about and share with others. Founder of Jew in the City, a popular Jewish outreach site, Allison Josephs was named one of NJOPs Top Ten Jewish Influencers in 2012 and has been quoted or written about in numerous publications and media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Daily Beast, Huffington Post and Yahoo News. Yitzchok Adlerstein If procrastination is a sin, then writing this piece is just going to increase my teshuvah debt by the time you read this. I cant decide what to learn! Heres my dilemma: I just dont respond well to much of contemporary musar. Thats not a good thing. Im jealous of those who can listen to presentations and walk away feeling genuinely inspired. My training, personality and history of encounters with giants of the previous generation all conspire against my reacting the same way. Unless a musar talk contains some creativity or genuine new insight, it leaves me flat. In self-defense, I will point to the introduction to Rav Kooks Ein Ayah, which openly makes the claim that people really involved in learning are often dismissive of musar aimed solely at pulling on the heartstrings. Their cerebral nature demands that it engage and exercise the brain as well. That leaves me with two choices. I can go to classics of the Rishonim (medieval commentators) because the profundity, precision and brevity with which they write inevitably turns reading any passage into a head trip, at least in part. That was the route I took last year, when I did a slow reading of “ Shaar Cheshbon HaNefesh ” in Chovos Halevavos, by Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Paquda. It has us take stock of ideas and arguments that we overlook too often in our relationship with Hashem. In a sense, that is the entire purpose of the Yamim Noraim, so it seemed like a good choice. Or I can turn to more recent works, at least those that insist on looking at primary sources on a deeper level. Rav Hutners Pachad Yitzchak works for me on any yom tov. Increasingly, Asufas Maarachos by Rav Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht, the founding rosh yeshivah of Yeshivat Kerem BYavneh, does the same. The sichos of Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, former rav of the Old City of Jerusalem, have done the trick in the past. In a very different style—but having great impact at the time—are sections of Rabbi Chaim Friedlanders Sifsei Chaim that parse the Yamim Noraim davening, line by line. Chances are, however, that I will succumb to the desire to feel something directly tugging at the heartstrings. If so, I will turn to the reliable sefer that marries heart to mind particularly successfully: Nesivos Shalom by the Slonimer Rebbe. Specifically I will look for topics in avodas Hashem from among the many offerings, and choose the ones I am most in need of shoring up. It could be a long Elul. Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is the director of interfaith affairs for the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He is also a contributing editor to Jewish Action, and a founding editor of. Rachel Cohen Shortly before Rosh Hashanah last year, a friend showed me a bound volume and proudly exclaimed, “My son wrote this book! ” He did what? He was only eighteen when he wrote it. A family friend had passed away, and he decided to memorialize the mans qualities. Never mind that he had never published anything before; he had an idea and took action. He typed it up, had it edited and printed. I was impressed, and wondered what was stopping me from acting on some of my ambitions. If a teenager could write a book, what else could I accomplish? During the Yamim Noraim, we focus intensely on defining our potential, but Ive always found it difficult to concretize that vision once the holidays are over. On a deeper level, these are lofty days when were in the spiritual world of thought—were even compared to angels as Neilah closes—and the challenge is moving from the abstract “world of thought” into the physical “world of action. ” So how do we execute this and what can we read for inspiration? Ive learned that theres a two-step process. First, when the fire of inspiration is under your feet, make a binding commitment that you might not make when youre overthinking it. For me, biographies of no-nonsense people who made superhuman commitments are inspiring at this time of year; my favorites are Holy Woman: The Road to Greatness of Rebbetzin Chaya Sara Kramer by Sara Yoheved Rigler (Brooklyn, 2006) who, among other things, cared for several disabled children left at her doorstep, no questions asked and A Tzaddik in Our Time: The Life of Rabbi Aryeh Levin by Simcha Raz (Nanuet, NY, 2008) who worked tirelessly on behalf of Jewish prisoners and patients, always with a pleasant demeanor. When Im feeling moved by the massive undertakings of great individuals, I sometimes take a step forward in an area where I previously hesitated. The purpose-driven life is the righteous life. Step two is acquiring the habits to follow through on our commitments—whether were aiming to improve our relationships or our character or to take on a new responsibility to contribute to our community. But where do we find the time? Various educators have taught me that we dont need to take time off from our daily busy routines to maximize our potential in the various spheres of our lives. Instead, we can aggregate small chunks of downtime over several weeks or months to produce big results. Although not your typical teshuvah -themed literature in preparation for the Yamim Noraim, a great book on this topic is The Slight Edge. The author, Jeff Olson, recommends “simple productive actions, repeated consistently over time, ” demonstrating how “the things you do every day. that dont look dramatic” can compound. As I am an organizationally deficient person, these concepts help me convert five free minutes on my commute or before bedtime (when I might otherwise waste time on my smartphone) into a valuable resource, by using the time to learn something or connect to a friend. P. S. For those with limited time for reading, Ive gained many practical tools for self-actualizing from evening teleconferences offered by Rabbi Adam Jacobs. Elul prep course) and Rabbi Aryeh Nivin. Rachel Cohen is a tax attorney at an international law firm based in New York. She speaks periodically for various Jewish organizations including as host of a lunchtime learning program for women in Manhattan as part of the Aish Centers Food for Thought network. Daniel Lapin It is all too easy during the awe-filled days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to become utterly overwhelmed with remorse. And this is surely how it should be. However, intense atonement and self-evaluation can evoke such profound embarrassment at ones weaknesses and failures that self-improvement can tip over into self-loathing. Then, what should be an uplifting and positive experience deteriorates into an almost unbearable ordeal. Many who have abandoned Judaism recall their High Holiday experiences with revulsion. Yet, there is more to this period. During the forty days from the seventeenth of Tammuz until the end of Av, Moshe Rabbeinu interceded with Hashem for the Jewish people in the wake of the tragedy of the Golden Calf. During the subsequent forty days, from the start of Elul until the tenth day of Tishrei, Moshe Rabbeinu wrote the second set of tablets which were finally presented to us on Yom Kippur. This makes it a little easier to understand he mishnah in the fourth chapter of Taanit describing what a joyful day Yom Kippur was and how young men and women contracted shidduchim that very day. The High Holiday liturgy includes heart-rending passages that can literally bring one to tears. The very lengthy worship services, much of them chanted to stirring and serious tunes, impose their own gravitas upon the heart of the God-fearing Jew. So, I choose my Elul/Tishrei reading to make sure I dont overlook the sheer incandescent joy of Judaism. I select books that remind me of how the arrival of the Torah utterly transformed all of human history, making it possible for civilization to displace barbarism. This year I am rereading George Elliots great novel Daniel Deronda in which she so exquisitely captures the spirit of the meforshim, calling them “the great Jewish transmitters. ” Along with that I will catch up on Niall Fergusons Civilization: The West and the Rest, which comes close (but not all the way) to identifying the role of the Torah in sculpting the relative success of what we call Western civilization. Finally, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaums Divrei Yoel on Sefer Shemot, the Book of Exodus, will help me wrap my head around the momentous events during those 120 days at Sinai 3, 327 years ago. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, president of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians, hosts the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Radio Show on San Franciscos KSFO. Together with his wife, Susan, he hosts the Ancient Jewish Wisdom television show on the TCT network. He is the author of three best sellers and is a popular guest speaker for synagogues in Israel and in the United States. Leah Kohn As a teacher, I spend a lot of time preparing for classes; its also my private preparation for the Yamim Noraim. I have to go through many books until I find what I feel will be suitable for my students. I look for fundamental ideas that show the yom tov in a new light. I usually go to Rav Samson Raphael Hirschs writings; Ohr Gedalyahu ( Light of Gedalyahu) by Rabbi Gedalya Schorr; Rav Chaim Friedlanders work Sifsei Chaim and Shem MiShmuel, by Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein, the second Sochatchover Rebbe. These sources give insights into the holiday on a deep level that is inspiring, as well as practical and relevant. And they help you approach the holiday from a fresh angle. Rav Hirsch, for example, speaks about the Jewish calendar, pointing out that there are two beginnings of the Jewish year. Tishrei marks the beginning of our natural reality [when the world came into existence] and Nisan marks the spiritual beginning, when the Jewish people came into being. A life that reflects Tishrei, the first beginning, is likened to one who concentrates only on physicality throughout his life. Hell have times of joy and pleasure (spring and summer) but when it comes to the end of his life, theres only winter—theres nothing left, only death; nothing eternal. The other Jewish year, Nisan, starts in the spring and ends in the spring. This reflects the individual whose life is focused primarily on spirituality. Although he may experience difficulties (fall and winter) in the end his world blossoms again, bringing renewed life. When you live a spiritual life, you are connecting to eternity. I look for textual sources that are profound and change your way of thinking, material that provides fresh, elevating insights. I seek seforim that offer a different outlook on the holiday—and on life. Rebbetzin Leah Kohn is the director of the Jewish Renaissance Center, an adult learning center for women in Manhattan. She also heads Kivun, a curriculum building and teacher training program working with Jewish studies teachers in Canada, Israel and the US. This article was featured in Jewish Action Fall 2014.

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  • Duration - 99 minutes
  • Writer - Yuji Naka, Naoto Ohshima
  • James Marsden, Ben Schwartz
  • genres - Action


Paramount: fans deserve what they want from a film like this. Disney: im sorry. What

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Free sonic the hedgehog games to play

No person would start playing a switch after their flight got cancelled I would be screaming at the lady in front 😬😬😬😬. Classic Sonic the Hedgehog remade in flash! Complete each stage just like the original Play the original Sonic the Hedgehog rom for the Sega Genesis. This is the FULL game! Take a trip back in time with the full version of the Sega Genesis game Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Dr. Robotnik is up to his old tricks again. Only the power of the Chaos Emeralds can stop him! Quality remake of Sonic the Hedgehog with 2 full acts of stages, cheat codes, and cool jumps! Sonic enters a crazy blue portal of some sort and ends up lost in Mario World! Sonic Xtreme features different game physics, mario characters, and other weird game elements! Play the rom Sonic and Knuckles for the Sega Genesis This rom is a hack of Streets of Rage 3 where you can play as Sonic! Can you make it through all 10 Crrrrrrrrrrrrazy levels? Sonic Xtreme 2 continues the line of great Sonic the Hedgehog Remakes Play as Sonic the Hedgehog but in a SNES game! This rom brings a whole new flavor to the Sonic series. The sequel to the widely popular Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Flash 2 is the greatest fighting game ever made Do you have enough awesomeness to defeat the True Guardian? The ultimate Final Fantasy Sonic experience! Plays almost like an interactive movie Finally Amy Rose gets her own Sonic game! You can choose between Amy Rose or Cream the rabbit. Episode 4 allows you to continue the story line with Sonic battling the Guardian Play as Sonic but in a 3D world. Explore the mysterious island as you collect rings and find secrets. This fun, creative sonic rom was made for the nintendo A fiery hot Sonic the Hedgehog rom featuring the original game but with a higher temperature Sonic X Freedom Planet is an awesome sonic the hedgehog rom hack where you play as Lilac.

Free full sonic the hedgehog games. Oh dear. Sonic the Hedgehog is the first game of the saga of SEGA's famous spiky hero released in 1991 for Mega Drive/Genesis – and the company's original standard-bearer thanks to being a well-rounded game in all sort of ways. This port isn't a simple replica run over an emulator. In fact the original code has been modified to offer substantial upgrades in the Android adaptation, like a panoramic resolution that doesn't stretch the image or fudge the aspect ratio. Plus it's got the option to unlock Tails and Knuckles in the first installment, something seen only in hacked versions of the Sonic & Knuckles combo, a cartridge that had an extra expansion slot to hook up the other 16-bit games from the saga. Beyond that, the game is practically identical to the original: you've got to trek through eight worlds made up of three levels each in your attempt to get back the jewels from the chaotic clutches of Dr. Eggman/Robotnik. Warning: you may well tear up a little explaining this premise decades later to a new generation of gamers coming at this classic for the first time. The game makes up part of the so-called SEGA Forever line, a series of games for mobile devices officially released by the company that are both identical in gameplay to the originals and offer the chance to customize the touch controls and even save your progress at any time. All are free-to-play, meaning you'll simply see a few ads in the start menu. Once you start playing there are no banners or anything of the sort to slow down your experience. Five classic SEGA games that we'd like to see on Android We've already talked all your ears off about the SEGA Forever initiative: a line of classics from yesterday and today from the Japanese company, that we can now find for free on Android. While there are already plenty of games available ( Sonic the Hedgehog, Dynamite Headdy, Shining Force, etc. the truth is that there are still so many games in the SEGA catalog that we think are are worth bring to Android. We know that the vast library of the company that brought us Sonic could provide us with enough games to create an enormous wish list of games. That's why we've narrowed down the selection to five games that need to appear on Android through the SEGA Forever initiative. Read more Now you can play Streets of Rage on Android for free The SEGA Forever collection continues to grow. This time, they've brought us one of the fundamental games from the Mega Drive/Genesis console - a primary exemplar of the beat 'em up genre. That's right. We're talking about  Streets of Rage. The game, originally released in 1991, can now be played without any limitation and for free on your Android device. And the APK is already available for download on Uptodown. The top 10 Android games of the month [June 2017] June has flown by and it's time for our recap of the best free Android games to have come out this month. Recall that many of these titles still haven't officially been released on Google Play, but we've already got them for you to download here on Uptodown with no geographical restrictions. Requirements Requires Android 4. 4 or higher. Technical information background Layer 1 License Free Category Platform Language English Downloads 394, 933 Package Name Date 12. 02. 20 Similar to Sonic the Hedgehog RobTop Games A platformer to play with just one button Imangi Studios Run for your life and pick up treasure as you go Nekki Parkour's most spectacular chases Memory Makers Amazing fangame based on the Nintendo hero Gameloft Don´t stop running and avoid the tigers Hardlight Sonic is back and running around Greenhill FDG Entertainment GmbH & A platformer starring a red ball.

This article is about the 2020 film. For the 1996 animated feature, see Sonic the Hedgehog (OVA. Sonic the Hedgehog Theatrical release poster Directed by Jeff Fowler Produced by Neal H. Moritz Toby Ascher Toru Nakahara Takeshi Ito Written by Pat Casey Josh Miller Based on Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega [1] Starring James Marsden Ben Schwartz Tika Sumpter Jim Carrey Music by Tom Holkenborg Cinematography Stephen F. Windon Edited by Stacey Schroeder Debra Neil-Fisher Production companies Sega Sammy Group [1] Original Film [1] Marza Animation Planet [1] Blur Studio [1] Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date January 25, 2020 ( Paramount Theatre) February 14, 2020 (United States) Running time 99 minutes [2] Country United States Japan Language English Budget 95 million [3] Sonic the Hedgehog [a] is a 2020 American adventure comedy film [4] based on the video game franchise published by Sega. The film is directed by Jeff Fowler (in his feature directorial debut) from a screenplay by Pat Casey and Josh Miller. It also stars James Marsden, Jim Carrey, and Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic the Hedgehog. In the film, Sonic teams up with a small-town sheriff named Tom as he attempts to escape Dr. Robotnik and the government. In 2013, Sony Pictures acquired the film rights to the franchise, and by 2014, had a movie adaptation in development. Fowler was hired to direct in 2016. After Sony put the project in turnaround, Paramount Pictures acquired it in 2017, and the majority of the cast had signed on by August 2018. Filming took place between July and October 2018 in Ladysmith and Parksville both on Vancouver Island, and in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is the first entry in a planned film series. [5] Sonic the Hedgehog was initially scheduled to be released in the United States on November 8, 2019, but was delayed to February 14, 2020 after an overwhelmingly negative reaction to the first trailer, which was released on April 30, 2019. Paramount delayed the film in order to redesign Sonic, whose original design drew the most criticism. The redesign was shown in a new trailer that was released worldwide on November 12, 2019. The second trailer was well-received for its tone and humor with Sonic's redesign receiving particular praise with many noting how similar it is to Sonic's main design in the games. Premise Sonic ( Ben Schwartz) a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog from another world, comes to Earth to escape malevolent forces that seek to harness his power of super-speed. After accidentally causing a massive power outage and hiding out in the town of Green Hills, Montana, Sonic is targeted by the government who then hire the tyrannical roboticist Dr. Robotnik ( Jim Carrey) to hunt him down. Meanwhile, ex- SFPD officer-turned-Green Hills sheriff Tom Wachowski ( James Marsden) meets Sonic and decides to help him evade capture, collect his rings and stop Robotnik from using Sonic's powers for world domination. [6] 7] Cast Ben Schwartz as the voice and the facial motion capture [8] 9] of Sonic: an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog from another dimension who can run at supersonic speeds and is not only on the run from Robotnik, but also the government. Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik: a scientist and inventor who is after Sonic and his super-speed powers for world domination. [10] James Marsden as Tom Wachowski: a former SFPD officer-turned-newly appointed sheriff of Green Hills who befriends Sonic and aids him in his quest to stop Robotnik. [11] Tika Sumpter as Maddie Wachowski: Tom's wife who helps him and Sonic evade Robotnik. [12] Lee Majdoub as Stone: a corrupt government agent who works closely with Robotnik. [13] Adam Pally as Billy Robb: a fellow police officer of Green Hills and Tom's friend. [14] Neal McDonough as Major Bennington [14] Frank C. Turner as Crazy Carl [15] Additionally, Natasha Rothwell, 16] Debs Howard, Elfina Luk, 17] Riff Raff, Shannon Chan-Kent and Garry Chalk have been cast in undisclosed roles. [18] 19] 20] Production Development Sony Pictures Entertainment acquired the rights to produce and distribute a film based on Sonic the Hedgehog in 2013. [21] On June 10, 2014, a live-action animated film was announced as a joint venture between Sony Pictures and Marza Animation Planet. [22] It would be produced by Neal H. Moritz by his Original Film banner alongside Takeshi Ito, Mie Onishi, and Toru Nakahara, and written by Evan Susser and Van Robichaux. [22] In February 2016, Sega CEO Hajime Satomi said the film was scheduled for 2018. [23] Blur Studio 's Tim Miller and Jeff Fowler were hired in 2016 to develop it; Fowler would make his feature directorial debut, and Miller and Fowler would executive produce. [24] Patrick Casey, Josh Miller, and Oren Uziel were writing the screenplay, while Casey and Miller wrote the story. [24] 25] On October 2, 2017, Paramount Pictures announced that they had acquired the rights after Sony's Columbia Pictures put the film into turnaround. Most of the production team remained unchanged. [26] In February 2018, it was announced that the movie would be released in November 2019. [27] 28] Casting On May 29, 2018, it was reported that Paul Rudd was in talks for a lead role as Tom, a cop who befriends Sonic and will likely team up to defeat Dr. Robotnik. but was later denied. [29] A day later, it was announced that James Marsden was cast in an undisclosed role, but later revealed to be Tom Wachowski. [11] In June 2018, Tika Sumpter was cast. Jim Carrey was cast to play the villain, Doctor Eggman, here renamed to his original Western name of Dr. Robotnik. [10] In August 2018, Ben Schwartz joined as the voice of Sonic. [30] A few days later, Adam Pally and Neal McDonough were cast. [31] Debs Howard and Elfina Luk joined the cast the following November. [17] Filming Principal photography took place from July 24, 2018 and ended in Vancouver, Ladysmith, and Vancouver Island on October 16, 2018. Post-production and additional photography took place in October in New York, where Carrey shot his scenes. [32] Visual effects and design Comparison of Sonic in both trailers; from top to bottom: original design from first trailer released in April and edited design from second trailer released in November. The visual effects are provided by Moving Picture Company (MPC) Marza Animation Planet, Blur Studio, Trixter and Digital Domain. [33] The production team created a realistic version of Sonic using computer animation, adding fur, new running sneakers (which turn out to be the Puma Speed 500's in Red) two separate eyes, 34] and a more humanlike physique. [35] They used Ted, the living teddy bear from the Ted films, as a reference to insert a CG character into a real-world setting. Executive producer Tim Miller said: It would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It's part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature. According to Miller, Sega was not "entirely happy" with the design of Sonic's eyes. [34] On May 2, 2019, in response to criticism of the design, Fowler announced on Twitter that Sonic would be redesigned. [36] The November release date was delayed to February 14, 2020 as a result. [37] Artist Tyson Hesse, who worked on previous Sonic the Hedgehog media, was brought on to lead the redesign. For the redesign, Sonic was given larger and differently colored eyes, new running sneakers (based on Women's Dare Mesh Sneakers made from Puma, which also resemble the original Sonic sneakers from the games) white gloves, and a less humanlike body in order to resemble the character's design in the video games. [38] It is estimated that the delay of the film and the redesign of Sonic put the film 5 million or less over its original budget of 90 million for a total of 95 million. [3] Music In February 2019, Tom Holkenborg, who previously worked with executive producer Tim Miller on Deadpool, signed on to compose the score. [39] It will be released alongside the movie on February 14, 2020. Riff Raff, who has a role in the film, will also appear on the soundtrack. [40] An original song titled "Speed Me Up" by Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla ign, Lil Yachty, and Sueco The Child will appear in the film's soundtrack; the single was publicly released on January 24 on Atlantic Records. [41] Marketing Sonic's initial design received heavy criticism from Sonic fans for his overly humanoid appearance and lack of similarities to his game appearance. Fowler confirmed on May 2, 2019 that his design would be changed, with the film also being delayed for three months. [36] Test footage was screened at the Comic Con Experience in Brazil on December 6, 2018. [42] A teaser poster was released on December 10, 2018, revealing the silhouette design of Sonic. [34] It received a mostly negative response from critics and fans, 43] and was compared unfavorably to another 2019 video game film adaptation, Detective Pikachu, which had added fur and skin textures to the Pokémon characters in a much more successful manner. [35] His humanoid appearance was described as evoking an uncanny valley -type of repulsive response by viewers. [44] Former members of Sonic Team, who created the original Sonic the Hedgehog games, also expressed surprise at the design. [45] A second poster was leaked online shortly after the release of the first. Fans complained of a lack of resemblance to the games and criticized the positioning of Sonic's legs, spawning an Internet meme in which users recreated the position. [46] 47] The film's official Twitter account posted an image of Sonic behind a sign reading: Can't a guy work out. 48] Images of the Sonic design were leaked in March 2019 to more fan criticism. Former Sonic Team president and Sonic co-creator Yuji Naka was "shocked" by the design and felt the ratio of Sonic's head and abdomen was imbalanced. [49] According to animator Max Schneider, Paramount expected that Sonic fans would object to the redesign but that general audiences would not care, as had been the case with their 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. He said Paramount felt the design gelled with the real-world setting and characters. [50] The first trailer premiered on April 4, 2019 at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, 51] and was released online on April 30. It experienced a highly negative reception, 52] 53] 54] with Gita Jackson of Kotaku calling it "horrific" and "a blight upon this weary earth. 52] Sonic's design was criticized, particularly for his overly humanoid appearance, 52] 54] while some writers found the use of Coolio 's " Gangsta's Paradise " out-of-place. [55] 56] Conversely, CNET ' s Sean Keane praised the humor and references to the games. [57] Within two days of its release, the trailer had been viewed more than 20   million times on YouTube, and had received hundreds of thousands of "dislike" ratings which drastically outnumbered the "like" ratings. [58] Paramount deleted the original trailer from its YouTube channel around the same time when the new trailer was released. A second trailer revealing the redesigned Sonic was released on November 12, 2019. [59] The trailer received far more positive responses, with many praising Sonic's new design. The tone and the humor also received positive reviews. [60] Naka said he felt the new design was "much more Sonic-like. 61] Schneider said the redesign took around 5 months and was achieved without stressful overtime. [50] The second trailer received the highest like-to-dislike ratio of any trailer on Google in the last three years. [62] As a promotional tie-in for the film's release, the movie version of Sonic was added as a playable character to the Sonic Dash and Sonic Forces mobile games. [63] Release Sonic the Hedgehog was originally scheduled to be released sometime in 2018 by Sony Pictures Releasing under its Columbia Pictures label, but in February 2018, shortly after taking over the rights, Paramount Pictures rescheduled it to November 15, 2019. [23] 64] The film was later moved a week earlier to November 8, 2019. [65] Following the announcement of the character's redesign in May 2019, director Jeff Fowler announced that the film would again be delayed for just one last time to February 14, 2020, to get "a little more time to make Sonic just right. 66] The redesign was later shown in a new trailer released worldwide on November 12, 2019. The film's world premiere took place at the Paramount Theatre in Los Angeles on January 25, 2020. [67] Box office In the United States and Canada, Sonic the Hedgehog will be released alongside Fantasy Island and The Photograph, and is projected to gross 41–47 million over in its four-day opening weekend. [62] Future Before the film's release, Jim Carrey said in an interview, I wouldn't mind going to do another Sonic the Hedgehog movie because it was so much fun, first of all, and a real challenge to try to convince people that I have a triple-digit IQ. There is so much room, you know, Robotnik has not reached his apotheosis. 68] Notes References ^ a b c d e "Sonic Billing" PDF. Paramount Pictures. Retrieved January 20, 2020. ^ Sonic the Hedgehog (PG. British Board of Film Classification. January 15, 2020. Retrieved January 15, 2020. ^ a b Sharf, Zack (November 18, 2019. Sonic' Redesign Cost Paramount Nowhere Near the 35 Million That's Been Rumored. IndieWire. Retrieved November 18, 2019. ^ Zemler, Emily (November 12, 2019. Watch Jim Carrey Hunt Sonic the Hedgehog in New Trailer. 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Archived from the original on November 12, 2019. Retrieved November 12, 2019. ^ Plunkett, Luke (November 12, 2019. New Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Trailer Shows His Redesigned Face. Retrieved November 12, 2019. ^ Yuji Naka Comments on New Sonic Redesign for the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (Updated. DualShockers. November 12, 2019. Retrieved November 14, 2019. ^ a b Anthony D'Alessandro (January 23, 2020. Sonic The Hedgehog' Could Jump As High As 47M In Opening Weekend – Box Office Update. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved January 23, 2020. ^ Couch, Aaron (February 21, 2018. Sonic the Hedgehog' Movie Sets 2019 Release Date. Archived from the original on February 21, 2018. Retrieved February 21, 2018. ^ DAlessandro, Anthony (August 29, 2018. Top Gun: Maverick' Flies To Summer 2020 With 'A Quiet Place' Sequel & More: Paramount Release Date Changes. Archived from the original on August 29, 2018. Retrieved August 29, 2018. ^ Auty, Dan (May 24, 2019. Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Delayed While Sonic Is Redesigned. Retrieved May 24, 2019. ^ Bishop, Rollin (January 26, 2020. The Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Mascot Is Very Good, Actually. Retrieved January 31, 2020. ^ by Ryan Craddock (January 27, 2020. The Sonic Movie's Not Even Out Yet, But Jim Carrey Is Up For Doing A Sequel. Nintendo Life. Retrieved January 27, 2020. External links Official website Sonic the Hedgehog on IMDb Sonic the Hedgehog at Metacritic Sonic the Hedgehog at Rotten Tomatoes Sonic the Hedgehog at Box Office Mojo Sonic The Hedgehog Movie on Facebook.

This site is not operated by the maker of Sonic The Hedgehog. 20:11 What about the Winter Olympics. Jim Carrey is a great actor but he is not a Good man. Anyone who bats for crooked Hilary is not a good man. “Or dont follow him, depending on how the camera feels.” That line is so true its not even funny. Movies, ‘Sonic the Hedgehog Review: A Sega Adaptation Hedges Its Bets Improvements to Sonics appearance havent done much for a generic script. Credit. Paramount Feb. 13, 2020, 1:00 a. m. ET Sonic the Hedgehog Directed by Jeff Fowler Action, Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi PG 1h 39m Maybe its never too late to tweak a movie — or to try. In December, after “Cats” had opened, the beleaguered musical encountered fresh derision when word spread that Universal was shipping theaters a new version with improved effects. “Sonic the Hedgehog” didnt undergo tinkering beyond the 11th hour, but until now, this videogame-to-screen adaptation was best known for having its release delayed to address fans reactions to the trailer — specifically, to the way Sonic looked, which suggested that photorealism has its limits when the subject is a spiny blue mammal from space. Sonic now resembles a cartoon hedgehog instead of a spray-painted marmot. But if anything was done to de-genericize the script, it hasnt helped. Not that the Sega games — in which the fleet-footed hero zips around doing flips and collecting gold coins (which here encircle the Paramount mountain) — gave the director, Jeff Fowler, much to work with. Hiding out in a small Montana town, Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) leads a solitary existence, using his turbocharged tootsies to give a lift to a traumatized turtle and to play all the positions on a baseball field at once. He fondly spies on the sheriff (James Marsden) and his wife (Tika Sumpter) while they watch “Speed. ” Indeed, other than product placement, the movies primary goal seems to be delivering 1990s nostalgia. To that end, Jim Carrey gives his most spry, “Ace Ventura”-like performance in years as the know-it-all villain, Dr. Robotnik. Only his physical and verbal contortions (“I was spitting out formulas while you were spitting up formula”) make the film feel remotely animated. Sonic the Hedgehog Rated PG. Spiky hedgehog in divey bar. Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes.

Free sonic the hedgehog coloring pages. What you see is what you get! Just a guy that loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! — Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Adventure 2 [7] Sonic the Hedgehog ( ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Sonikku za Hejjihoggu? born 23 June [8] is Sega 's mascot and the eponymous protagonist of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is an anthropomorphic hedgehog born with the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, hence his name, and possesses lightning fast reflexes to match. As his species implies, Sonic can also roll up into a concussive ball, primarily to attack enemies. Ever since stepping into the battle against iniquity, Sonic has been the champion of peace and is renowned all over the world for saving it countless times. During his many adventures, Sonic has traveled from the ends of the world to the far reaches of space and time, facing countless trials that have tested him to the fullest, earning him many titles, allies and the scorns of several foes. Well-known for his legendary cocky attitude, easy-going demeanor and somewhat short temper, yet strong sense of justice, compassion, and love for freedom and adventure, Sonic uses his abilities to protect the innocent from his world and those beyond from the forces of evil, especially his arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman. Concept and creation Sonic's original appearance. While several people have been involved in the creation of Sonic, the artist Naoto Ohshima, programmer Yuji Naka and designer Hirokazu Yasuhara are generally credited with the creation of the character. In April 1990, Sega requested a game capable of selling more than 1, 000, 000 copies; a character who could compete against Nintendo's Super Mario, and a character to replace Alex Kidd as the company's mascot. Several character designs were submitted by its AM8 research and development department. These included an armadillo (who was later developed into Mighty the Armadillo) a dog, a Theodore Roosevelt look-alike in pajamas (who was later used as the basis of the design of the main antagonist Dr. Eggman) and a rabbit (who would use its extendable ears to collect objects, an idea that was later used for a separate Sega character named Ristar. 9] 10] Eventually, the mascot they selected was Naoto Ohshima 's submission, a spiky teal hedgehog codenamed "Mr. Needlemouse, later renamed Sonic. [11] Initial ideas for names for Sonic included "Raisupi" and "LS" truncation and plays on the word "light speed. 12] Sonic's color was based on the Sega logo, his shoe buckles based on Michael Jackson, his shoe color based on Santa Claus, and his personality was inspired by future-President Bill Clinton 's "get it done" attitude, whom Ōhshima felt embodied a modern sensibility of wanting to get things done right away, righting wrongs as they presented themselves instead of letting them linger. [9] 13] 14] 15] According to Yuji Naka, Sonic's color also serves to symbolize peace, trust, and coolness (which are the attributes of Sonic's character. His trademark speed is based on Super Mario Bros. World 1-1, with Sonic creator Yuji Naka stating in issue 260 of Nintendo Power that "I always tried to get through the level as fast as I could. which inspired the initial concept for Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic was created without the ability to swim because of a mistaken assumption by Yuji Naka that all hedgehogs could not do so. [16] A group of fifteen started working on Sonic the Hedgehog and renamed themselves Sonic Team. The game's soundtrack was composed by Masato Nakamura of the band Dreams Come True. Sega sponsored the group's "Wonder 3" tour, painting Sonic on the tour bus, distributing pamphlets advertising the game, and having footage of the game broadcast above stage prior to its release. [17] The original concepts gave Sonic fangs and put him in a band with a human girlfriend named Madonna. However, a team from Sega of America, led by Madeline Schroeder, 9] softened" the character up for an American audience by removing these elements. This sparked a heated issue with Sonic Team. Naka later admitted it was probably for the best. [9] Sonic's precise age, weight, height and other physical characteristics vary depending on the continuity in which he appears and the style in which he is drawn. In the video games, Sonic's original design by Naoto Ohshima was with short spikes, a round body, and no visible irises. Artwork featuring this design and drawn by Akira Watanabe was displayed on the package artwork for Sonic the Hedgehog  and most subsequent Sonic video games featured similar designs. [18] When Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Mega Drive appeared, Sonic's proportions changed. The original 1:2 head to height ratio changed to 1:2. 5. [18] Beginning with Sonic Adventure in 1998, Sonic was redesigned by Yuji Uekawa as a 15-year-old character, with longer legs and a less spherical body, longer and more drooping spikes, and emerald-green-colored eyes. Sonic was also purposefully made more of a “bad boy” for Sonic Adventure, so that his character did not become too cutesy like so many other character mascots (Yuji Naka stated that Hello Kitty already owned the market in cuteness. 12] Further changes to the character's design were made in subsequent games, namely in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Unleashed, adding visible fur, a more realistic design for a human world, and making him a bit lankier. Appearance Sonic, from Sonic Rush Adventure. Sonic is a slim anthropomorphic hedgehog with blue fur that covers most of his body and peach skin that covers his arms, muzzle and front torso. He had a round head and an equally round torso in his younger years, with black eyes. However, he developed green eyes as he became older. Sonic was also shorter and stubbier, but he has since grown significantly taller and thinner since then. He also has six long quills on the back of his head, two spines protruding from his back behind his shoulders, and a short tail. For attire, Sonic wears two light-weight, hyper friction resistant red sneakers with white cuffs around the ankles, gray soles, and white straps across the top, the last of which are held down by a golden buckle on each foot. He also wears a pair of white gloves with sock-like cuffs on his hands. Personality Sonic's profile in Sonic Jam. Sonic is said to be "like the wind. 19] a drifter that is always on the move and is noted for being free-spirited and adventurous. He values freedom above all else and strives to live his life according to his own rules rather than the standards of those around him or for the sake of heroism and duty, 20] 21] never thinking twice about what other people say or think. [19] Born to run, Sonic enjoys nothing more than traveling the world. Endowed with a strong passion for enjoying life, he is never in one place for long and always moves forward to look for his next challenge, making his life a never-ending series of adventures. Because of his need for freedom, Sonic loathes the idea of being constrained [22] and being cooped up for too long makes him twitchy and restless. Sonic's demeanor is always easygoing, cool, and carefree. [19] 20] However, he is often impatient, hates boredom, and at times possesses a short temper. [2] 23] Because of his impulsive nature, Sonic can be reckless and quick to act before thinking, throwing himself into trouble without a second thought and regards for others' warnings. [23] Nevertheless, he is honest and always keeps his promises. [2] Sonic's personality is a juxtaposition of kindness and ferocity. [23] He is extremely benevolent, driven by his own strong sense of justice and fair play [19] 24] and firmly stands for truth and freedom. [6] However, he is never the one to rest in the face of injustice or oppression. He hates lies and evil in all its forms, 6] 25] exploding with anger when witnessing anything unjust and will do all he can to snuff it out, throwing his life on the line without hesitation. [23] However, he usually sees his heroics as an opportunity to have fun, making him a thrill-seeker. To Sonic, saving the world is no big feat and just another thrilling episode in his life. [19] 26] When he finds himself in a pinch, he acts as though nothing can stop him. [19] In times of crisis, though, he is aggressive and focuses intensely on the task at hand as if his personality has undergone an astonishing change. [20] 2] At the same time, Sonic has a big and kind heart and is fully committed to helping out anyone in need at any time, even if it means getting himself into trouble or being despised by others. [26] Sonic's profile in Sonic Generations. Sonic has a lot of self-confidence and possesses an enormous ego to match it, making him sassy, quick-witted, cocky, and at times overconfident. No matter the threat or how dangerous, Sonic always remains cool under pressure. [19] In the original Japanese version, Sonic omits honorifics and speaks informally (if not rudely) using " ore " instead of " I " when addressing himself or others. ore " is a boastful way to say " I " in Japanese. However, he sometimes uses honorifics when addressing close friends or acquaintances. Possessing a narcissistic tongue and big attitude, he often jokes around to light the mood and will also take any opportunity to taunt his opponents. Being so smug, he has developed a habit of talking to mindless robots, even when he knows they cannot hear him. Despite this, he can be quite the gentleman when he wants to and be modest with fancy titles. Also, while Sonic generally assumes he can deal with things on his own, he also realizes he has friends to back him up in troubled situations and believes strongly in teamwork. Owing to his smugness and confidence, he often engages in playful banter with his enemies, such as his asking Infinite, as "optional" questions to glean into what the secret behind the latter's powers were, what the latter's favorite color was and whether he liked long romantic walks on the beach, as well as "asking" a Zavok replica if he would let Sonic join a party occurring on the Death Egg (referring to the commotion resulting from the Resistance's infiltration of the area. Sonic is likewise very competitive; while he takes no interest in challenges he know he can win easily, Sonic always welcome a good competition that has him squaring off against others on even ground. Sonic likewise never holds back when pitted against others in a test of skills and abilities, and is not above trash talking to his opponents. Following his free-spirited nature, Sonic never dwells on the past or allows his painful experiences to weight him down. Instead, he lives in the present and always looks forward to his next adventure, holding no regrets for what has transpired. It is only in the moments of greatest loss that his macho and carefree appearance falls away. Sonic is also of incredibly strong character and will: No matter the situation, he never doubts himself or gives up, never once submitting to the darkness in his heart. Sonic is extremely loyal to his friends and will risk his life for them without any due consideration. [2] 23] While he can leave them hanging, act rude towards them, or endanger them due to his fast-paced nature, Sonic never intends to make his friends unhappy and values them above all else, treating each of them as the most important person in his life. Equally, Sonic will always accept help from his friends and show great trust in them, though he is not above making mistrusting assumptions of them. [27] Regardless of the many foes he has faced, Sonic rarely considers them true enemies and instead tends to admire them for how powerful some of them are and how much fun they can give to him. [28] Likewise, he is shown to have a remarkable capacity to forgive, forgiving Silver and working with him after he had tried to kill him twice. Despite his outward demeanor, Sonic has shown to be much more insightful than he usually lets on, capable of seeing things others would have overlooked and give valuable and comforting advice that drastically changes the outlook of others, such as in the case of Elise, Merlina, and Blaze. This insight, combined with a charismatic personality, allows Sonic to get along with virtually anyone he meets, even if they were his enemies at one point. Sonic has a fondness of the beauty of nature and he stands as a protector of it. He appreciates scenic views as seen in Sonic Colors and showed anger and rage when he found out that Eggman was polluting Planet Wisp 's beautiful environment. In Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Sonic is also shown to have a fondness for locations that are filled with flowers, trees, and other kinds of plants. Ironically, despite his inability to swim, Sonic also loves going to the ocean. [29] Sonic as a disc jockey. Sonic has been shown to enjoy music, but seems to have a special interest in rock music. [30] Furthermore, it was displayed during the Sol Emerald incident that Sonic also enjoys break dancing, which is reflected in his Trick Actions. His battle moves seen during the Emerl incident are also based on break dancing as mentioned in the attack descriptions. He also break dances in numerous games, usually when he is victorious. He also tends to get irritated when his enemies often misidentify his species, namely by calling him a rat, making him correct them and state his actual species is a hedgehog. This was best demonstrated with his encounters with Erazor Djinn, and to a lesser extent with his encounter with Infinite at Mystic Jungle. Powers and abilities Despite not having undergone any known training, Sonic's years of battles have made him a skilled and powerful fighter. He has defeated giant robots, demons, and god-like beings on his own, gone up against and bested those with far more combat experience, and even beaten people who are his equal in abilities. It has also been noted that Sonic is steadily growing stronger; 31] 32] during the Time Eater incident, Sonic could beat the Egg Emperor / Perfect Chaos on his own where he previously required additional power. Sonic even told Infinite upon holding his own against the latter compared to the previous time they fought that he becomes more powerful every second. [33] It is safe to say that Sonic is far more powerful than he lets on, but his overconfidence and reluctance to go all out usually keeps him from fighting at full strength. His victories over Emerl at the Gizoid 's maximum potential and Perfect Chaos in his base form are prime examples of Sonic's true power. Regardless of his blocks, Sonic ranks amongst the most powerful characters in the series. Sonic running at supersonic speeds. Sonic's greatest strength is his super speed, an innate talent that members of the hedgehog species possess. [34] Sonic, however, has proven himself in a class of its own with his speed, having been credited as "the fastest thing alive" and even the fastest being in the universe. [35] He has the ability to instantly accelerate to the speed of sound and run at speeds far greater than Mach 1, 36] 37] which is at the blistering speed of about 768 mph, and can run backward just as well as he can forwards. [38] Due to such speed, he can scale vertical surfaces and ceilings, run over water, outspeed lasers, and even cause the ground to explode in his wake. Even then, Sonic can take his speed even further. By revving up in one place, he can take off at turbo speeds in an instant. He can also envelope himself in a blue energy field that lets him accelerate beyond the sound barrier on both the ground and in midair for a short time, 39] allowing him to not only smash straight through enemies and obstacles like a living projectile, but also fly immense distances through midair. Using certain techniques, he can even achieve light-speed momentarily. It is unknown what Sonic's unaided top speed is. In Sonic Battle, it is stated he can move several times the speed of sound and when facing Ultimate Emerl, he went at least ten rounds with him in less than thirty seconds. It has also often been stated that Sonic can move at supersonic speed [23] which ranges from 915-3, 840 mph) and he has once been called the "the world's fastest, hypersonic hedgehog" 40] which ranges from 3, 840-7, 680 mph. There are as well records stating that Sonic can move faster than the speed of light, although their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. [41] 42] However, E-123 Omega himself calculated that Sonic's speed could potentially exceed light speed and Sonic has boasted that light speed is "small time" to him. [43] Sonic easily avoiding an Egg Fighter at high speed. Sonic has demonstrated complete mastery of his speed in any environment and can use it for both high-speed offense and defense. [44] Not only can he run at maximum tilt in straight lines, but also in full tight circles and through sharp turns with full control over his momentum. As far as stamina goes, Sonic's is seemingly limitless as he is never winded from running. His speed also allows him to perform several impressive feats: he can heal himself by vibrating his body, launch shockwaves by spinning rapidly, leap in midair, launch stunning waves with fast kicks, increase the force of his blows by striking with increased momentum, 45] and create barriers of super speed. He can also spin in circles or rotate his extremities at super speed to create winds strong enough to attack or blow away opponents, similar to aerokinesis. Sonic easily dodging a flying car. Sonic possesses astounding kineticism, precision and has reaction time to match his speed. He has profound acrobatic skills and agility, along with enhanced reflexes that lets him avoid any incoming obstacles with precise and delicate movements. As seen in his first meeting with Silver, Sonic can even detect attacks beyond his field of vision due to his sharp reflexes. When launched into the air, he can also pull off several tricks before landing. He also has incredible jumping skills, capable of jumping up to several hundred meters even with extra weight. Sonic possesses enhanced strength, though he has been noted to lack overall raw power by comparison. [46] He can push and lift things several times bigger and heavier than himself, run with extra weight slowing down and his attacks can smash through metal and rock, and damage foes countless times his size. However, it is debatable whether the latter's power comes from his speed, strength, or a combination of both. Sonic's strength particularly lies in his legs; with a single kick, he can topple the Egg Golem, knock back several Egg Gunners at once and send Badniks flying. This does not mean that Sonic's arms are not strong either; he has enough strength to tear robots apart by hands and punch through a collapsed wall. [47] 48] Sonic has several times demonstrated extreme resilience to damage. He can survive getting caught in the crossfire from all angles by Eggman's robots (which only knocked him out cold briefly) withstand the force of a massive explosion and a Hyper-go-on -based black hole unscathed, being pummeled with swords, and smash through several robots with his fist without discomfort, and take a ruthless pummeling from the Time Eater. [49] Additionally, Sonic has more than once survived impacts from falls at extreme heights, bordering at the edge of space, only to shake it off when landing, and has even withstood atmospheric entry. Sonic possesses an unbreakable and incorruptible spirit; in situations where most others would give up and where he is severely outnumbered and outgunned, Sonic never loses faith in himself and never surrenders. This trait enables him to keep on fighting when utterly exhausted or after taking an abnormal amount of damage. His will even lets him withstand mind-controlling powers, like the corruptive influence of Dark Gaia and the Overmind 's psychic powers, though he did have some protection in the latter case. Even when possessed by the Ifrit, Sonic was arguably able to occasionally regain control. Sonic has also demonstrated the ability to harness chaos energy for his own use; with a Chaos Emerald, Sonic can perform Chaos Powers, such as Chaos Control, and occasionally gain a boost in power too. Sonic performing the Spin Attack. Sonic's core offensive maneuver is the Spin Attack, a technique where he curls into a concussive ball or cutting disk and directs himself at his targets. With it, Sonic can shred or burrow through just about any substance given enough speed and hit with enough force to pierce colossal boulders. [50] Highly adept in its usage, Sonic can utilize several variants of the Spin Attack for both ground- and aerial maneuvers, including the Spin Dash, Spin Jump, Homing Attack and the super-charged Focused Homing Attack. Even without his Spin Attack, Sonic is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. He mostly relies on his fast footwork since the majority of his power lies in his legs, though he has been known to use his fists and arms as well, albeit in a rather straightforward manner. His fighting style is mostly derived from breakdancing moves [51] 52] which utilize Sonic's legs to their fullest, allowing him wide-ranged and swift kicks. He has also been known to use flying forward kicks, split kicks, and scissor kicks. [53] What Sonic lacks in strength for combat, he makes up for it in speed which he use to deliver lightning fast strikes in a short time. [46] Sonic is also shown to excel in swordsmanship. Even as a rookie swordsman, Sonic could beat a dragon and after receiving formal training, he could best master swordsmen like the Knights of the Round Table. In addition to using advanced techniques, Sonic can apply his speed to his swordplay for quick and swift slashes, and become a buzzsaw by spinning with his sword, enabling him to slice clean through enemies. He has also learned the martial art of Linshao Kung Fu from Shuifon, though he is yet to be seen using it. Sonic has proven himself as a world-class Extreme Gear rider. He is said to move faster than he can run on an Extreme Gear [54] and can go head-to-head with legendary Wind Masters like Jet the Hawk. Sonic seemingly has a knack for Extreme Gear riding, quickly grasping the controls on his first try and later developing advanced techniques despite being self-taught. After the second World Grand Prix, Sonic can be considered the best Extreme Gear rider in the world, having beat Metal Sonic in a race, who at that point was an "unbeatable" rider with the skills of the world's finest Extreme Gear riders at his disposal. Sonic have extraordinary skill in operating vehicles. He has excellent skills when it comes to piloting planes like the Tornado, driving and racing at high speeds in cars like the Speed Star, and water bike surfing on vessels like the Wave Cyclone. He is also experienced in a variation of sports such as boarding and surfing (he is skilled enough to keep from bailing) and other recreational activities like grinding. Sonic also appears to be an excellent gunner, capable of using the Tornado and Tornado-1 's on-board weaponry with immense accuracy. Sonic accelerating a cart's speed. It appears that Sonic can control the strength and durability of his otherwise soft quills at will. [55] While he is in spinball form, they appear to be extremely hard like buzzsaw blades; as demonstrated during the Neo Metal Sonic incident, his quills (and body) are durable enough to slice through battleships without even moving at the speed of sound. In addition, Sonic's quills can sense nearby dangers, which they warn him about by creating a tingling sensation. [56] Sonic has also demonstrated the ability to transfer his speed throughout various parts of his body, allowing him to immediately set off from stationary positions and even channel it into objects to speed up their movements and make them pierce through solid objects as he does while running. [57] He can also create an effect reminiscent of a time halt, even though it is unknown what it is derived from. Equipment Though he does not prefer to use weapons (mainly dissing firearms [58. Sonic has wielded a number of tools during his adventures, albeit never permanently. During the Space Colony Ark incident, Sonic used Hi-Speed Shoes, which were specifically made for grinding. [2] Also, during the Emerl incident, he utilized deployable landmines in battle, and one time, he would wield his own version of the Piko Piko Hammer. On his trip through the world of the Arabian Nights, he also wore Shahra's Ring, allowing him to harness Shahra 's magic for himself. Similarly, in the world of Camelot, Sonic would wield swords; he initially wielded Clarent, but later exchanged it for Caliburn, a sentient sacred sword with magical properties. Transformations Super Sonic Super Sonic By using all seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic can enter a Super State, transforming him into Super Sonic. Easily his most frequent transformation, Super Sonic is Sonic's ultimate form. In this state, all of Sonic's abilities far surpass his normal ones. He is also able to fly and is nearly invulnerable. [59] However, this transformation consumes a lot of energy, meaning it cannot be maintained for long. Hyper Sonic Hyper Sonic By using the power of the seven Super Emeralds, Sonic can achieve an extended and more powerful form of Super Sonic called Hyper Sonic. This form basically shares the same traits as Super Sonic, except Hyper Sonic commands greater power and his Super State abilities are all upgraded. Hyper Mode A weaker variant of the super transformation. Sonic is capable of using this mode for a brief time on his own in Sonic the Fighters by drawing power from the Chaos Emeralds. In Hyper Mode, Sonic's speed and attack power greatly increase. Darkspine Sonic Darkspine Sonic By harnessing the World Rings of rage, hatred, and sadness, Sonic can become Darkspine Sonic, a form powered by his emotions over Shahra 's death. In this state, he can fly, has greater strength, unlimited usage of his Soul Gauge powers and pyrokinetic abilities. However, because of the intense emotions sealed inside the World Rings that Sonic uses to transform, he becomes slightly darker and more violent. Excalibur Sonic Excalibur Sonic By using the power of the four sacred swords, Sonic is able to transform into Excalibur Sonic. This form grants Sonic a strong golden armor with a red cape, the ability to fly, greater strength and the power to wield the legendary sacred sword Excalibur. Sonic the Werehog Sonic the Werehog After unwillingly absorbing the corruptive energies of Dark Gaia, Sonic gained the power to turn into a werewolf-like form named Sonic the Werehog at night time. In this state, Sonic loses his trademark speed, but he still retains his lightning reflexes and agility. He also gains super strength, sharp claws, extendable arms, and limited energy control. While Sonic's strong will prevents him from going bonkers like most others would, he does gain some minor feral behavior. He permanently lost this form before his battle with Dark Gaia when the energy from Dark Gaia that granted him his Werehog form was re-absorbed by Dark Gaia to complete its full awakening into Perfect Dark Gaia. Color Powers By harnessing different variants of Hyper-go-on from Wisps, Sonic can use specific Color Powers to transform into a certain form, such as a drill, a laser or even a fireball, each one possessing its own unique abilities. So far, Sonic has been able to transform into the Cyan Laser, Yellow Drill, Blue Cube, Green Hover, Pink Spikes, Purple Frenzy, Violet Void, Orange Rocket, Red Burst, Indigo Asteroid, Magenta Rhythm, Crimson Eagle, Ivory Lightning, Gray Quake and Black Bomb. However, these transformations require a steady supply of Hyper-go-on to be maintained. Weaknesses Sonic is incapable of swimming properly and sinks like a stone in water, which may be due to aquaphobia (Sonic thinks that if he falls into water, he will be trapped with no one to get him out. 16] though he does not demonstrate that fear very often. A notable exception is in Sonic Free Riders, where he is able to effortlessly swim underwater in the Dolphin Resort; in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games, Sonic is the only character to wear a life-preserver. In some games, he can bypass his weakness to water by running or sliding across its surface, leap out of the water with successive jumps, and survive extended periods of time underwater with Air Bubbles. It has been stated that if Sonic does not sleep for eight hours during the night, it will spoil his running. [60] In addition, he has trouble keeping his balance when coming to a sudden halt when running at high speed. Relationships Sonic with some of his closest friends. During his adventures, Sonic has encountered many people and throughout it all, he has received many friends and foes alike. Sonic is well-known with his brotherly relationship with Tails, his friendly rivalry with Knuckles and his fierce arch-rivalry with Shadow. Sonic's arch-enemy is Dr. Eggman, but Sonic has come across even greater enemies throughout his adventures and escapades. Dr. Eggman No, seriously, we beat this guy every time. It's like it's our job or something! — Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Generations Dr. Eggman is Sonic's eternal arch-enemy and nemesis, whom he has known longer than anyone else. Along with Tails, Eggman is one of the figures who has often shaped Sonic's destiny. [61] Because of Sonic's hatred of anything unjust, he holds a great mutual loathing for the doctor and his evil plans to take over the world and has spent years rescuing the victims of Eggman's conniving schemes. [62] Whenever Eggman hatches a plan to conquer the world, Sonic always shows up and thwarts him. Because they always fight each other to win, Eggman has become a longtime rival of Sonic's as well as an enemy. [63] Also, whenever Sonic's anger explodes over injustice, he always makes Eggman the receiving end of this aggression. [20] Sonic remaining casual even after defeating Eggman in his robot Despite his dislike of Eggman, Sonic has never really taken account of his adversary and does not consider him his enemy in the true sense of the word. [28] 64] Whenever dealing with Eggman, Sonic remains fully confident that he can spoil his plans and never really takes them seriously. In fact, Sonic finds entertainment in spoiling Eggman's plans, seeing as a way of making his life an adventure, and is so used to beating him that he considers it an everyday job. [28] 65] Sonic breaking Eggman 's victory laugh in Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Usually, Sonic is rather frank or taunting towards Eggman and will almost always seize the opportunity to tease him with jokes and sarcasm. Sometimes, Sonic even finds Eggman more bothersome and annoying than threatening: when he discovered Eggman was behind the Time Eater in Sonic Generations, Sonic just facepalmed and shrugged disapproving. Nevertheless, he remains vigilant about Eggman and his actions, like when he alone refused to believe that Eggman had turned over a new leaf in Sonic Colors. In the cases Sonic does deem Eggman a legitimate threat though, he becomes very serious about the doctor and targets him with fierce anger. When presented with a more terrible threat that endangers both of them and their goals, Sonic is willing to put aside his differences with Eggman and join forces with him to stop it. Even in such cases though, Sonic remains reluctant about it, feeling that teaming up with Eggman is like the end of the world and a dirty affair, 66] and will in some cases suspect the doctor has an ulterior motive (which is often proven true. Because of Dr. Eggman's complicated tendency to instantly switch between morals, Sonic has a hard time figuring him out. While Sonic has been know to make fun of Dr. Eggman by using his alias instead of his real name [67] which was possibly given by Sonic) he actually uses this name affectionately rather than trying to make fun of him. [68] In spite of Eggman's horrible deeds, Sonic is content with just stopping him and is never out to put him out of commission for good on purpose. Because of Eggman's tendency to survive their encounters and refusal to give up however, the doctor always returns with a new scheme, prompting Sonic to stop him again. As such, Sonic remains forever locked in a conflict with Eggman where it is nearly impossible for both individuals to defeat the other once and for all, making their battle a never ending one. Miles "Tails" Prower I've changed a lot since I've started hanging out with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. — Miles "Tails" Prower, Sonic Adventure. Sonic and Tails are best friends. Miles "Tails" Prower is Sonic's best friend and sidekick, as well as his most faithful and loyal friend. [69] Besides Eggman, Tails is one of the figures in Sonic's life who has often shaped his destiny. [61] Sonic first met Tails on West Side Island where he noticed Tails following him. Though he was not interested in Tails at first, Sonic grew impressed with his tenacity when he kept up with him and let him tag along. When Dr. Robotnik then attacked West Side Island, Sonic joined Tails when the fox followed him into the conflict. [70] In time, Tails proved himself a great ally to Sonic, and after defeating Robotnik, the two had built the foundation for the friendship that would define their future. Eventually, Sonic took Tails under his wing [71] as his sidekick and took upon himself to train him. In time, the fox would become his protégé. [72] Additionally, Sonic would stop bullies from teasing Tails for his twin-tails, which only improved Tails' admiration of him. [73] The brotherly relationship between Sonic and Tails. Since meeting each other, Sonic and Tails have been inseparable, their friendship having grown to the point where they have a brotherly relationship. In Sonic Advance 3, they are even noted to have an "Unbreakable Bond" and when Tails was once mind-controlled into fighting Sonic, Sonic never laid a finger on him in refusal to hurt his friend. Sonic himself sees Tails as a cute "adopted" kid brother and looks over him accordingly. [71] 73] 74] Nevertheless, he respects and trusts Tails immensely and treats him as his equal partner in their adventures. Whenever on an adventure, Sonic always asks him to come along and will accept his help at any time. That said, however, Sonic will at times ignore Tails when he gives advice or information, often when it is most useful, though he is big enough to admit he should have listened to him. Sonic cares very much for Tails' well-being. He will not hesitate to threaten those who endanger him and will always make his safety his top priority, regardless of the matters on hand, like when he sent Tails away against his will when the Nega-Wisp Armor attacked them. Similarly, after Wave the Swallow mocked Tails, Sonic was angered by her behavior and exasperatedly defended him. When Tails finds himself in doubt, Sonic is always there to give him moral support. Throughout their adventures, the two have proven themselves a perfect team who can handle nearly anything; both provide strengths to the other's weaknesses (Sonic handles the muscle while Tails handles the smarts) and neither of them would get far without the other's aid. Tails as in particular proven himself Sonic's most reliable ally, always providing him with invaluable help, knowledge, and machines. In turn, Sonic is impressed with Tails' work and considers his technical skills unparalleled, though this faith makes him leave all the tech work to him. [75] Sonic usually holds absolute faith in Tails' skills, although that faith has been known to waver. When Sonic planned for Dr. Eggman to do the tech work to save the world from the Deadly Six 's abuse of the Extractor, his own frustrations over having caused the mess made him doubt Tails' skills. This would strain their friendship over time. At the end though, Sonic apologized for doubting Tails, mending their brotherly bond. Amy Rose Amy Rose is one of Sonic's oldest and most loyal friends, 76] and his self-proclaimed girlfriend. [77] Since before meeting Sonic, Amy has looked up to him as her hero and been madly in love with him, and her greatest wish is to marry him. Sonic first met Amy during his adventures on Little Planet where he saved her from Metal Sonic and Dr. Robotnik 's captivity which made them fast friends. [78] Right from the start though, Sonic has not liked her like a girlfriend or reciprocate her advances. [76] 79] However, this attitude has done nothing to deter Amy. Sonic not being fond of Amy 's affection. Since their first meeting, Amy has chased Sonic down wherever he goes, with Sonic seemingly unable to escape her, 80] and has tried to win his heart by any means. Sonic, however, is rather annoyed by her affection and even disturbed by her over-the-top displays, which makes him treat Amy as little more than an annoyance and deem her weird. [81] 82] As such, Sonic considers Amy a near constant pain in his life. [83] Whenever Amy tries to show him affection, Sonic gets rather uncomfortable, exasperated or embarrassed and will try to avoid her when she goes overboard, usually by running away or by more rude means. Rejecting the idea of marrying Amy, Sonic would rather be locked up in a cell than marrying her (which is no small statement considering Sonic's loathing of being constrained) as seen in Sonic Adventure 2. Additionally, Sonic fears Amy's anger; he will become nervous or run away when he thinks he has provoked her, and Sonic often finds himself overwhelmed by her powerful personality. [84] Over the course of the series, Sonic running away from Amy has become a running gag. Sonic and Amy in Sonic Adventure. Regardless of how much dismay Amy has put Sonic through, she is considered one of his closest friends. [35] It is stated that in his heart he may not dislike her as much as it seems, 20] and that deep down he might actually have some feelings for her. [85] In Sonic Unleashed, Sonic was stumped that Amy did not recognize him as the Werehog, and when he shortly after saved her from some of Dark Gaia's Minions, he initially chose to run away than face her with his condition. Fortunately, learning that Sonic was inside the monster form, she claimed to him that he was still the Sonic she loves. [86] Additionally in Sonic Lost World, Sonic was crestfallen when he thought Amy and the others had died from the Extractor. When Amy does show maturity, Sonic's friendship with Amy becomes much more positive. An example of this is shown just before and during Dodon Pa's Grand Prix, where Amy very rarely obsesses over him, which in turn makes Sonic more comfortable about being around her, like when she invited him to a picnic, and he agreed. Overall, Sonic cares about as Amy a good friend and worthy comrade whom he can rely on, and he appreciates her efforts to help him when she is not flirting with him. Also, whenever Amy is in trouble, Sonic will always be there to help her out should the need arise, though he tends to overlook her when she is caught in the middle of his showdowns with the villains. Metal Sonic Sonic fighting Metal Sonic. Sonic. I was created for the sole purpose of destroying you. But I can never seem to defeat you. That is why I transform my own body with my own hands. — Metal Overlord, Sonic Heroes. Metal Sonic is Sonic's robotic alter ego, created by Dr. Eggman for the sole purpose of destroying him. He is one of Sonic's earliest foes [87] and his first true rival, being able to copy both his speed and power. Both of them share a violent rivalry/enemy relationship with each other. Sonic first encountered Metal Sonic on Little Planet where the robot kidnapped Amy Rose, forcing Sonic to defeat him to save Amy, inadvertently turning Metal Sonic from one viewing him as an enemy [88] into a bitter and deadly rival. On the other hand, Sonic has never considered Metal Sonic his enemy in the true sense of the word. [28] Since meeting each other, Sonic and Metal Sonic have almost always fought whenever they meet, never once having an instance where their objectives align. In Sonic's opinion, Metal Sonic is the worst creation Dr. Eggman has ever made due to how it always causes trouble for him, and he views Metal Sonic as a very serious threat. [89] Regardless, Sonic always remains confident that he can beat Metal Sonic and considers him a "lame robot copy" which can never match up to the original that is him. [90] Still, this does not keep him from enjoying testing his skills against him. [28] Over time, Sonic and Metal Sonic have had countless fights, with Sonic always managing to beat or tie with Metal Sonic in the end, though not without cutting it close on most occasions. However, these defeats have only increased Metal Sonic's hatred for Sonic and endowed him with an obsession to surpass and defeat him, promoting him to repeatedly challenge Sonic in vain. At one point, Metal Sonic's hatred and obsession for Sonic pushed him over the brink, making him usurp control of the Eggman Empire to build a robot kingdom with the goal of killing Sonic. He even adopted the warped belief that Sonic was his copy and that he was the real Sonic. While Sonic has managed to defeat Metal Sonic time and time again, he rarely condemns Metal Sonic for his villainous actions in the aftermath. Instead, he gets a satisfaction from the challenge Metal Sonic provided him with and will promise his robot double he will await their future rematches. Knuckles the Echidna Heh, just letting Knuckles pilot the shuttle on the way over here was more dangerous than you could ever be! — Sonic, Sonic Adventure 2 Knuckles the Echidna is one of Sonic's greatest rivals and best friends. [24] 80] They have known each other for a long time, but their relationship is somewhat complicated, the two of them having been summed up once as "best frenemies. 91] When Sonic first met Knuckles, they started off as enemies, with Knuckles trying to keep him from stopping the Death Egg 's re-launch after being deceived. However, when the echidna discovered that Dr. Robotnik had tricked him, the two of them joined forces to keep Robotnik and his robots from stealing the Master Emerald, and they departed on good terms, befriending each other. Sonic having a hard time around Knuckles. Sonic and Knuckles are much like oil and water. While Sonic exemplifies the wind and is laid-back, cool and free, Knuckles exemplifies the mountain and is stern, serious and unmovable, 92] which cause them to argue a lot. Because of their differences and viewpoints of life, they do not understand each other or always see eye to eye. [93] They share a competitive rivalry and often end up fighting when clashing, though their rivalry has become more friendly over time, being now more a play between the two. With Sonic's speed equaling Knuckles' strength in every way, their fights are always climactic. Knuckles sees himself as Sonic's rival, though it has been implied several times it is because he envies Sonic's free lifestyle and self-reliant nature. [74] Sonic meanwhile, always welcomes a challenge from Knuckles and enjoys teasing him for fun because of his serious nature, and will even try getting him angry so he can fight him. A majority of their confrontations have been caused by Dr. Eggman, who would trick Knuckles into thinking Sonic (and to a minor extent, Tails) is the enemy; though, as time passed, Knuckles has stopped falling for Dr. Eggman's lies and is generally more aware of his plans. Whenever Sonic discovers Eggman has tricked Knuckles, he always chides him by calling him "Knuckle-head. which Knuckles does not take too well, though they always make peace with each other at the end of the day. Sonic and Knuckles in Sonic Adventure. Despite their differences, Knuckles is Sonic's best friend next to Tails, having been described as such many times through the series, and being a vital part of Sonic's team. The two of them are connected by a hot-blooded friendship [94] and according to Tails, they are "funny" together. While Sonic does not hold back on Knuckles' shortcomings, they deeply acknowledge each other [94] and Sonic knows he can count on him to do what is needed to succeed. [93] Over time, their relationship has improved greatly, though Sonic is still somewhat reluctant to admit when Knuckles is right and he was wrong. [95] While Knuckles at times rebuts his help and claims he could do better, Sonic just rolls with it and is merely glad to help him. They are also great and loyal teammates, having worked together multiple times, being called "Fighting Buddies" in Sonic Advance 3, and when they do work together, they form an unstoppable team. For better or worse, Sonic will also be there to give Knuckles needed, if not harsh, consoling whenever he is in doubt. Additionally, in Sonic Lost World, Sonic was crestfallen when he thought Knuckles and the others had died from the Extractor. Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic with his arch-rival Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog is Sonic's arch-rival. They look almost identical (to the extent that many initially got them confused) and they can match each other in speed, agility and abilities, 96] 97] including Chaos Control. The two of them first met each other as enemies, with Sonic holding a grudge at Shadow for getting him into trouble with GUN, but they put aside their differences to team up and save the world from Gerald Robotnik 's doomsday plans. Since then, they have been both lethal adversaries and comrades. [98] In addition, immediately before their final fight, Sonic, when explaining how he survived Eggman's earlier death trap against him, credited Shadow for "saving him" referring to Shadow's frequent use of Chaos Control inspiring Sonic to do the same via a Fake Emerald) and also freely answered Shadow's question of who he was as "just a guy who loves adventure. 99] Shadow is the antithesis to all that Sonic stands for, 61] and ever since they first met they have fought, argued, and even had outright death matches, though Sonic is never out to take Shadow's life and does not consider him an enemy in the true sense of the word. [28] Their moral differences are as far apart as black and white, always causing the two of them to clash. Sonic has a joyful, free-spirited attitude that looks for fun adventures, while Shadow is a brooding loner with a merciless and excessively violent edge. [100] Sonic has few limitations on his goals and will do anything to help save the world, but Shadow will stop at nothing to get what he wants without any concern for who or what it affects. [100] Nevertheless, they do not care of each other's views and they always see their conflicting differences as yet another reason to fight each other. Both Sonic and Shadow shared a bitter arch-rivalry. When they first met, Sonic accused Shadow of copying him, with Shadow maintaining a mutual belief regarding Sonic. This feeling is still present in both of them because each thinks he is better than the other. Regardless, their rivalry has developed over time and is now more friendly, 101] yet still fiercely intense. Sonic fighting Shadow. Out of all his rivals, Shadow is the one whom Sonic struggles most with. As shown in all their clashes, they are each other's equal, 102] with both sides neither lacking in any category that separates them from skill in their respective prowess: while Sonic is becoming faster and more honed than Shadow, Shadow is becoming stronger and more destructive than Sonic, which has only increased the intensity of their rivalry. They have an unshakable need to showcase their growth and improvement for every encounter they have, and anything considered competitive is suitable for their arch-rivalry, though Sonic usually remains more casual about it than Shadow and enjoys testing his skills against him. [28] Despite their differences, Sonic and Shadow share a mutual respect for each other, 103] though this is rarely apparent because they always argue and fight. Sonic himself has acknowledged Shadow's capabilities, 104] even admitting that Shadow is only one who would have a chance against him in a race, 37] and after Shadow sacrificed himself to save the world in Sonic Adventure 2, he recognized him as a brave and heroic hedgehog. [105] Sonic also appears to hold faith in Shadow's sense of right and wrong to a certain extent as seen in some of the scenarios of Shadow the Hedgehog where he would show disbelief and confusion about Shadow siding with the Black Arms, 106] 107] even admitting in one scenario that he did not believe Shadow had it in him for his selfish acts. [108] Regardless of their disagreements, they are willing to put their differences aside for the greater good, and together they are an unbeatable team. Overall, there is always extreme tension between Sonic and Shadow, but they have matured over time, with Shadow having more faith in Sonic's capabilities and Sonic becoming more tolerant of Shadow's violent tendencies. [109] Rouge the Bat Sonic giving Rouge Shadow's gold ring to comfort her after his supposed death. Sonic and Rouge the Bat do not seem to have any dislike for each other, despite the latter having antagonized Sonic's friends, notably Knuckles, on various occasions. In fact they appear to be on good terms. They were initially enemies when they first met (though they did not interact until much later) mainly because Rouge was working with Shadow and Eggman, but they became allies towards the end in order to save earth. Also after Shadow's supposed death after defeating the Finalhazard, Sonic comforted Rouge by giving her Shadow's gold ring. Even when antagonized by Rouge herself, Sonic has yet to hold anything against her. Most noticeably, during the Emerl incident, Rouge challenged him to a battle; if she won, he would have to get her gems and work for her. Although Sonic managed to win, he did not hold any grudge against her as seen later on. Later, Sonic even let Emerl say hello to Rouge, which suggests Sonic somehow trusts her. However, even Sonic noted during the Wisp incident that she is a shady character, suggesting that he knows he has to be careful around Rouge due to her thieving nature. At his birthday party, Rouge was shown to be one of the attendees. Sonic likewise treated her like all of his other friends, which shows a friendly relationship between them. Additionally, Rouge would show up to motivate Sonic to defeat the Time Eater during the final battle. Although they do get along with each other quite well, they still have been on opposing sides on a few occasions, like during the Neo Metal Sonic incident when Team Sonic and Team Dark fought in Jungle, and during the Emerl incident when she kidnapped Emerl to train him to be a thief. He also told her that if she did something to Emerl, he would not let her off easily. Also, when Rouge was introduced to Emerl, she gave them an idea to help Emerl, but Sonic refused, calling her 'a thief. Whether this means their friendship has grown since then or that Sonic just does not trust her completely is yet to be seen. While there is technically no hostility between the two, Sonic, along with Tails and Knuckles, displayed some noticeable disgust towards Rouge's selfishness during the second World Grand Prix where she and Shadow held no empathy for their teammate E-10000B, and exerted him past his limits in order to get the cash prize. Cream the Rabbit Cream and Cheese with Sonic Cream the Rabbit is basically like a younger sister to Sonic. [110] Cream similarly looks up to Sonic like an older brother. [111] Cream also takes him as her savior and respects him a lot. She often calls him by the name of "Mr. Sonic" due to her education in manners. The two of them first encountered each other when Sonic saved Cream from Dr. Eggman, which led to a smooth relationship between the two. When they met, Sonic was surprised at how polite Cream was. In Sonic Rush, Cream marks Sonic as the first person to seek help from for Blaze. This shows the high caliber of respect Cream has for Sonic. She was also the one who made the ties between Blaze and Sonic closer. Blaze the Cat You need to be true to yourself. — Sonic, Sonic Rush Blaze the Cat is one of Sonic's friends and most valuable allies. [112] He first met Blaze in Sonic Rush where he initially suspected she was involved with Dr. Eggman Nega 's scheme. Once he learned Blaze was working on saving the world, albeit alone, Sonic insisted to help her only to be rejected. Sonic still followed Blaze, but his insistence to aid her only made Blaze fight him to make him leave. Even while battling however, Sonic tried to reason with Blaze, who berated him with the full fury of her emotions. Afterwards, Sonic came to understand Blaze's past and he told her to be true to herself. His advice helped Blaze realize that accepting help would benefit her, and they became friends. Sonic soon after established a firm belief in Blaze, which helped restore her confidence when the Sol Emeralds lost their power and led to her first transformation into Burning Blaze. After threat had passed and they returned home, they thanked each other and promised to meet again. Super Sonic and Burning Blaze shaking hands. Since then, Sonic and Blaze have steadily become better friends and allies. They have a developed a custom where they shake hands as they depart, signifying their growing friendship and respect, and the promise to meet once more. Sonic and Blaze are alike in many ways, having similar skills and duties, yet very different backstories and contrasting personalities: Sonic being inwardly free and adventurous, yet outwardly level-headed and cool, whereas Blaze is outwardly stoic and blunt, yet inwardly highly emotional. However, their differences does little to hurt their relationship and is later shown to mix very well as their friendship and mutual understanding grows. They are also shown to be great partners in combat, working in sync. Sonic and Blaze share a great deal of mutual respect and trust. Like Blaze respects Sonic and his skills, Sonic acknowledged Blaze's, especially since she is one of the few who has tied with him in combat. Even shortly after befriending her, Sonic entrusted her to save Cream, while Blaze trusted him to face Eggman Nega. Also, whenever Blaze's emotions get the better of her, Sonic will be there to remind her of what is important. Additionally, Sonic is responsible for many changes in Blaze's outlook on life; their time together has enabled Blaze to discover the meaning of friendship which ultimately let her use the Sol Emeralds, 113] and his advices helped Blaze to see her pyrokinetic powers as a gift rather than a curse. Silver the Hedgehog Sonic and Silver racing each other. Sonic and Silver the Hedgehog first met during the events of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006. The two were enemies at first because Silver had traveled though time and was intending to kill Sonic believing that he was responsible for destroying the world by releasing Iblis onto it and was bent on saving the future. But Silver befriended Sonic when he discovered, with Shadow's help, that Sonic was not the Iblis trigger and that Mephiles the Dark had lied to him. The two worked together to save Princess Elise and when Sonic was killed by Mephiles, Silver realized that they could save Sonic with the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Afterwards Silver teamed up with Sonic and Shadow to defeat Solaris. But since the events of the game were erased from history, Sonic and Silver never met. In their new meeting in Sonic Rivals, Silver had traveled to the past to bring Eggman Nega back to the future, but he seems to be more competitive to Sonic as they raced each other see who would get to Eggman Nega first but later they teamed up with each other at the end to defeat Eggman Nega and also in Sonic Rivals 2 to defeat the Ifrit. Silver seems to have a bit of a disliking towards Sonic mostly because he thinks that he is cheeky and foolish, much the same how Shadow thinks of Sonic at times. Sonic seems to dislike Silver as well, mainly because he found Silver and his haughty attitude annoying, and an example of this is seen in Sonic Rivals when he says, Yo Silver, you're starting to get on my nerves. But they will work together and lay aside their differences whenever the time is right. An example is in Sonic Colors after Silver challenges Sonic to a mission, he asks if he needs any help. By the events of Sonic Generations Sonic's relationship with Silver seems to have improved and is now a lot friendlier, and they seem to no longer hold any kind of dislike for each other. After Silver is convinced that Sonic is the real Sonic and not an imposter, Silver happily hands over his Chaos Emerald and, later, gladly accepts Sonic's challenges to a rematch, claiming that it should be fun. He also appeared at the Center of Time after Sonic was knocked out by the Time Eater, Silver says to Sonic: I know you can do this Sonic. They are even more friendlier in Sonic Forces, where they work together to reclaim the world from Eggman's reign. Dr. Eggman Nega Dr. Eggman Nega is another adversary of Sonic. When Sonic first met Eggman Nega, Sonic displayed an enmity towards him, as he was constantly chasing him for a while before managing to defeat him later. Princess Elise Sonic and Elise laughing together. Sonic and Princess Elise the Third had a very close relationship with each other, and they shared a strong bond. Mephiles was aware of this, and decided to take advantage of it, so he killed Sonic which caused Elise to cry, which freed Iblis. Elise later revived Sonic with the Chaos Emeralds, kissing him as he awakens as Super Sonic. Sonic was very grateful towards Elise, thanking her with a hug. After the defeat of Solaris, Sonic and Elise found Solaris in its frail, core form. She theorized that by putting out the flame now, Solaris would have never existed, which would make it so that she would never have met Sonic. Elise nearly broke down and declared that she did not care what happened to the world, but Sonic simply reminded her to smile, convincing her to be brave and blow out Solaris. This event instantly resulted in a time reboot. In the aftermath, Sonic watched the Festival of the Sun in the distance as Elise sensed something familiar about his presence. Marine the Raccoon Sonic and Marine running together Marine the Raccoon is a good friend of Sonic from Blaze's world, as they quickly befriended each other soon after meeting. When making herself captain, Marine declared Sonic one of her assistants despite Sonic never agreeing to it. Sonic was likewise genuinely annoyed by Marine's antics, her bossy behavior, and the way she insisted that he followed her orders. Though Marine would get jealous at Sonic for tackling their more dangerous enemies, she admires his skills and marked him as her "best pupil" and deputy captain. [114] Despite this, Sonic was willing to endure it, as he often noted how "hopeless" a case Marine was. When Marine learned that Sonic thought of her as a nuisance, she felt betrayed and called him stupid. They later made up though when Marine stopped bossing Sonic around. When Sonic later departed Marine's home with Tails, Marine earned his respect with a newfound sense of maturity and told him how he and Tails were the best friend ever. [115] Though she cried at Sonic's departure, she vowed to meet him and Tails again no matter the boundaries. Shahra Sonic and Shahra as they part ways. When Sonic first met Shahra, she asked for his help so that he could save her world from the Erazor Djinn. While Sonic agreed to help, he could only go into Shahra's world on one condition; he had to wear a ring and have her serve as his wish granter. Although Shahra was bound to treat Sonic as his master from then on and would refer to him "Master" on several occasions after that, Sonic would feel uncomfortable about this title and insist that she referred to him by his real name. Like his other allies, Sonic would go to great lengths to keep Shahra safe. This led him to take the shot from Erazor Djinn 's Flame of Judgment curse when he tried to cast it on Shahra. With the curse slowly burning away Sonic's life force, Shahra regretted getting Sonic involved in her world's affairs. Not wanting Shahra to feel sad, Sonic promised her with a pinky swear that he would have her smiling at the end of this adventure, not as her master but as a friend. Throughout their adventures, Sonic would often annoy Shahra with his reckless behavior and easy-going attitude. Nevertheless, they were never apart from one another, and Sonic often received helpful advice from Shahra. Also, while Sonic was curious about Shahra's relationship with the Erazor Djinn, he respected Shahra's privacy enough to not press her for details when she was reluctant to reveal it. Regardless, towards the end of their adventure, the two of them had build up a relationship of great trust, enough for Shahra to tell Sonic about her own wish: for the Arabian Nights to go back to the way they were. When the time came to face Erazor, Sonic, much to his shock, saw Shahra force herself to obey Erazor. Refusing to let Shahra go through with this and let her wish be in vain, Sonic commanded her, as her master for the first time, to " do what you truly think is right. This caused Shahra to faint. When Shahra later took a lethal blow from Erazor to protect Sonic, Sonic assured her in her final moments that he held no ill will against her for bringing him into this mess in spite of what she thought herself. Later, Sonic forced Erazor to revive Shahra with the first of the three wishes he was forced to grant him, hinting that he prioritized Shahra before anything else. After then sealing Erazor away, which made Shahra cry, Sonic wished for a mountain of handkerchiefs so she could cry for as long as she needed to. Erazor Djinn Sonic has been enemies with the Erazor Djinn ever since he found out that the Djinn had been erasing the pages of the Arabian Nights. Being against any form of evil, Sonic tried to stop him from carrying out his ambitions. When meeting him, Sonic casually treated Erazor like any other power-hungry despot he had faced by showing no fear of him and teasing him with his carefree banter. However, he came to dislike Erazor greatly for constantly calling him a rat, and would attempt again and again to remind him that he was a hedgehog. Meanwhile, Erazor initially just saw Sonic as an insignificant vermin. However, when Sonic took the Flame of Judgment for Shahra in their first encounter, Erazor decided to use Sonic and told him to gather the seven World Rings for him before the Flame of Judgement burned out, or he would die. Throughout their subsequently encounters, Sonic would casually ask Erazor to remove the curse he had place on him while both teasing him and maintaining his bravado in the face of the Djinn's malice. When Sonic finally arrived with the World Rings however, Erazor betrayed him, and attempted to kill him to gain full access to the World Rings' power. After defeating Erazor, Sonic, using Erazor's Magic Lamp, wished for Erazor to bring Shahra back to life, restore the Arabian Nights, and spend eternity trapped in his lamp, all of which Erazor has no choice but to do. Sonic also showed disappointment in Erazor as he got dragged into his lamp while begging for Shahra to help him. Knights of the Round Table When Sonic and the Knights of the Round Table first met, they started off as enemies, as the formers where ordered to slay Sonic on sight by King Arthur. However, Sonic's adversarial relationship with the group came to an end when he gained their respect, and when they realized Arthur was a fake. Individually, Sonic would often make comparisons to their counterparts, and kept a casual, yet vigilant attitude around them. When Sonic first met Sir Lancelot (the alternate reality doppelgänger of Shadow) who challenged him to a duel, Sonic displayed an attitude similar to the one he shows towards Shadow; a competitive, but fierce demeanor. Despite this, Lancelot had a small degree of respect for Sonic, as he respectfully acknowledged him as a worthy adversary. Sir Gawain (the alternate reality doppelgänger of Knuckles) held an inhospitable attitude towards Sonic, and accused him of trying to steal a dragon's treasure before attempting to slay Sonic. Sonic however, was reluctant to fight Gawain since he was in a hurry to save some villagers, and would admit out loud that he was a knucklehead, much like Knuckles. Regardless, Sonic later stopped Gawain from committing suicide. Sonic would then slightly open Gawain's eyes to new possibilities when he asked him if their was more to being a knight then serving a king. Sonic saving Percival. Initially, Sir Percival (the alternate reality doppelgänger of Blaze) was another adversary of Sonic. However, it was not until Sonic came after her sword that they met. In comparison to the other knights, Percival was the only one who showed Sonic respect from the beginning. She then challenged him, under the name "Sir Sonic, Knight of the Wind" being the first person to call him that. After Sonic defeated her, Percival fell off a ledge, but was saved by Sonic. Although Percival was confused by Sonic's act of chivalry, she nonetheless did not object to this. Percival would later repay Sonic's kindness by being the first of the Knights of the Round Table to show faith in him when he came to them with news about their king. Chip Sonic and his good friend, Chip. I'll never forget you. I'll be here by you, always. A part of the earth you tread. — Light Gaia, Sonic Unleashed. Chip (also known as Light Gaia) is a dear and good friend to Sonic. When Chip first saw Sonic, he was afraid of his Werehog form, but he soon realized he was a good guy. When Sonic then told Chip that he would help him recover his memories, Chip quickly took a liking to Sonic and thanked him wholeheartedly. In addition, Chip subconsciously felt kindness in Sonic and wanted him to help him. Chip spent most of his time next to Sonic, and soon formed a great friendship with him. Chip also enjoyed participating in friendly competitions with Sonic, like when they fought for the last dumpling in Chun-nan. However, Chip was sometimes a nuisance to Sonic due to his naive frankness would occasionally annoy him, although he never had a bad intention. Also, when he accidentally caused Sonic to become depressed with his Werehog form, Chip tried to cheer him up. After recovering his memories, Chip was deeply grateful to Sonic for everything he had done for him. However, he did not want Sonic to get involved in his conflict with Dark Gaia and he tried to leave. However, Sonic persuaded him to help him anyway, and Chip thanked him. During his battle with Dark Gaia, Chip prioritized Sonic's well-being whenever he was weak, such as when he was weakened by the loss of Dark Gaia energy or when he fell unconscious after defeating Perfect Dark Gaia. When the last continent fell and they had to leave, Chip gave him a goodbye before returning him to the surface. There, Chip contacted Sonic telepathically, telling him that he would never forget him and that he would always be with him. Jet the Hawk Sonic and his Extreme Gear rival Jet. Even without wings, I can still fly. — Sonic, Sonic Riders Sonic has been rivals with Jet the Hawk since they first met, and their dynamic relationship is based on their competitive nature and distinct respect for one another. In their first meeting, Sonic lost to Jet in an Extreme Gear chase, but rather than being upset, Sonic eagerly recognized him as a worthy new rival. Early on, Sonic's rivalry with Jet was rather one-sided, and Jet would often anger Sonic with his constant mockery of him. Nevertheless, Sonic recognized Jet's skills as an Extreme Gear rider and kept a professional, yet competitive, attitude around him. Eventually, Sonic settled his own dispute with Jet after he beat him in a race. Soon after, they would establish a more friendly relationship based on mutual respect, and promised each other to compete again later, though they still remain firm rivals. Despite their rivalry, Sonic and Jet are willing to put aside their differences when a greater threat is present. In fact, they have teamed up on a few occasions. Since defeating Jet, Sonic has kept a more relaxed and tolerant attitude towards Jet, taking his insults and rash determination to beat him in stride. Nevertheless, their rivalry remains as strong as ever, and Sonic will gladly, if given the right opportunity, race him for fun. However, even when determined to beat Jet, Sonic does not wish to have any unfair advantages, and will give Jet the chance to race him at his best. Despite how many times they face each other, their rivalry has seemingly no end in sight, although Sonic always looks forward to his next rematch with Jet. The Deadly Six Sonic and the Deadly Six. The Deadly Six are some of the worst enemies Sonic has ever faced. Unlike his past foes whom he has never viewed as actual enemies, the Deadly Six are the only ones Sonic has shown true contempt for. Sonic first met the Deadly Six while they were under Eggman's control, where he treated them with confident mockery like any foe. However, when Sonic recklessly got rid of the Cacophonic Conch used to control the Deadly Six, they rebelled and planned to destroy the world, making Sonic responsible for the subsequent danger to the planet. As such, Sonic set out to stop them with more seriousness. He soon grew extremely hostile towards them when they captured Tails, an act of which made Sonic lose his cool for once. As he sought to save Tails, Sonic threatened the Deadly Six with aggressiveness and spite which only intensified as Zavok taunted him with his plans to roboticize Tails and his friends' apparent deaths. By the time of their final showdown, Sonic was thoroughly tired of them and threatened them aggressively when he thought they had turned Tails into a robot. In the end though, Sonic defeated the Deadly Six and got Tails back, redeeming himself and proving himself the hero he is. When encountering Zavok again (or rather, his replica) aboard the Death Egg, his demeanor towards him was more laid back, as evidenced by Sonic engaging in his usual confident mockery towards Zavok both prior to and immediately after the fight. Classic Sonic Sonic fist bumping Classic Sonic. Sonic is shown to be on very good terms with Classic Sonic. When they first met during the Time Eater incident, they were left somewhat confused about standing face-to-face with another one of themselves, although they put that aside to sort out the crisis at hand. After that, they quickly forged a bond based on their common interest in the adventure they faced together. Due to having so many things in common with each other, Sonic and Classic Sonic have demonstrated great collaboration and teamwork in battle. Overall, Sonic and Classic Sonic share a great degree of mutual respect and admiration for each other, and Sonic seems to enjoy teaching Classic Sonic techniques he has yet to learn, such as the Homing Attack and the Boost. Infinite Sonic against Infinite. Sonic first encountered Infinite in the City, where he was beaten easily by the mysterious henchman of Dr. Eggman. Later, when encountering Infinite at Mystic Jungle and had his first formal meeting with Infinite, Sonic dismissed the latter's insinuation that his sweat was due to fear and explained he ran all the way to the location to save Silver, and also proceeded to smugly explain to Infinite that the latter failed to leave an impression on him at all despite the earlier beating, not even knowing his name. Upon learning it, however, Sonic, in his trademark banter, then tried to get Infinite to reveal the secret to his power, although Infinite refused to divulge the ability. [116] He also expressed some annoyance at the latter's reference to him as a "sewer rat. 117] Although he managed to do much better against the enigmatic warrior than before, he still ultimately lost the battle due to Infinite's powers. Ultimately, he alongside the Avatar managed to defeat Infinite for good at Eggman Empire Fortress, with him also telling Infinite that the reason he lost was because he and his replicas lacked heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. [118] Avatar Sonic and the Avatar fist bumping. Here goes, partner! When we join forces, the sky's the limit! — Sonic, Sonic Forces. Sonic met the Avatar after the former escaped from the Death Egg and latter having arrived with a shuttle to rescue him. Together they proceeded to team up on various missions. He ultimately inspired the Avatar to not give in to their fear against Infinite. [119] Likewise, the Avatar was shown to be loyal to Sonic, making an attempt at saving him from the Null Space, and ultimately succeeding, despite being sucked in with him. After the war was over, Sonic suggested they would see them around when the Avatar went their own way and took their leave from the Resistance after it was disbanded. [120] Friends/allies Miles "Tails" Prower (best friend and sidekick, close as brothers) Knuckles the Echidna (best friend and rival) Amy Rose (good friend) Big the Cat Cheese Omochao Shadow the Hedgehog (ally and arch-rival) E-123 Omega Vector the Crocodile Espio the Chameleon Charmy Bee Mighty the Armadillo Ray the Flying Squirrel Bean the Dynamite [121] Bark the Polar Bear [121] Tikal Lumina Flowlight Blaze the Cat (close friend) Coconut Crew Colonel Daikun Kylok Muzy Setter Tabby Norman Gardon E-102 Gamma Emerl Vanilla the Rabbit G. U. N. The Commander GUN Official The President Ali Baba Sinbad the Sailor King Shahryar King Solomon Caliburn Merlina Nimue Blacksmith Shade the Echidna Professor Pickle Chip (good friend) Professor Pickle's Assistant Wisps Yacker Classic Tails Avatar (partner) Dodon Pa Rivals Shadow the Hedgehog (arch-rival) Knuckles the Echidna (friendly rival) Jet the Hawk (in speed) Johnny Mario (friendly rival) Enemies Eggman Empire Dr. Eggman (arch-enemy) Orbot Cubot Metal Sonic (robotic doppelgänger and second arch-enemy) Fang the Sniper Biolizard Captain Whisker Mini & Mum Black Arms Black Doom Ifrit Babylon Guardian SCR-HD Nocturnus Clan Imperator Ix Overmind Thelxe Dark Gaia Uh Su King Arthur Classic Eggman Time Eater References ↑ Masato Nishimura on Twitter (Japanese. Twitter (9 July 2017. Retrieved on 6 December 2018. ↑ 2. 0 2. 1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6 2. 7 Sonic Channel (Japanese. Characters: Sonic. Sega. Archived from the original on 26 May 2019. Retrieved on 3 July 2015. ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Technical Files ↑ 4. 0 4. 1 4. 2 4. 3 media:CS S ↑ 5. 0 5. 1 Sega of America (February 2004. Sonic Central. Sega of America. Archived from the original on 24 January 2004. “: When Sonic and his friends sit down to eat after a long hard day of chasing Dr. Eggman, what do they like to eat. Yuji Naka: They probably eat McDonald's hamburgers, I suppose? And I think they will get a complete line-up of Happy Meal premiums. ” ↑ 6. 0 6. 1 6. 2 Pedigree Books (August 2013. Sonic's Count the Rings Time Trial. Sonic the Hedgehog Super Interactive Annual 2014. Pedigree Publishers. p. 9. ISBN 978-1908152077. "Fact: Sonic hates lies and always searching for the truth! ↑ Sonic to Shadow before battling him after Final Rush. ↑ Pedigree Books (August 2013. Profile: Sonic. p. 14. "Sonic's birthday is June 23rd and he was born on Christmas Island. " ↑ 9. 0 9. 1 9. 2 9. 3 Sonic the Hedgehog GameTap Retrospective at YouTube ↑ Sega Visions Interview with Yuji Naka (October 1992. Retrieved on 2007-06-28. ↑ Kennedy, Sam. The Essential 50: Sonic the Hedgehog. Retrieved on 2006-06-03. ↑ 12. 0 12. 1 Sonic the Hedgehog – Developer Interview Collection. Retrieved on 19 May 2018. ↑ Brandon Sheffield. Out of the Blue: Naoto Ohshima Speaks. Gamasutra. Retrieved on 2009-12-13. ↑ Yahoo Playback. Yahoo Playback #94. Yahoo, Inc... Retrieved on 2009-12-13. ↑ Brian Ashcraft. Sonic's Shoes Inspired by Michael Jackson. Kotaku. Retrieved on 2009-12-13. ↑ 16. 0 16. 1 Revealed: Why Sonic can't swim (February 2009. Retrieved on 2009-02-27. ↑ Masato Nakamura interview (flash. Retrieved on 2006-02-07. ↑ 18. 0 18. 1 Sega Video Game Illustrations. Nippon Shuppan Hanbai (Deutschland) GmbH. 1994. ISBN 3-910052-50-9. ↑ 19. 0 19. 1 19. 2 19. 3 19. 4 19. 5 19. 6 Sega of America. Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic Characters. Archived from the original on 5 March 2005. Retrieved on 26 October 2017. “Like the wind Sonic never stands still and is always on the move. Sonic is cool under pressure, particularly when faced with his arch enemy, Dr. He thinks that saving the world is no big feat, and he always protects and fights for the underdog. Sonic hates boredom and is constantly looking for his next adventure. Sonic lives and dies by his own rules. He never thinks twice about what others think or say; he is driven by his own sense of justice and fair play. Sonic was born to run and loves to cover as much ground as fast as he can. His demeanor is always cool and calm. When he finds himself in a pinch, he acts as though no thing can stop him When faced with a serious situation, Sonic bears down on the task at hand, focused on the challange. ” ↑ 20. 0 20. 1 20. 2 20. 3 20. 4 Sonic Heroes ( PlayStation 2) North American instruction manual, p. 4. ↑ Shadow the Hedgehog (PlayStation 2) European instruction manual, pg. 5 ↑ Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008. In-game description of the "Sonic" trophy. ↑ 23. 0 23. 1 23. 2 23. 3 23. 4 23. 5 Sonic Unleashed (PlayStation 3) European instruction manual, p. 9. ↑ 24. 0 24. 1 Sonic Runners. Retrieved on 20 February 2015. ↑ Sonic Generations (PlayStation 3) European instruction booklet, p. 5 ↑ 26. 0 26. 1 SEGA (23 June 2016. Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games Wii U. Nintendo. Area/Level: Collectibles (Flags. A blue hedgehog with a penchant for high speed, Sonic is a free spirit with a love for adventure. He despises anything that is unfair and will get intro trouble to help anyone in need. For Sonic, saving the world is just another thrilling episode in his life. " ↑ Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood chapter 10 ↑ 28. 0 28. 1 28. 2 28. 3 28. 4 28. 5 28. Sonic Q and A. Archived from the original on 13 June 2004. “ Jake B. Which bad guy is the biggest pain in your neck? Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic, Shadow the Hedgehog, Other. Sonic: Well I really don't consider any of these guys my enemy in the true sense. Dr. Eggman has always found a way to make life an adventure for me and I love spoiling his evil plans. As for Shadow and Metal Sonic, I just enjoy testing my skills against them too. You know me, I love adventures! ” ↑ Sonic and the Secret Rings ↑ Sonic Team, Dimps (November 12, 2010. Sonic Colors. Nintendo DS. Area/Level: Sweet Mountain. Sonic: Heh! That was barely a warm-up. Silver: Not half bad, Sonic. Blaze: You're even sharper now than when we last met. " ↑ BioWare (September 26, 2008. Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Area/Level: Blue Ridge Zone. Shadow the Hedgehog: You. You're been practicing. " ↑ Sonic Team (November 7, 2017. Sonic Forces. Nintendo Switch. Area/Level: Mystic Jungle: Vs. Infinite. Infinite: Impossible! Your abilities exceed your previous data. Sonic: Unlike mechs, I can grow. I get more powerful every second. Infinite: I will teach you to hold that tongue next time we meet. You can count on it. " ↑ BioWare (26 September 2008. Codex: As a member of Sonic's team, Amy lends both speed and strength to the group, using her innate hedgehog speed and her immensely powerful Piko-Piko Hammer to good effect. " ↑ 35. 0 35. 1 Sonic Rivals (PlayStation Portable) United States instruction booklet, p. 8. ↑ media:CS S ↑ 37. 0 37. 1 Sega of America. Archived from the original on 13 June 2004. “ From Your Ultimate Fan: How fast can you go (MPH) and how long would it take you to run around the world once? Also, who could beat you in a race, Knuckles, Tails, Shadow, Cream, Rouge, Amy or Dr. Eggman. Sonic: I have the ability to instantly accelerate to the speed of sound. That's about 760 MPH at 59* fast, huh? The only character that would really have a chance against me would be Shadow…but then again, I've never lost a race! ” ↑ Sonic Team (February 6, 2004. Sonic Heroes. PlayStation 2. Area/Level: Opening (Team Sonic) ↑ Sonic Unleashed ( PlayStation 3) European instruction booklet, pg. 12. ↑ Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) North American instruction manual, p. 18. ↑ Audureau, William; Petronille, Marc (1 January 2013. The History of Sonic the Hedgehog. UDON Entertainment. ISBN 978-1926778563. "During the day, he was his usual self, able to run anywhere at the speed of light; but at night, he became a slow and savage "werehog" prone to giving his enemies violent smackdowns. " ↑ Pedigree Books (August 2013. p. 8. "Sonic runs faster that the speed of light and according the Guinness Book of Records, he is officially the fastest video game character of all time! ↑ Sonic Team, Dimps (November 12, 2010. Area/Level: Asteroid Coaster. Sonic: Too Easy. Omega: Data 130% higher than previous entry. Suspected error. Tails: Nice run, Sonic. Omega: Impossible. At this rate, light speed will be exceeded. Sonic: Light speed? That's small time. There's no challenge. Omega: Does not compute. ↑ Sonic Rivals 2 (PlayStation Portable) United States instruction booklet, pg. 7. ↑ Sonic's Side Smash, Super Smash Bros. Brawl ↑ 46. 0 46. 1 Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (DS. Video Insider, Episode 6: Sonic & Knuckles. Youtube. planetnintendoit (17 September 2008. Retrieved on 8 August 2015. “Sonic may not be the strongest, but he is the fastest. Sonic's speed and combat techniques allow him to attack more times in a round that most other characters, which makes up for his lack of strength. ” ↑ Sonic Team (November 19, 1993. Sonic the Hedgehog CD. Sega Mega-CD. Area/Level: Credits. ↑ Sonic Team (March 13, 2009. Sonic and the Black Knight. Nintendo Wii. Cutscene: World Destruction. ↑ Sonic Team (4 November 2011. Sonic Generations. PlayStation 3. Cutscene: The Final Battle. ↑ Sonic Team (November 19, 1993. Area/Level: Opening sequence. ↑ Sonic Battle ( Game Boy Advance) European instruction booklet, p. 3. ↑ Sonic Team, Sonic Team USA (27 February 2004. Sonic Battle. Gameboy Advance. Sonic Flare: Sonic's heavy attack. He performs a Downward Kick using break dance moves, which knocks opponents away. " ↑ Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U ↑ Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity ( Wii) European instruction booklet, p. 4. ↑ Sonic's Up Throw, Super Smash Bros. Brawl ↑ Sonic Team (20 February 2007. Sonic and the Secret Rings. Wii. Level: Dinosaur Jungle. Sonic: Uhh. My quills are starting to tingle. ↑ Sonic Unleashed (Wii/PlayStation 2) Sonic Generations (Console/PC) ↑ Sonic Team (November 15, 2005. Shadow the Hedgehog. GameCube. Area: Westopolis. Sonic the Hedgehog: To swap your weapon for another weapon that's on the ground, just press the X Button! Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead using those things! ↑ Sonic Team. Super Sonic's official character profile from Sonic Team (Japanese. Archived from the original on 2008-07-01. Retrieved on 25 June 2008. ↑ Sega of America (February 2004. Archived from the original on 24 January 2004. “: Sonic sure is busy. how many hours of sleep does he need per night. Yuji Naka: Hmm, I suppose he sleeps the ordinary eight hours a night or so, because unless he sleeps well, lack of sleep will affect his run. ” ↑ 61. 0 61. 1 61. 2 Black, Fletcher (14 November 2006. Cast. Sonic the Hedgehog: Official Game Guide. Prima Games. p. 5. ISBN 978-0761555100. ↑ Sonic Colors (Nintendo DS) United Kingdom instruction booklet, p. 3-4 ↑ Sonic Generations (PlayStation 3) instruction manual, pg. 6 ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction manual, pg. 7-10. ↑ Sonic Team, Devil's Details (November 4, 2011) Sonic Generations. PC. Level/Area: Egg Dragoon. Sonic: No, seriously, we beat this guy every time. It's like it's our job or something! ↑ Sonic Team (October 18, 2013. Sonic Lost World. Wii U. Level/Area: Tropical Coast. Sonic: Pfft, yeah well, teaming up with you feels like the end of the world, Eggman. I'm gonna want to take a long shower by the time we're done. " ↑ Prima Development (20 June 2001. Dr. Robotnik, a. k. a. Eggman. Sonic Adventure 2: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. p. 3. ISBN 978-0761536147. ↑ Sega of America (February 2004. Yuki Naka on Sonic's Past, Present, and Future part 2. Archived from the original on 24 January 2004. “: Did Sonic have a hand in changing Dr. Robotnik's name to Dr. Eggman for the United States games? If so, was he trying to make fun of his nemesis. Yuji Naka: To tell the truth, his name has not changed. Robotnik is his real name and Eggman is a common name taken after his shape. Possibly, it may have been Sonic, who uttered this alias for the first time! I feel, though, Sonic uses this name affectionately rather than trying to make fun of the doctor. ” ↑ Tails the Fox, Codex, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sega Mega Drive) Japanese instruction manual, pg. 4-8. ↑ 71. 0 71. Miles "Tails" Prower. Retrieved on 26 October 2017. “Tails is a young fox that has a knack for building things. He's as talented as Dr. Eggman, but has yet to discover the true potential of what he really can accomplish. Sonic has taken Tails under his wing and treats him like a younger brother. Tails wants to prove to Sonic that he's someone to be counted on. Besides his ability to fly using his twin tails, he has become an experienced pilot with the "Tornado. a plane that Sonic helped him build. Tails' fearless character and natural talent with mechanical devices come in handy to help Sonic out of danger. ” ↑ Sonic Team (March 13, 2009. Gallery. Vault 5. [Blacksmith] His real name is Miles Prower. His nickname is Tails. As Sonic's protégé, he loves to tink with gadgets. He is only 8 years old. " ↑ 73. 0 73. Archived from the original on 13 June 2004. “ JamMai6: Have you ever wished you had a brother? I don't mean Shadow. Sonic: Well I actually have a little "adopted" brother in Tails. He and I go way back! Ever since I stopped the bullies from teasing him about having two tails, he's been like my shadow, following me on every adventure. He's a really cool inventor and has mad mechanical skills to boot! ” ↑ 74. 0 74. 1 Sonic Heroes ( PlayStation 2) North American instruction manual, pg. 5 ↑ Sonic Team (10 November 2010. Sonic Free Riders. Xbox 360. Area/Level: Dolphin Resort. Tails: Just make sure you take enough time to tune up your Gear, okay, Sonic? You always leave all the tech work to me. Sonic: Heh, well of course! I know you'll do it better than anybody else! ↑ 76. 0 76. 1 Amy Rose the Hedgehog, Codex, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood ↑ Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) North American instruction manual, p. 24. ↑ Sega of America. Amy Rose. Retrieved on 26 October 2017. “Once Sonic saved Amy from the clutches of Dr. Eggman in Sonic CD, the two became fast friends. Amy is graceful and powerful at the same time and though she often gets into trouble, she is stronger than most give her credit for. She has a big crush on Sonic and wouldn't mind if they became more than friends, but Sonic is too busy saving the world to think about having a girlfriend, let alone a wife and kids! With her Piko Piko Hammer and Tarot Cards, Amy has proven herself a valuable member of Sonic's team. ” ↑ Character Introduction: Hero/ characters for 2P battle. Archived from the original on September 27, 2011. Retrieved on November 30, 2014. ↑ 80. 0 80. 1 Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance) North American instruction booklet. ↑ Sonic Heroes ( PlayStation 2) North American instruction manual, pg. 8. ↑ Sonic Team, Sonic Team USA (June 2003, 2010. Sonic Adventure. Area/Level: Station Square. Sonic: I give up! She's so weird! Ugh, that girl is such a pain! ↑ Sega of America. Archived from the original on 13 June 2004. “ Dudenc2: Hey Sonic, who is a better friend, Amy Rose, Cream, Knuckles, or Tails. Sonic: They're all my friends…I like them all, but that Amy sure can be a pain…sometimes or should I say most of the time! ” ↑ Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Wii) European instruction booklet, pg. 3. ↑ Prima Development (20 June 2001. Amy Rose. ISBN 978-0761536147. ↑ Sonic Team (December 9, 2008. Sonic Unleashed. Area/Level: Spagonia: Amy Rose: I still can't believe it's you inside that. THING. But! No matter the package, you're still my Sonic, Sonic! ↑ Sega of America. Metal Sonic. Retrieved on 26 October 2017. “Metal Sonic was created by the evil genius, Dr. Eggman, and is one of Sonic's earliest foes. He is modeled with extreme accuracy after our blue hero, giving him the ability to predict Sonic's moves and match his great speed. The red-eyed Badnik first appeared in Sonic CD in 1993. ” ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Sega Mega-CD) Japanese instruction manual. ↑ Backbone Entertainment, Sega Studio USA (December 7, 2007. Sonic Rivals 2. PlayStation Portable. Level/area: Neon Palace Zone. Sonic: I got a bad feeling about this, Tails! Whenever Metal Sonic's involved, it always means trouble! ↑ Backbone Entertainment, Sega Studio USA (December 1, 2006. Sonic Rivals. Level/area: Death Yard Zone. Sonic: What, that lame robot copy of yours again? You really need to get a hold of some better toys, you know. Eggman: Heh heh heh. The previous Metal Sonic was able to capture data from your last match. Data I was able to recover! I've already upgraded this new model with that data so that it'll be wise to your little tricks. This time, it's YOU who's going to get sent to the junkyard, Sonic. Sonic: A copy is still just a copy! It'll never be able to top the original! ↑ SEGA (23 June 2016. A red echidna that boasts some serious muscle, Knuckles is what one might call "best frenemies" with Sonic. " ↑ Sega of America. Knuckles the Echidna. Retrieved on 26 October 2017. “Knuckles was born alone on Angel Island, brought into this world to defend the Master Emerald. That is Knuckles' destiny and fate. If Sonic exemplifies the wind, then Knuckles is the mountain: stern and unmovable. Knuckles is quick to anger, but cool and determined in battle. Even though he considers Sonic his friend, the disposition of the Master Emerald is his ultimate concern. His determination to protect the gem from harm or ill use is set in stone and is unshakable. He is often envious of the adventurous lifestyle Sonic lives and the fame that has followed from Sonic's deeds, but Knuckles is well known in his own right, as a treasure hunter versed in the martial arts. ” ↑ 93. 0 93. 1 Knuckles the Echidna, Codex, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood ↑ 94. 0 94. 1 Sonic Advance 3 Japanese website (Japanese. Retrieved on 1 May 2015. ↑ Sonic Team (February 6, 2004. Area: Final Fortress. Knuckles: Boy, talk about cutting it close. Sonic: Eeh, not really. Knuckles: Come on, tell me you weren't scared. If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't of had a chance. Sonic: Well, maybe you're right. Thanks Knuckles. ↑ Sonic Heroes (PlayStation 2) North American instruction manual, pg. 6. ↑ Shadow's Profile, Shadow the Hedgehog ↑ Sonic Team (March 13, 2009. Lancelot] His real name is Shadow the Hedgehog. He is a black hedgehog and he is is fast like Sonic. Though Sonic's rival, he is also a comrade. " ↑ Sonic Team (May 3, 2002. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Shadow the Hedgehog: You never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog. I thought that the capsule you were in exploded in space. Sonic the Hedgehog: You know, what can I say. I die hard! You actually saved me, you know. Shadow the Hedgehog: It was a Chaos Emerald, wasn't it? But, there's no way you could have activated the Chaos Control using an Emerald that was fake. So, there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you anyway. Sonic the Hedgehog: What you see is what you get! Just a guy who loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! ↑ 100. 0 100. 1 Shadow the hedgehog, Codex, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood ↑ "Shadow is an artificial life form, created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather. His initial hatred of Sonic has now developed into a friendly rivalry" Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. ↑ Sonic Team, Dimps (November 12, 2010. Shadow: I'm happy to leave the racing around all day to them, thanks. E-123 Omega: Unable to process. According to data, your ability equals Sonic's. " ↑ Sonic Central: Since Shadow is Sonic's enemy, what does this game mean for Sonic? Is he your main enemy in this game? How does Robotnik fit into things. Sonic Team: Shadow is more of a nemesis to Sonic rather than a true enemy; they may be adversaries but there is a mutual respect between the two of them. ↑ Sonic Team, Sonic Team USA (May 3, 2002. Nintendo GameCube. Area/Level: Finalizard. Sonic: Shadow, I understand. You're unstoppable. Let's destroy this creature now! Everyone is waiting for us back on earth! ↑ Sonic Team, Sonic Team USA (May 3, 2002. Area/Level: Ending sequence. Rouge: Do you really think. that the professor created Shadow to carry out the revenge on all those who live there, on earth. Sonic: He was what he was. A brave and heroic hedgehog, who gave his life to save his planet. Shadow the Hedgehog. ↑ Sonic Team, Sega Studios USA (November 18, 2005. PlayStaion 2. Area/Level: Sonic and Diablon (Final Haunt. Sonic: Shadow! Why are you siding with those black creature. Shadow: Siding with them? You're joking, right? I'm just siding to whoever goes up against you. This time, you're going down, Sonic. Sonic: If that's how it's gonna be, Shadow, then bring it on. Shadow: Just say when" ↑ Sonic Team, Sega Studios USA (November 18, 2005. Area/Level: Sonic and Diablon (Black Comet. Shadow: Finally. I've got ALL the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic: Shadow. Why. why are you siding with them? ↑ Sonic Team, Sega Studios USA (November 18, 2005. I've got ALL the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic: Man. I didn't think you had it in ya. " ↑ Sonic Team (February 25, 2015. Sonic Runners. iOS. Area/Level: Birthday on Windy Hill. Sonic the Hedgehog: Shadow's never going to change. Still, it was good to see him, however briefly. Now, let's keep moving! ↑ Sonic Advance 3 Japanese website. Retrieved on 1 May 2015. ↑ Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games ↑ "Blaze the cat, another one of Sonic's friends, is an All-Around competitor. As her name indicates, she also possesses no small amount of speed and will be a formidable contender in events like the vault. Blaze the Cat's profile in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games ↑ File:Blaze profile ↑ Sonic Team, Dimps (September 14, 2007. Sonic Rush Adventure. Level/area: Machine Labyrinth. Marine the Raccoon: Sonic, you were tops! Since you're my best pupil, I'll let you 'ave a go at bein' leader when I step down. " ↑ Sonic Team, Dimps (September 14, 2007. Level/area: Ending. Marine the Raccoon: Sonic. Tails. Th. thanks, guys. You're the best mates ever. Infinite: Well, looks who's back from the dead: The Little Blue savior. But what's that I smell? You reek of fear. Glad to see I left an impression. Sonic: That's not fear. I ran all the way over here. And you haven't left an impression. I don't know anything about you, not even your name. Infinite: You may call me, Infinite' in the brief moments that remain to you. Sonic: Oh, great! See, Infinite? Now we're getting to know each other. So, what's your favorite color? Do you like long romantic walks on the beach? What's the source of your power? You can skip the first two questions if you'd like. Infinite: The source of my power is none of your concern. Sonic: Sorry, but you've just GOT to share the secret of your power with me, I insist. Infinite: Your insistence is futile! ↑ Sonic Team (November 7, 2017. Infinite: Still thrashing around, I see. you filthy little sewer rat. Sonic: Haven't you seen a hedgehog before? C'mon, I'll show you my spines! ↑ Sonic Team (November 7, 2017. Area/Level: Eggman Empire Fortress: Vs. Sonic: Wrong, loser! The things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. 3 things you and your Counterfeit Cronies lack! ↑ Sonic Team (November 7, 2017. Area/Level: Vs. Sonic: Hey don't be scared. This is your moment to shine. Sonic: Keep going. Don't let your fear own you! ↑ Sonic Team (November 7, 2017. Level/Area: Ending sequence. Sonic: Hey, you taking off, too? I was thinking the same thing. Ya gonna keep moving forward, no matter what, yeah? Heh, you and I aren't so different. See ya later, buddy! ↑ 121. 0 121. 1 (June 1996. Sonic the Fighters. in Japanese. Gamest No. 173, pg. 40. Retrieved 15 July 2018. Sonic the Hedgehog characters.

I promise I'm not going to tell the chief about you I your biggest fan ❤️. Sonic the hedgehog movie full movie free download. Play one of the most influential game in the history of gaming! Collect golden rings and defeat Dr. Robotnik as Sonic The Hedgehog! Will you be able to set a new record and collect all of the golden rings and discover all the hidden paths and secrets? Good luck and have fun! Sonic The Hedgehog, also known as Sonic 1, is a fast-paced 2D side-scrolling platformer video game that was initially released in 1991 for various gaming platformers. The game is mostly known on the Sega Genesis console and has spawned countless fan-made hacks, and spinoffs. In this game, you will take control of a skillful hedgehog named Sonic as he tries to stop the evil Dr. Robotnik from stealing the six Chaos Emeralds and harness their powers and conquering the world. There have been 109 likes from 117 votes on this game. Click screen to activate. ← → ↑ ↓ = Directions Z = A    X = B    C = C A = X    S = Y    D = Z  enter ↵  = Start   space   = Mode Play Sonic The Hedgehog game online in your browser free of charge on Arcade Spot. Sonic The Hedgehog is a high quality game that works in all major modern web browsers. This online game is part of the Arcade, Retro, Emulator, and SEGA gaming categories. Sonic The Hedgehog has 109 likes from 117 user ratings. If you enjoy this game then also play games Sonic Mania Edition and Sonic & Knuckles + Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Arcade Spot brings you the best games without downloading and a fun gaming experience on your computers, mobile phones, and tablets. New arcade games and the most popular free online games are added every day to the site.

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Following similar retro consoles from Nintendo and Sony, Sega is bringing its 1990s Mega Drive back with 40 games, including Sonic Published: 1 Apr 2019 The famous Sega video game character will reportedly be brought to the big screen with a combination of CGI animation and live action Published: 31 Oct 2016 Sonic Boom is the latest hedgehog monstrosity to disappoint and infuriate fans, but theres one way to save this spiky legend Published: 26 Nov 2014 Sega's mascot – a blue hedgehog capable of reaching supersonic speeds – will be the star of a feature film mixing CGI and live action Published: 11 Jun 2014 The image of Sonic's spiky hero has been obsessively appropriated and customised – but can he escape from his past, or the strange attentions of his followers? By Leigh Alexander Published: 4 Apr 2014 Sony Pictures has apparently greenlit a movie about the early nineties rivalry between gaming giants Sega and Nintendo. Its about time someone recognised this key period in modern cultural history Published: 25 Feb 2014.

Clickbait. Softonic review The classic Megadrive Sonic returns. only better! Sonic the Hedgehog is - with the exception of Super Mario World - the epitome of early 90s platform games. If you are nostalgic for the golden age of 16-bit then sit back and get ready to enjoy this mobile version, which manages to be 100% faithful to the original while also bringing with it all the advances of modern digital gaming. Sonic returns. This version of Sonic the Hedgehog is faithful to the 1991 classic. So, yes, you take the blue hedgehog through levels to face the evil Dr. Robotnik and his army of robotic creations. Along the way you collect rings that act as a shield against damage and provide a little high-score chasing action. To control all of this there is a virtual stick that allows you to run left and right, plus a single button to jump. Combining these actions and coordinating them as your rush through levels is the only way to make it through. remember this is a classic platformer, and can get really challenging in the later stages. Sonic the Hedgehog for mobile (and the Apple TV version) has not only nailed the classic playability, but also kept the aesthetics of the original 1991 Sega Mega Drive/Genesis version: beautiful, big, pixelated sprites drip with charisma, and the music will keep you humming its melodies for hours. but he's not alone! What advantages does playing Sonic on a mobile or tablet bring? Well, plenty it turns out. Sonic the Hedgehog for Android and iOS begins by offering new ways to explore levels in the form of Sonic's friends, Tails and Knuckles. These do not simply offer a new look to the playable character, but also provide unique abilities to help you advance through the adventure. That's not all, Sonic the Hedgehog has also been adapted for the new social era. The classic Sega game now has a Time Trial mode, which invites you to compete with friends to be the fastest to finish levels. However you play, the touchscreen action feels great. In addition, this modernization has redefined the image to fit a widescreen resolution without losing the 16-bit look, and even provides remastered soundtrack if you would rather that than the old chiptune beats.  The definitive version of a 90s classic Sonic the Hedgehog is a luxurious version of an already exemplary game. Unlike other titles that have tried to offer a full remake, this is faithful to the original aesthetic and levels just adding some incentives for you to want to play through it once again.  PROS True to the original Good touch controls Improved aspect ratio for widescreen Remixed music You can play with more characters CONS Controls can be imprecise Tails and Knuckles don't fit perfectly in the original scenarios.

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Play free Sonic games featuring Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and friends. Try out the Sonic Adventure games or some of our Sonic & Tails shooting games. Knuckles shows up in some of the Sonic The Hedgehog puzzle games. Do you like racing games? Then try out the Sonic Racing love is in the air the Sonic kissing game is a given choice. Free sonic the hedgehog invitation template. Free sonic the hedgehog cartoons. Sonic the Hedgehog - 2020 Full Movie, Watch Online Free Download Sonic the Hedgehog Movie INFO Release Date: 2020-2-14 Rating: 7. 9 Written by Neal H. Moritz, Takeshi Ito Starring Jim Carrey, Tika Sumpter, James Marsden, Neal McDonough, Ben Schwartz, Leanne Lapp, Adam Pally, Michael Hogan, Debs Howard, Shannon Chan-Kent, Elfina Luk, Natasha Rothwell, Frank C. Turner, Bailey Skodje Country Germany, United States of America, United Kingdom Production Paramount Pictures, Sega, Original Film Translations English, Français, Polski, Deutsch, svenska, Español, P , , Italiano, Português, ozbek, 한국어/조선말, Slovenčina, ελληνικά, ї , Magyar, עִבְרִית, Nederlands, 普通话, Português, ქართული Sonic the Hedgehog is an upcoming American Action film directed by Jeff Fowler and written by Josh Miller, Patrick Casey. "Sonic the Hedgehog" A few days ago we showed you the hilarious trailer that a fan had created for the It x Fortnite collaboration, on the occasion of the arrival of It 2 in theaters (and more subtly in the game. Now, another fan of the Epic game has done the same, but recreating the trailer for the movie Sonic The Hedgehog in Fortnite. Sonic the Hedgehog Full Movie Plot Outline Many will say. And what does that have to do with it? Well, very simple. During last Saturday, coinciding Batman Day (and the arrival of the challenges Welcome to Gotham City) and the invasion of Area 51, a new gesture arrived at the Fortnite object store, which allows us to emulate the ninja's way of running orange. This has allowed such disgusting things as watching Batman run like Naruto. But we do not deviate. Thanks to this new animation in the game, a Sonic fan (with nickname Williambash in Reddit) it was proposed to recreate the trailer of the movie Sonic The Hedgehog in Fortnite, adapting almost all the shots of the trailer, which marry perfectly on the audio track of the trailer intact. For those who do not remember, the trailer is this one below. Principal photography commenced on New York 20, 2018 in California, United States and concluded on January 20, 2020. The film is set for release on February 14, 2020. 4 8 / 10 stars Rating: IMDb   / 7. 9 Sonic the Hedgehog Full Movie Sonic the Hedgehog.

For the video games, see. Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 game.  For other eponymous media, see Sonic the Hedgehog (disambiguation. This article needs cleanup. This article needs to be edited to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Specifically, issues with this article are: Superfluous plot information should be covered elsewhere on Sonic Retro There are not enough references to back up claims The "trivia" section should be incorporated into the main article After the article has been cleaned up, you may remove this message. See How to Edit a Page for help. Sonic the Hedgehog First seen: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) Species: Hedgehog Gender: Male Age: 15 [1] Height: 100cm (3'3. 1] Weight: 35kg (77lbs) 1] Likes: Fast moving things [2] music [2] chili dogs Dislikes: The word "slow" 2] tears [2] Created by: Naoto Ohshima Sonic the Hedgehog (ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ) is an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog, mascot of entertainment company Sega and star of the series of Sonic the Hedgehog video games and adaptations. His full debut in the aponymous 1991 Sega Mega Drive game, Sonic the Hedgehog led to the character becoming one of the most recognisable fictional characters in the world. To date, Sonic has appeared in over 100 video games spanning a period of 30 years, collectively amounting to over 800 million units worldwide. Character conception Early design of Sonic the Hedgehog. By 1990, Sega had grown tired of playing second-fiddle to Nintendo, and sought to redefine their image with a game that would be able to go head to head with the Super Mario Bros. series. Up to this point, Sega had been using Alex Kidd as their unofficial mascot for their Master System outings, but the corporate heads wanted to present something that could directly compete with the Mario character, and in the process knock Nintendo from the number one spot in the gaming world. An internal competition was held to find a new mascot that would both appeal to a wide audience and showcase what their latest system, the Mega Drive, was capable of. While many designs were introduced ranging from a Felix-inspired Rabbit to an American-looking bulldog/Development, and even early designs of what would end up being Dr. Eggman and Mighty the Armadillo, it was Naoto Ohshima 's simple hedgehog design that caught everyone's attention. Originally named "Mr. Needlemouse. the design of the small, blue, spiny being took many cues from American culture. The look of Sonic's classic buckled shoes took direct inspiration from Michael Jackson 's boots from the cover of his "Bad" album, while the color scheme was taken from the most famous character of all time - Santa Claus. Sonic's personality, on the other hand, was directly inspired by future-President Bill Clinton, who Ohshima felt embodied a modern sensibility of wanting to get things done right away, righting wrongs as they presented themselves instead of letting them linger. [3] A later concept drawing of Sonic the Hedgehog and the world around him. Includes an early version of Dr. Eggman and Madonna, the unused "love interest. " With character in hand, and the future of Sega riding on them, Sega's AM8 division (who decided to call themselves " Sonic Team. set about making what they would hope become a successful game. While Ohshima was responsible for the look of Sonic the Hedgehog, he was only one part of the team that helped bring him to life. It was Yuji Naka that helped instill Sonic's trademark sense of speed by programming what was, at the time, the fastest game anyone had played on a home console. Having been obsessed with speed as a youth, he relished creating a game engine designed around a character who was focused on the same theme, even going as far as removing the original throwing-element of gameplay because it slowed down the overall flow. Rounding off the classic trio was Hirokazu Yasuhara, the Game Planner and Director, making sure all the pieces of the game fit together, while at the same time creating fun and memorable levels that would make people want more. The work of these three men, along with the other 12 members of the team, helped propel Sonic the Hedgehog to heights not even Sega could have foreseen. The success of Sonic the Hedgehog caused other companies to take notice, and the trend of anthropomorphic mascots was born. Sparkster, Bubsy, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Blinx, and Sly Cooper are only a few of the characters that have tried to emulate Sonic the Hedgehog over the years. While some were more successful than others, none could reach the heights Sonic skyrocketed to. In video games Origin of Sonic Sonic the Hedgehog's classic design, as used from 1991-1997. In the original game continuity, Sonic's past is never explicitly explained, and perhaps purposefully never hinted at. According to the Sonic the Hedgehog Technical Documents, Sonic was born on Christmas Island, although the island has yet to make an appearance within the games. The only other piece of information on Sonic's past is that he and Dr. Eggman have had a fierce rivalry that has existed long before the original Sonic the Hedgehog console game. Though the details of these early encounters are never expanded upon, it is made clear the first time the Chaos Emeralds become a source of contention is during the events of the first game. The first battle over the Chaos Emeralds was retold in the Sonic the Hedgehog Story Comic released in Japan, where Dr. Eggman first fights Sonic over the gems by interrupting a concert the hedgehog is singing in. [4] However, as the comic is based heavily on the early concepts of the game that ultimately never made it in, it is unknown how this relates to the current game continuity. Nevertheless, the ending to both is the same, with Sonic triumphing over the doctor. While Sonic has visited and explored South Island many times, Sonic is something of a nomad, never content with staying in one place for too long. Preferring to travel to new areas and locals looking for exciting new adventures, he only slows down when Dr. Eggman appears, foiling whatever new scheme to take over the world the doctor has. The same documents which mentioned Christmas Island (which were printed in the Sonic Adventure 2 Birthday Pack) offer an alternate, whimsical story in which Sonic the Hedgehog was originally a fictional character created by Mary Garnet, who used him in a series of children's novels. Inspired by her husband and his dream of being the first man to break the sound barrier, the character adorned the back of his jacket at the airfield he worked, becoming a mascot to those who worked alongside him. After an attempt to succeed in this dream turned tragic, both the man and and the hedgehog were slowly forgotten of as time moved on. Decades pass, and a young camerawoman attends an airshow at the same field, wearing the hedgehog-adorned jacket she recently bought at a flea market, remembering the character from her childhood. Getting caught up in an accident that occurs, she finds herself saved by a mysterious force, who she later finds was Sonic the Hedgehog, a blue blur and familiar shoes being found in her developed pictures. However, this story has never been referenced in the games, and only acknowledged by the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog as an alternate fictional story, solely intended to grab people's attention to the Mega Drive original. Personality Sonic the Hedgehog's profile from Sonic Jam. The original unveiling of Sonic the Hedgehog's redesign. From Sonic Adventure. Sonic the Hedgehog is a 15 year old blue hedgehog who lives in no particular locale on the planet Earth, instead choosing to travel the world looking for fun and adventure wherever he goes. While he may be a drifter, that doesn't mean he only cares about himself. Over the course of the games, Sonic meets other people whom he becomes close with, such as the over-eager sidekick Miles "Tails" Prower, the friendly rival Knuckles the Echidna, and the obsessive fangirl Amy Rose. While some games show Sonic as more of an a-typical hero than others, traditionally he is someone who plays by his own rules, while maintaining a strong sense of justice. Even though he looks out for the underdog, he does not dedicate his life to romanticized ideals, oftentimes fighting Dr. Eggman for the fun and adventure of it all. While he doesn't let others dictate his actions, he won't hesitate if his friends are in trouble, and though he maintains a calm and cool attitude, he knows when to get serious when the stakes are high. Sonic is known for his 'attitude' which is shown through his smugness and sarcasm. Sonic sometimes likes to show off in order to 'look cool. He is often shown posing or adjusting his gloves or shoes. He is also often noted to be impatient and sometimes have a hot temper. Abilities If there is one characteristic that defines Sonic the Hedgehog, it would have to be his supersonic speed. Able to go Mach 1 on his own power, it is this that sets him apart from the other characters in the series. While many of the main players have speeds that nearly match Sonic's, it isn't unusual to see him waiting for everyone else to show up, tapping his foot and crossing his arms in impatience. Sonic also has the ability to curl up into a ball and perform a spin attack, which makes his quills a deadly enough weapon to cut through the doctor's machines and free whatever animal may lie inside. He also possesses the spin dash, in which Sonic curls into a ball, revving up enough speed where he can dash ahead without having to build up the momentum beforehand. While the spin attack and the spin dash have been emulated by many other members in the cast, they have not been able to recreate the Super Peel-Out move, in which Sonic builds up even more momentum while standing, his legs moving so fast they become a figure 8 to the naked eye. However, Sonic is not infallible, his one major weakness being that he is incapable of swimming, forced to run along the bottom of whatever water-filled zone he happens to be in, relying on any air bubbles that spring up to prevent him from drowning. Sonic also has the capability of transforming into a super-powered version of himself through the use of whatever mystical item Sonic has to collect during his adventures, such as the Chaos Emeralds, the Super Emeralds, and the World Rings. Among his many transformations are Super Sonic, Hyper Sonic, and Darkspine Sonic. It is usually this transformation that drives the final confrontation in each installment of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. While Sonic can still drown in his Super Sonic transformation, he cannot while being Hyper Sonic. In other media Due to the fractured nature of bringing Sonic into other mediums, Sonic's origin story has not remained consistent when transformed into television, comic books, or even localized for Western markets. Because of this, there are many conflicting origin stories regarding the character "Sonic the Hedgehog. " Westernized game localization Sonic turns to his familiar blue hue. The promotional comic was published in such magazines as EGM. Not content with the simple explanation provided by Sega of Japan, Sega of America set to create their own origin of Sonic, meant to appeal to an American, and by extension, European audience. The first published version of this story, a comic written by Francis Mao, took a direction decidedly different from the Japanese explanation. In the comic, which takes the form of an extended flashback, Sonic explains to his animal friends how Robotnik, who appeared out of nowhere to terrorize the residents of the island, was actually once Dr. Ovi Kintobor. A benevolent scientist who only wished to save the world from the forces of evil, Sonic accidentally stumbled across the doctor's hidden laboratory while digging through the surface of the planet. The lanky, older doctor is stunned to find the small, brown, prickly hedgehog, but they soon become friends, Kintobor more than willing to share with Sonic what he has been working on in secret. He shows off his latest creation, his device to rid the world of evil: the Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor (R. O. C. for short. Maintained by Containment Rings (which are meant to be the rings one collects in the games) the R. is powered by six Chaos Emeralds floating within, tasked to absorb all the evil energy on the planet Mobius. However, without the final seventh emerald, the R. remains in a state of flux. In the interim, Kintobor decides to study Sonic's speed, putting him on an experimental treadmill meant to gauge how quickly he could run. In no time, Sonic reaches the speed of sound, causing the treadmill to explode and turning his hue from dirty brown to a brilliant blue. Kintobor says it must be the "cobalt effect. and makes him a pair of frictionless shoes to allow Sonic to keep on hitting these speeds without any further repercussions. One fateful day, Kintobor asks Sonic to bring him a soda and a hardboiled egg, and due to the doctor's clumsiness, spills the soda onto the control panel of the R. C., infusing him with the total collected evil energy stored within. The transformation, aided by the hardboiled egg, causes Kintobor to take on the shape of the egg, completing the process to turn the gentle doctor into the villainous Dr. Ivo Robotnik. This version of the story was later rewritten by Mike Pattenden in the book Stay Sonic: Official Sega Handbook. Sega s official American homepage from 1996 [5] expanded slightly on this story, showing that many of the attributes that made up Sonic were in fact learned from the animals that you rescue in the games. Johnny Lightfoot teaches Sonic how to run, Sally Acorn teaches him how to jump great distances, Joe Sushi shows him how to swim, Tux gives him the secret to breathing underwater, Flicky inspires his carefree approach to life, and Chirps shows him to do the Super Sonic Spin Attack. This pattern of having everyone else teach Sonic his moves even continued into the westernized Sonic the Hedgehog 2 manual, in which his new spin dash move was shown to him by Miles "Tails" Prower. An early proposal of the westernized version of the Sonic story, in which some elements were used to make the above, can be read here. Sonic the Hedgehog (manga) One of the earliest transitions for Sonic from video game hero to alternate media, the Sonic the Hedgehog manga from the publication Shogaku Yonensei has Sonic as an alter-ego of another hedgehog named Nicky, who can transform into Sonic when need be. He is joined by Miles "Tails" Prower while in Sonic form, who assists in fighting the evil (if comical) villain Dr. Eggman. In his secret identity Nicky, he has an entirely different supporting cast, including early forms of Charmy Bee and Amy Rose. This version of Amy is actually Nicky's girlfriend, as opposed to the "self-proclaimed girlfriend" role she plays in the games. Even though she is with the bespectacled hedgehog, her heart still pines for Sonic, oblivious to the fact Nicky and Sonic are one and the same. Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) The Saturday Morning cartoon Sonic the Hedgehog featured a vastly different origin than any previous continuity up to that point. While still portrayed as the "blue dude with an attitude. Sonic lives not on a planet that Dr. Robotnik wants to take over, but has already succeeded in doing so. Having overthrown the Acorn Kingdom and conquered Mobius ten years prior while Sonic was but five years of age, Sonic and a small group of friends are forced to grow up in a secluded area known as Knothole, located in the Great Forest and away from Robotnik's watchful eye. The majority of Mobium citizens have undergone a process known as Roboticization, created by Sonic's Uncle Chuck for benevolent purposes but misused by Doctor Robotnik. Once Sonic and the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters reach their teenage years, they set about overthrowing the evil dictator, his nephew Snively, and his entire empire. Sonic is joined by Princess Sally Acorn (the love interest) Rotor Walrus (the go-to tech guy) Bunnie Rabbot (the sassy half-robotocized friend) Antoine D'Coolette (the comic relief) and Miles "Tails" Prower (the ever-loving sidekick) as they attempt to revert Robotropolis back to the city they once lived in, Mobotropolis, and rescue the exiled King Acorn from "The Void. Though Sonic often acts rashly when confronted with Dr. Robotnik's SWATBots, he will often defer to Princess Sally, who is the true leader of the Freedom Fighters and the resistance as a whole. Only on for two seasons, the final released episodes show the Freedom Fighters, along with Sonic, make a final push against his "Doomsday Project" with Sonic and Sally being the ones who end it. With Sonic able to admit his feelings for Sally, the series ended on a cliffhanger, canceled as the third season began per-production. To date, no official continuation of the series has ever been released. Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie comics) The Archie comic book series, Sonic The Hedgehog, takes the same basic premise of the Saturday Morning series, having Sonic and the rest fight off the evil Dr. Robotnik and attempt to free their home and their planet. However, Robotnik's grip is not as strong, as there are more pockets of resistance and less Roboticized Mobians within the story. Also, since the early issues used concepts from the series Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, the doctor was not originally portrayed as harshly as his televised counterpart, his schemes often having some sort of ridiculous premise behind them. It wasn't until the Sonic CD adaptation that the series slowly shifted gears, heading toward a version of Dr. Robotnik that resembled the Saturday morning version more and more with each passing issue, culminating in the now-infamous " Endgame " story arc. In the aftermath of defeating Dr. Robotnik, Sonic and the rest of the Freedom Fighters set about transforming Robotropolis back into the city of their youth. In the process, Sonic discovers that his parents are still alive, having lived in the catacombs of Robotropolis, hidden there before the coup. His father, Jules Hedgehog, having been injured, was robotocized by Sir Charles Hedgehog in an attempt to save his life, unknowingly using machinery that had been tampered with by Robotnik (at the time calling himself Julian Kintobor of the House of Ivo. When completed, Sir Charles decides to renounce his status as Minister of Science in the Acorn Kingdom, overcome by the guilt of seeing his brother now nothing more than a mindless robot. Unknowingly, this action allowed Robotnik to claim not only the first victim of his coup d'etat, but his second - Sonic's mother, Bernadette Hedgehog. After the disappearance of his parents, Sonic ended up living with "Uncle Chuck" for a time, until Sonic was forced to escape to Knothole, his uncle becoming another casualty of the roboticization process. Though Sonic is at first upset at his uncle for keeping the fate of his parents a secret, he eventually forgives him and accepts his parents with open arms. With the rebuilding of the Acorn Kingdom, Sonic and Tails go off on a mission to subdue Ixis Nagus, and make sure he does nothing to disturb the peace they have only recently acquired. Unfortunately, even though the duo are successful, the Freedom Fighters are brought together once more to go up against an alternate Dr. Robotnik (who eventually calls himself Dr. Eggman) from a parallel universe. Bored of his own conquered world, he travels to "Mobius Prime" to rule over the only version of Sonic the Hedgehog that was able to defeat him. Though the empire he acquires rises and falls many times throughout the run, Eggman remains the main antagonist and arch-rival to Sonic the Hedgehog. Because of the serialized nature of the medium, and the tendencies of former main writer Ken Penders, Sonic's portrayal has ranged from the overtly silly to the dark and dreary. While Princess Sally Acorn is still presented as his main love interest, other characters such as Mina Mongoose and Fiona Fox have created love triangles and romance-orientated tales that are very different to the style and personality of the video game series. The comic has also embraced the idea of Sonic being obsessed with chili dogs, a trait that runs through the DiC Entertainment produced animated series. Sonic the Hedgehog (Troll Associates book) Based on the Saturday morning series and the Archie comic book, as well as early concepts for both, the Troll Associates book Sonic the Hedgehog expands on Sonics origin in a slightly different way than the rest. While the elements of Knothole, Uncle Chuck, and the Freedom Fighters are all present, Dr. Robotnik is introduced not as a master villain or even a comical one, but as a teenager, only fifteen years of age. Having been orphaned, Uncle Chuck decides to take him under his wing, just as he does Sonic, who is seven at this point. Predictably, the two orphans refuse to get along, even though Uncle Chuck encourages both of them. Things take a turn for the worse when Robotnik decides to raid Uncle Chucks tractor and use the steering parts for his latest robot. When Chuck hops on his tractor, it goes out of control, forcing Sonic to save both his uncle and Robotnik from being pinned to a tree. Uncle Chuck only finds out about Robotniks misdeed when one of his own robots snitches on the future doctor. Angry, Charles sends Robotnik to his room, where the future ruler of Mobius sets to make his largest robot yet, which Sonic has to save Uncle Chuck from. Eight years later, Sonic is now working with Uncle Chuck at his chili dog stand, with brand new sneakers his uncle invented for him. After the largest order yet, Sonic runs off to discover that the order was a trap, and when he runs back home discovers that his uncle and dog Muttski have been kidnapped by the now ruler of Mobius, the evil Dr. Robotnik. Knowing he has to rescue his uncle, he stumbles across Princess Sally Acorn, who informs Sonic not only who she is, but what happened to her father. Together, along with the rest of the Freedom Fighters, they work to not only rescue Uncle Chuck, but restore the Kingdom of Acorn. This origin story was also used in the original Archie mini-series, but presented as an imaginary story; a bad dream that Sonic is thankful never actually happened. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (produced concurrently with Sonic's other animated series Sonic the Hedgehog) put Sonic once again on the planet Mobius, trying to stay slightly more faithful to the source material than its Saturday morning counterpart, making Sonic and Tails the main characters. Robotnik, while a dictator in his own mind, is never shown as actually having any part of Mobius truly under his thumb, or any real power whatsoever. Instead, he tries time and time again to defeat Sonic the Hedgehog, using absurd and wild plots that are slanted more towards the viewer's amusement than anything. Sonic's portrayal is notable for his behaviour around Tails, taking an almost parental role towards him. Though he is often jerkish towards people that can slow him down, before learning to respect them later. Sonic's attitude in the series is deeply rooted in the concept of what was "hip" in the early to mid-90's, spouting off slang and various catchphrases whenever possible. Possessing an appreciation of the opposite sex other versions of the character have overlooked, to the point he acts absurd around females he finds attractive. Sonic also had a tendency to disguise himself to trick Robotnik and his minions Scratch and Grounder, allowing their plans to blow up in their faces as a result. Even though episodes such as the Chaos Emerald saga tried to raise the stakes, the characters in the series made sure to not take any event too seriously. Sonic the Comic The UK-based Sonic the Comic, produced by Fleetway, took the origin story that Sega of America had produced as a basis, later introducing concepts and ideas from the other Sonic media of the time. While at first a very basic comic book, issue #8 retold the Kintobor origin, at the same time having Robotnik sending Sonic a few months into the future. Instead of having Sonic prevent Robotnik from taking over the world, he now had to liberate Mobius with the help of staples like Miles "Tails" Prower and Amy Rose, as well as alternate versions of his animal friends from the games, Johnny Lightfoot and Porker Lewis. Sonic is very agressive and defensive, Nigel Kitching has explained that he acts this way on purpose to look tough. While many other original elements were presented, the comic tried to keep as strong ties to the original games as possible, using enemies and zones from the games in the storyline. Sonic, meanwhile, possessed a slightly harder edge to his personality than in the DiC-produced animated series, being slightly more obsessed with himself and even being vocally aggressive to his friends. At one point, it is revealed that Robotnik was not the one who originally designed Metal Sonic (called Metallix in the comic book) but that it was instead created by his assistant Grimer, and that Robotnik only installed a self-destruct mechanism in the off-chance they would rebel against him. When discovered, the Metallix go back in time to prevent the creation of Dr. Robotnik so this fail-safe device would not be implanted within them, forcing Sonic to go back in time and insure that Dr. Kintobor would indeed transform into the evil doctor. Because of this, Sonic realized that he was the one responsible for the creation of his greatest enemy, and the events that had transpired so far in the series. Another aspect of the Fleetway series that was unique to its continuity was the presentation of Super Sonic. While still a super-powered form of Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Sonic was a force of nature that was wild and uncontrollable, often being more destructive than Dr. While there were times when Super Sonic had to be called into action, it was only as a last resort, for while he would defeat whatever it was the Freedom Fighters could not, he would immediately turn his attention to his friends and try to wipe them out. In the end, all anyone could do was wait it out, hoping that the Chaos energy would dissipate, turning Sonic back to normal before too much trouble was to be had. Sonic the Hedgehog (anime) Produced under the supervision of Sonic Team, this two-part Japanese anime brought to life another version of Sonic the Hedgehog, also based on the games but once again being significantly different. Given no clear backstory, it is established that Sonic lives somewhere on South Island in the ruins of an airliner, and prefers to relax in this tropical locale than being needlessly bothered by other people. Sonic's personality leans more toward his Fleetway counterpart than his Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog one. Sonic's portrayal displays more in the way of hot-temper and is unpredicatable. He can snap at his friends and initially seem uncaring but he does express sympathy for Tails' fear of lightening and for Hyper Metal Sonic's fate. One moment Sonic may seem lazy and the next energetic and ready for adventure, while he will still rush in to save his friends from certain danger and Dr. There are occasionally times when he wishes to be left alone. While Sonic and Eggman end up face to face often through the course of the show, the hedgehog never shows any sign of being intimidated or frightened of Eggman or his plans. Instead, he chooses to make snide remarks, teasing him and his forces. The only villain in the piece he shows anything more to is Metal Sonic, and only once he recognizes that elements of his own personality were used to create the machine. It is also hinted at that he and Sara (the damsel-in-distress of the show) have some sort of attraction to each other, though neither explores it beyond simple flirting, mostly on Sara's part. Sonic Underground Once again creating a completely different origin story, DiC Entertainment chose to produce an animated series having nothing to do with either of their previous efforts. Born into a royal family, Sonic and his two siblings, Manic and Sonia the Hedgehog, are separated from their mother because of the intervention of Dr. Robotnik, who overthrows the kingdom. Maintaining his rule by appealing to the upper class, Dr. Robotnik's role as dictator forces the three hedgehog siblings to be raised by other families, and are only reunited once they reach their teenage years. Sonic, Sonia, and Manic then decide to form an underground rock group, appropriately named Sonic Underground. They use the band as a front to gather intelligence and to one day reunite with their mother, Queen Aleena, and overthrow Dr. Robotnik once and for all. Sonic X Sonic is quiet, solitary and stoic, his characterisation is mainly that of an idol for Chris to look up to. The second animated project under the direct supervision of Sonic Team, Sonic X is closely based on the Sonic Adventure-era of Sonic's history, even sharing the same voice actors in the Japanese original. However, instead of living on a planet where humans and animals coexist, Sonic and his friends come from a separate reality on an unnamed planet. It is only because of Dr. Eggman's latest invention that causes a warp in space and time utilizing Chaos Control that sends the cast to the planet Earth, where Sonic immediately gets into trouble. After running from the police, he finds himself trapped in a pool, unable to escape until he gets help from a child who lives there, Chris Thorndyke. The two immediately become friends, and it isn't long before Miles "Tails" Prower, Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit also become friends with the Thorndyke clan, making up residence there until they can find a way back home. While the first 26 episodes are unique stories, the second half of series one decided to adapt Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Battle, making changes to their individual stories as necessary. It was during this era of the show that Chris Thorndyke was replacing certain roles that were already taken up by other characters, including the role of sidekick and the person-in-distress. For example in the adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2, where he takes Amy's role in the story, being the one to convince Shadow the Hedgehog to join with the other heroes to prevent the Space Colony ARK from crashing into Earth. So while the series is one of the closest attempts to bring the games into alternate media, there are still some differences which make Sonic X its own unique world. Miscellaneous Trivia sections are bad Try and incorporate this information into the main article. See the manual of style to find out why. While Sonic's first staring role was in his self-titled 16-bit adventure, he first appeared in a cameo in the game Rad Mobile as the rearview mirror ornament. This was also the first of many cameos Sonic would have in other games, perhaps the most famous being the mountain carving found in the first track of Daytona USA. When it became possible to trademark certain three dimensional shape configurations for trademarked products and objects, Sonic the Hedgehog was one of the very first fictional characters to have his all-round shape trademarked. Interestingly, one of a class of genes involved in fruit fly embryonic development, called hedgehog genes after the name given to the first member of this class discovered, has been named sonic hedgehog after this character. The same gene (named shh for simplicity) has been found to be, in conjunction with other genes, pivotal in the formation of the pentadactyl limb in mice, and plays an interesting role in shaping the brain. Sonic the Hedgehog was the first video game character to be immortalized in balloon form at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The first year it was on the route (1993) it also crashed into a streetlight, but no major injuries occurred from the collision. [6] Sonic's age has always been a tricky one to pinpoint. According to the Sonic Technical Files, it says he is 18, but it's kinda hard to tell. In a video for those who preordered Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in Japan, Sonic's age was listed as being "15~16. 7] This continued with the Japanese version of Sonic Jam. However, the English version of Sonic Jam changed this to just be "16. With the Sonic Adventure era, his age is now listed as 15. Making things just a bit more confusing is the fact that Sonic Generations begins with Sonic being greeted to a surprise "birthday party. which occurs across every region and platform the game was released in. Theme songs " It Doesn't Matter. Sonic Adventure) It Doesn't Matter. Sonic Adventure 2) His World. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 game) High Flying Groove. Sonic Riders) Endless Possibility. Sonic Unleashed) Voice actors Masato Nishimura ( Sonic the Hedgehog CD) Takeshi Kusao ( SegaSonic the Hedgehog) Jaleel White ( Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Underground - English) Samuel Vincent ( Sonic Underground, Singing voice - English) Masami Kikuchi ( Sonic the Hedgehog (anime. Japanese) Martin Burke ( Sonic the Hedgehog (anime. English) Junichi Kanemaru (Japanese game voice (1998-present) plus Sonic X) Ryan Drummond (English game voice (1999-2004) Jason Griffith (English game voice (2005-2010) plus Sonic X) Tomokazu Seki ( Sonic Unleashed, Werehog only - Japanese) Roger Craig Smith (English game voice (2010-present) plus Sonic Boom) Alexandre Gillet (French game voice (2011-present) plus Sonic Boom) Marc Stachel (German game voice (2011-present) plus Sonic X and Sonic Boom) Jonathan López (Spanish game voice (2011-present) Renato Novara (Italian game voice (2011-present) Ben Schwartz ( Sonic the Hedgehog (film) Artwork References Characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog game series Recurring characters Heroes Sonic ( Super, Hyper, Darkspine, the Werehog, Excalibur. Tails ( Super. Knuckles ( Super, Hyper. Amy Rose, Cream, Big, Blaze ( Burning. Silver ( Super. Sticks Anti-heroes/Neutrals Shadow ( Super. Rouge, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Mighty ( Super. Ray ( Super. E-102 Gamma, E-123 Omega, Jet, Wave, Storm Villains Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic ( Rocket, Neo, 3. 0. Fang, Chaos ( Perfect. E-Series, ZERO, Eggman Nega, Orbot, Cubot, Deadly Six ( Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Master Zik, Zeena, Zor) Teams Sonic/Heroes, Rose, Dark, Chaotix, Babylon Other Animals ( Flicky. Froggy, Chao ( Hero, Dark. Tikal, Pachacamac, Omochao, Gerald & Maria Robotnik, President, Cheese, Chocola, Vanilla, G. U. N. Commander, Wisps One-off characters Emerl, Marine, Lumina Flowlight, Chip, Shahra, Knights of the Round Table, Caliburn, Yacker, Avatar Bean, Bark, Shade, Merlina Witchcart, Battle Kukku Army ( 15th, 16th, Dr. Fukurokov. Tails Doll, Metal Knuckles, E-101 Beta, Void, Biolizard, G-merl, Black Doom, Shugo-hei, Iblis, Mephiles, Solaris, Erazor Djinn, Captain Whisker, Johnny, Master Core: ABIS, Ix ( Super. Dark Gaia, King Arthur, Hard Boiled Heavies, Infinite Illumina, Elise, Duke of Soleanna, Coconut Crew, Vikings, Professor Pickle, Wentos, Don Fachio, Dodon Pa, Heavy and Bomb, Tiara Boobowski, Honey.

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Thirty-four-year-old aimless server Bridget hasn't yet achieved her goal of becoming a respected writer. When casual relations with a younger 'nice guy' leads to an unexpected confrontation with potential motherhood, she manifests a job nannying a pint-sized spirit guide disguised as an obstinate six-year-old genre: Drama writed by: Kelly O'Sullivan Actors: Braden Crothers, Charin Alvarez 7,7 of 10 1 H, 46minutes.

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Saint france 2. Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 90% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 10 Coming soon Release date: Feb 28, 2020 Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available Saint Frances Ratings & Reviews Explanation Saint Frances Photos Movie Info Flailing thirty-four-year-old Bridget (Kelly O'Sullivan) finally catches a break when she meets a nice guy and lands a much-needed job nannying six-year-old Frances (played by a scene-stealing Ramona Edith-Williams. But an unwanted pregnancy introduces an unexpected complication. To make matters worse, she clashes with the obstinate Frances and struggles to navigate a growing tension between Frances's moms. Amidst her tempestuous personal relationships, a reluctant friendship with Frances emerges, and Bridget contends with the inevitable joys and shit-shows of becoming a part of someone else's family. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Feb 28, 2020 limited Runtime: 98 minutes Studio: Oscilloscope Laboratories Cast Critic Reviews for Saint Frances Audience Reviews for Saint Frances There are no featured reviews for Saint Frances because the movie has not released yet (Feb 28, 2020. See Movies in Theaters Saint Frances Quotes News & Features.

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The waverly apartments. Max B Born Charley Wingate [1] May 21, 1978 (age 41) 2] Harlem, New York City, New York, U. S. Other names Biggaveli Bigga Boss Don The Silver Surfer Wavy Crockett The Wave Master/God Criminal status Incarcerated at East Jersey State Prison Criminal charge Murder conspiracy and robbery Penalty 8 years in prison (1997–2005) Currently incarcerated (2009–present) Musical career Genres Hip hop Occupation(s) Rapper singer songwriter Years active 2005–present Labels Gain Greene PhaseOne Network (current) Amalgam Digital Cocaine City Records Associated acts The Diplomats Jim Jones Dame Grease French Montana Beanie Sigel Chinx Styles P Website www. supportmaxb Charley Wingate (born May 21, 1978) better known by his stage name Max B (short for Max Biggavelli) is an American rapper, singer and songwriter. He is best known for his solo Public Domain and Million Dollar Baby series of mixtapes, and introducing the term "wavy" as a slang in popular lexicon. [3] 4] He made his mixtape debut in 2006, and signed a recording deal with fellow Harlem-based rapper Jim Jones ' label/group ByrdGang. Following a streak of financial and ethical grievances, Max B parted ways with Jones in 2008. The two became embroiled in a bitter feud which pitted Jones and his associates on one side, and Max B and his affiliates on the other. Max B is closely associated with producer Dame Grease, and fellow rapper French Montana where the two collaborated on the Coke Wave mixtape series. [5] In mid 2009, he was sentenced to 75 years in prison on conspiracy charges pertaining to armed robbery, kidnapping, aggravated assault and felony murder. [6] 7] While in prison, he secured a deal with Amalgam Digital to publish his debut album Vigilante Season which was released in 2011. On September 16, 2016, it was announced that Max B took a 20-year plea bargain for aggravated manslaughter and was set to be released on July 1, 2029. In July 2019, Max B had his sentence reduced from 20 years to 12 years. He is scheduled to be released sometime in 2021. [8] Early life [ edit] Max B was born Charly Wingate on May 21, 1978 [9] and raised in New York City. His mother, Sharon Wingate, the eldest of eight siblings, had battled with substance abuse for most of her life and eventually served a year and a half in prison for her crack addiction. Charly was largely raised by his grandparents. According to his mother, his grandmother taught Charly her strong religious values from a young age. As a child, he was friends with future rapper and Dipset founder Cam'ron. He grew up with music in the household, and had sung in the Boys Choir of Harlem. [4] Despite his grandmothers best efforts, Charly was heavily influenced by the streets, and at the age of 18, began serving a sentence for robbery in 1997. [10] Wingate went on to serve 8 years in prison, before being released in 2005. Following his release, he immediately began pursuing a career in music, choosing the stage name Max B. The "B" being shorthand for Biggaveli, a portmanteau referencing The Notorious B. I. G. Biggie Smalls. Jay-Z ( Jigga" and Tupac Shakur ( Makaveli. 4] 11] According to Wingate, his love for rap music came from his deceased brother, Eric, who left him collections of cassettes while he went in and out of town. Music career [ edit] Max B entered the industry spotlight through his affiliation with The Diplomats, in particular Cam'ron who was a childhood friend of his. Cam'ron introduced Max to Jim Jones, who would then go on to found ByrdGang in 2006 with Max B as a starring member, with Stack Bundles, Mel Matrix and lady Jha Jha. [12] By 2008, Max B had left ByrdGang amid his allegations he had been forced into a contract which offered him inadequate pay and no recognition of his artistic contributions which included writing hooks, verses and melodies for Jim Jones during their stint. He alleges he was paid 300 for live shows where Jones earned in the range of 10, 000–15, 000. [13] 14] In 2005, Max B appeared as a feature on various records, including "G's Up" and lead single " Baby Girl " off of Jones' sophomore album Harlem: Diary of a Summer released in August. He appeared as a feature on "You Gotta Love It" off of Cam'ron's Killa Season album released in May 2006, and released his debut mixtape Million Dollar Baby the same month. Max B collaborated on the ByrdGang mixtape M. O. B. (Members of ByrdGang) released on July 7, and made several feature appearances on Jones' mixtape The 7 Day Theory released on September 27. Arrest and bail [ edit] In 2006, Max B became embroiled in legal trouble when he was arrested on September 29 in connection to a botched robbery turned homicide that occurred in Fort Lee, New Jersey, allegedly involving his "on-again off-again girlfriend" Gina Conway and step-brother Kevin Leerdem. [15] While away, Max B had already recorded several feature appearances on Jim Jones' third album Hustler's P. M. E. which was released in November. In addition to writing for Jones on other tracks, most notably its lead single and Jones' highest-charting single to date " We Fly High " which was released on October 21. Public Domain and Public Domain 2 [ edit] Max B's second solo mixtape Public Domain: Million Dollar Baby Radio was released on November 2 while the rapper remained behind bars. Notable tracks off the record include "Deez My Streets" and "Dom Perignon" among others. Followed by his third mixtape Public Domain 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer released in December of that year. Notable tracks off the record include "Blow Me A Dub" and "De La Soul" among others. Both mixtapes were hosted by Connecticut -based veteran DJ Big Mike, whom Max would develop an extensive relationship with throughout his career. [16] After having spent 10 months imprisoned, Max B was released on July 11, 2007 on a reported 2 million in bail. [17] Short of funds, portion of Max's bond was raised by selling his publishing over to his label owned by Jim Jones. [4] It would eventually go on to become one of many grievances and disputes Max would share with his former labelmate and head Jim Jones. Max B's fourth mixtape Public Domain: The Prequel was released later in the month following his release from prison. He appeared as a feature on Styles P 's "Holiday" off of his third album released on December 4. Max B collaborated on the MOB2 (Members of ByrdGang 2) mixtape released on October 20, and had written for Jones' digital album which came out on February 19 the following year. Exactly one month prior to Max's release, on June 11, his friend Stack Bundles had been killed in his neighborhood of Far Rockaway, Queens. In a 2009 interview before his trial, Max expressed his loss stating, That was fucked up because the nigga Stacks was close to me, I ain't even gonna front. I was in jail at the time, so a nigga was sitting. A nigga learned to cope with that thing pretty well though, R. P. to Stacks. Shout out to my nigga, he played me all the joints he had. Man, that was my nigga. 18] Leaving ByrdGang [ edit] By 2008, Max B had left ByrdGang and publicly distanced himself from the "Dipset" movement. He had begun concentrating on his own rap collective named Gain Greene which included members Al Pac, Mak Mustard and Scarlett O'Harlem. [19] 20] He began associating with South Bronx rapper French Montana, then best known as the founder/host of the "street DVD" series Cocaine City, and who shared a similarly bitter history with Jim Jones. The two collaborated on their first song together "Waavvyy" off of French's sophomore tape Live From Africa released on April 29. Max also developed a close relationship with Boston rappers Mall G and T. P., Connecticut rapper Hollywood Fergie, and G-Unit 's Tony Yayo. [19] Million Dollar Baby 2 and Public Domain 3 [ edit] On March 1, Max B released his first solo project since his departure from ByrdGang, his fifth mixtape Million Dollar Baby 2. Notable tracks off the record include "Why You Do That" and "Sexy Love" among others. Hosted by New York-based Mexican - Belgian female DJ Lazy K, 21] 22] the two then released his sixth mixtape Million Dollar Baby 2. 5 on June 7. Notable tracks off the record include "Won't Go Far" and "She Touched It In Miami. Max B released his seventh mixtape Public Domain 3 on June 10, hosted by veteran DJ Whoo Kid. The record became a significant mark of Max's independence, including scathing references towards his former partner turned rival Jim Jones. Notable tracks off the record include "Picture Me Rolling. Lip Sing. Ready To Ride" and "Paperwork" featuring Al Pac. Wavie Crockett and Domain Diego [ edit] On July 21, Max B released his eighth mixtape Wavie Crockett. Notable tracks off the record include "Gotta Have It" and "Takin' Pictures" among others. With the popularity of his mixtapes, he had embarked on his first tour to the West Coast earlier in the year. The fourth installation in his flagship "Public Domain" series, Domain Diego was released on July 28, with a significant portion of the record having been recorded in San Diego, California during his trip. [23] Notable tracks off the record include "Try Me" and "I'm So High" among others. On October 1, he released his tenth mixtape Goon Music 1. 5: The Doomship. Notable tracks off the record include "Free Al Pac. I Wasn't There" and "Cops Come Runnin. Feud with Jim Jones [ edit] Following his departure from ByrdGang, Max B engaged in a bitter feud with Jim Jones alongside fellow rapper French Montana. According to interviews, French and Max shared a common group of friends and associates. [24] However, due to French's existing problems with Jim Jones, and Max being signed to his ByrdGang at the time, the two had yet to collaborate. [24] This would soon change as the two became embroiled in one of the more infamous street beefs in New York hip hop. Background [ edit] According to Max B, his beef with Jones stems from his allegations he was forced into a contract which offered him inadequate pay and no recognition of his contributions which included writing hooks, verses and melodies for Jim Jones during their stint together. He also alleges he was paid 300 for live shows where Jones earned in the range of 10–15, 000. [13] 14] In his infamous interview on The Come Up Vol. 18 (2008) he confirmed having delivered "10 albums" worth of material to Jones to fulfill the terms of his contract. In the case of French Montana, his beef with Jim Jones had begun earlier. Albeit also attributed to Jones' disdain towards French for the infamous footage in Cocaine City Vol. 4 (2006. 25] 26] depicting Jones and his Dipset crew being beaten and driven-out during a brawl in Rucker Park, by the Brooklyn -based Junior MAFIA associated with the late Notorious BIG. [25] 26] According to French, his personal problems with Jones stems from his claims that Jones was publicly insinuating having a hand with the people responsible for a shooting targeting French. [27] In a 2009 interview with VladTV, French claimed that Jones – by then well known for his numerous feuds and provocations – was using the late-2003 incident to increase his reputation in the streets. [27] Feud [ edit] By the time Max B left ByrdGang in 2008, Jim Jones had garnered a streak of feuds with rappers, ranging from Junior MAFIA to would-be Jay-Z affiliate Tru Life. Tru Life had already appeared in various interviews, including one on Cocaine City Vol. 8 (2007) 28] showing off two Dipset chains he claimed to have snatched off of Jones. [28] Max B's affiliation with French and their mutual beef with Jim Jones was a very public one – resulting in numerous back-and-forth "diss" videos, interviews, confrontations and accusations – which appeared on street DVDs such as Cocaine City, Smack, Come Up, Sub-0, as well as websites such as and which were just beginning to gain a foothold. The feud also involved Jim Jones affiliate Hell Rell, 29] 30] and at differing points of time various rappers from Dipset or ByrdGang close to Jones. On February 5, 2009, Max B and French Montana would go on to release their debut collaborative mixtape Coke Wave, and which included productions from Dame Grease, Young Los and J. Cardim. [31] The run up to which was marred by tension and confrontation between the feuding sides. Notable bits from the series of back-and-forth videos include, French and Max B mocking Hell Rell's standing in relation to Jones, 29] 32] 33] and Rell firing back; 30] 34] Max B's allegations of infidelity by Jones' wife Chrissy; 35] 36] Max B recalling an off-camera altercation with Jones in the street in late 2008; 37] 38] footage of French and Max's crew confronting Jones at his Manhattan studio followed by a standoff with police in November ( Cocaine City Vol. 12. 39] and an attempted reprisal against Max B by ByrdGang leading to a brawl at a club in Brooklyn in January 2009. [40] Allegations of blackballing [ edit] Together with his producers Dame Grease and Young Los, 41] newfound partner French Montana, and mixtape DJ's Big Mike and Lazy K, Max B had garnered a sizeable underground movement that pushed his music online and throughout the North Eastern region. Particularly noteworthy since, throughout their stint Max B and French would allege being "blackballed" by radio and media. [42] 43] 44] In a September 25, 2008 video on WSHH, 45] they would go on to accuse Jim Jones for using his influence to further dissuade labels and websites from covering the rappers. [45] As a response to being blackballed, the two would rely on grassroots and online methods of promotion. French Montana – who had a background in Cocaine City – and Max B, would utilize outlets such as street DVDs and hip hop websites to promote themselves and their respective projects. Since the early-2000s, street DVDs had emerged as a lucrative underground medium providing a "behind the scenes" look into the business and politics of major and upcoming rappers. By the late 2000s, websites such as WSHH and others would take on the same spot; consequently, marking the decline of street DVDs as an outdated and non-lucrative format. Another tactic was to release a flood of music/mixtapes. In 2008 alone, Max B had released over half a dozen mixtapes. The Coke Wave mixtape, and its sequel Coke Wave 2, were accompanied by DVD films which included music videos, in-studio footage, skits, and videos revolving around their beef with background commentary. [19] Coke Wave 2, in addition to the Take A Look Into My Life DVD, which were released subsequent to Max B's sentencing, further included footage related to his trial and commentary on his legal situation. French would touch on the subject of having been blackballed in a number of interviews following his mainstream breakout. [43] 44] 46] In a 2012 interview from prison, Max B touched on the subject noting, I was completely blackballed, my songs on the radio. I couldnt help myself but I was always able to help French do what he wanted to do. if I had to blow trial, at least I know a n* ga out there holding it down. Im talking to French; we communicate a couple times a week. he real wavy right now. [42] Amalgam Digital and Vigilante Season [ edit] In June 2008, Max B had signed a three-album deal with independent record label Amalgam Digital. [47] 48] Soon after, however, they would be prevented by Jim Jones' legal team from making any commercial releases of Max's music. This would continue until May 2010, a year after Max B was sentenced, where in a lawsuit victory a New York City judge ruled that Jones no longer had rights over the now-incarcerated rapper's music. [49] Thereby allowing Amalgam to release his debut album Vigilante Season. The project which was recorded in 2008, and originally intended to be released sometime after Public Domain 3, 48] was finally released on March 22, 2011. Notable songs from Vigilante Season include "Money Make Me Feel Better. Where Do I Go" and "Lord Is Tryna Tell Ya Something" among others. [50] Final year releases [ edit] Quarantine and Public Domain 6 [ edit] The first half of 2009, would be Max B's last as a free man. Following the release of his eleventh mixtape Coke Wave on February 5, he released his twelfth mixtape Quarantine on February 21 later that month. The fifth installation in his flagship "Public Domain" series, notable tracks off Quarantine include "I Ain't Tryna. All My Life. Don't Love Hoes" and "DJ Saved My Life" featuring Mak Mustard. [51] On June 4, Max B was sentenced to 75 years in prison, found guilty on 9 of 11 counts in the case involving himself, Gina Conway and Kevin Leerdam. [1] Based on the testimony of Conway, he is accused of conspiring the event, and will be eligible for parole in 2042. Conway was sentenced to 18 years, and Leerdam was sentenced to life in prison. Following his verdict, his fourteenth mixtape Million Dollar Baby 3 was released on June 30. His fifteenth mixtape and sixth installment in his "Public Domain" series, PD6: Walking The Plank, was released on July 12. [52] Notable tracks off the record include "Dead Solver. Never Wanna Go Back. Letter To Stack Bundles" and "What You Want From Me" featuring Beanie Sigel and French Montana. His collaborative mixtape Coke Wave 2 with French was released on November 3, 2009. [53] Post-jail releases [ edit] Albeit in prison since June 2009, Max B has been featured on various artists' records, utilizing preexisting recordings or through phoned-in verses and messages from prison. A collaborative mixtape titled Dopeman with fellow Gain Greene rapper Mak Mustard was released on April 4, 2010. A collaborative mixtape A Wave Called Yes with Amalgam labelmate Young Riot was released on May 26. The record contained two collaborative tracks featuring Curreny who had signed to Amalgam in 2009, having had the opportunity to work with Max during his final months before his sentencing. In 2012, Isaiah Toothtaker released a collaborative mixtape called Toothy Wavy which featured phoned-in verses from Max B, 54] and production by The Hood Internet. [55] When Kanye West's album was scheduled to be named Waves, Max B (originator of the wave) expressed approval of the name change. [56] He called in the Breakfast Club and said "It's all love. I appreciate it. In 2016, a phone conversation with Kanye West was featured on the track " Siiiiiiiiilver Surffffeeeeer Intermission " from West's 7th studio album, The Life of Pablo. He dropped a song with French Montana called "Hold On" in 2019. Felony murder charges [ edit] According to authorities, Max sent his ex-girlfriend, Gina Conway, and his stepbrother Kelvin Leerdam, in 2006 to rob two men in a Holiday Inn, in Fort Lee, Northern New Jersey. On September 22, 2006, Conway and Leerdam ambushed Allan "Jay" Plowden in room 408 and restrained him with duct tape, while awaiting Plowden's partner, David Taylor. Also in the room was Gissele Nieven. When Taylor arrived, he was immediately shot, point-blank, execution-style, in the head. He did not have any money on him. The crew fled the scene, Plowden then alerted the hotel front desk of the murder. As police entered the room, Plowden was caught moving 30, 000 out of the room. Plowden was later charged with money laundering and identity theft. One week later Conway, Leerdam and coordinator Max B were apprehended and charged. On January 9, 2007 Max B was remanded to Bergen County Jail in New Jersey on a 2 million bail. [57] Conviction and appeal [ edit] By June 6, 2009, he had been found guilty on 9 of 11 counts in the ongoing trial. [58] On June 9, he was found guilty of murder conspiracy and robbery charges and faced up to 75 years. [59] Max B was later sentenced to 75 years in prison on September 4, 2009. [60] His mother, Sharon Wingate, and fellow rap artist French Montana said he plans to appeal his conviction. On March 19, 2010, Max B was granted an appeal with a new trial and lawyer. [61] In February 2012, rumors spread that Max's request for an appeal had been denied, but it since has been cleared up as an internet/blog/Twitter rumor. [62] On August 30, 2012, Max's appeal was denied and he is set to remain in prison to finish his 75-year incarceration. On September 16, 2016 French Montana released a statement revealing Max B has taken a plea bargain for aggravated manslaughter and is set to be released within 2 to 6 years. [63. failed verification] 64] Max continues to seek a higher appeal. Rapper Jay-Z recently shouted out Max B in support in his Rick Ross and Dr. Dre collaboration "3 Kings. 65] In July 2019, Max B had his sentence reduced from 20 years to 12 years. He is scheduled to be released sometime in 2021. Discography [ edit] Studio albums [ edit] Vigilante Season (2011) Extended Plays [ edit] House Money (2019) Mixtapes [ edit] Million Dollar Baby (2006) Public Domain: Million Dollar Baby Radio (2006) Public Domain: The Prequel (2007) 66] Public Domain 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) Million Dollar Baby 2 (2008) Million Dollar Baby 2. 5: Da Appetizer (2008) Public Domain 3: Domain Pain (2008) 67] 68] Wavie Crockett (2008) Domain Diego (2008) Goon Music 1. 5: The Doomship (2008) with Dame Grease) Coke Wave (2009) with French Montana) 69] Quarantine (2009) 70] Public Domain 6: Walking the Plank (2009) 71] 72] Million Dollar Baby 3 (2009) Coke Wave 2 (2009) with French Montana) Dopeman: Public Domain 6. 5 (2010) 73] with Mak Mustard) A Wave Called Yes (2010) with Young Riot) Toothy Wavy (2012) with Isaiah Toothtaker) 55] Wave Gods (2016) with French Montana) Notable compilations [ edit] Out on Bond: 2 Million Dollar Baby (2007) Max Payne (2008) Wave Music (2008) Bloomberg Series (2008) Goon Music 2. 0www (2009) with Dame Grease and French Montana) The Waviest (2010) Library Of A Legend (2011) Volumes 1 to 24 Return of the Wave (2013) with various artists) Hook King (2014) The Best of Max B & Al Pac (2015) with Al Pac) Guest appearances [ edit] Funkmaster Flex. We Be Gettin' Chips" from Car Show Tour (2005) Jim Jones. G's Up" and " Baby Girl " from Harlem: Diary of a Summer (2005) Jim Jones. Intro. So Harlem. Bright Lights, Big City. Pin the Tail. Love of My Life. Don't Forget About Me. and "Concrete Jungle" from Hustler's P. (Product of My Environment) 2006) Cam'ron. You Gotta Love It" from Killa Season (2006) Styles P. Holiday" from Super Gangster (Extraordinary Gentleman) 2007) Pete Rock. We Roll" from NY's Finest (2008) Kurious. Back from Up Under" from II (2009) Curreny. Living the Life" from Jet Files (2009) Harvey Stripes. Paid" 2009) French Montana. Once in a While" and "Hey My Guy" from Excuse My French (2013) Cold World. Outro" from How the Gods Chill (2014) Joke. Max B" 2013) Kanye West. Siiiiiiiiilver Surffffeeeeer Intermission " from The Life of Pablo (2016) French Montana. Chinx & Max/Paid For" from " MC4. 2016) French Montana. A Lie " from " Jungle Rules. also featuring The Weeknd) 2017) References [ edit] a b Reid, Shaheem; Rodriguez, Jayson; Dukes, Rahman (June 9, 2009. Former Dipset Affiliate Max B Found Guilty Of Manslaughter. MTV. ^ Biography... ^ Whether You Heard Him for the First Time in 2005 or Last Night, Max B's Legacy Is Undeniable. Complex. January 23, 2016. Retrieved January 27, 2016. ^ a b c d Cohen, Finn (July 19, 2013. Lord Is Tryna Tell You Something: How Charly Wingate Became Max B. Complex. ^ Max B Co-Signs French Montana and Ponders Diddy's NYC Domination. AllHipHop. November 8, 2012. Retrieved January 25, 2016. ^ Crates, Jake (August 30, 2012. Max B Prison Sentence Upheld; Parole Set for 2042. AllHipHop. ^ Rapper Max B Gets 75 Years In Jail For Robbery. Billboard. September 4, 2009. Retrieved January 25, 2016. ^ Max B Just Got His Prison Sentence Reduced Even More. The Source. July 29, 2019. Retrieved November 14, 2019. ^ Benson, Chris; Porter, D. (July 2009. 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NEWS: Max B Signs W/ Amalgam Digital, Says Jim Jones' Wife "Touched It In Miami. ^ a b "Max B Signs Deal with Amalgam Digital. July 1, 2008. Retrieved January 30, 2016. ^ Max B Freed From Obligations to Jim Jones, Vigilante Season on the Way. May 27, 2010. Retrieved February 1, 2016. ^ Drake, David (April 25, 2011. Max B: Vigilante Season. Pitchfork Media. Retrieved May 28, 2015... Max B - Quarantine. February 21, 2009... Max B - PD6: Walking The Plank. July 12, 2009... French Montana & Max B - Coke Wave 2. November 3, 2009. ^ Woodbury, Jason P. (May 7, 2012. Isaiah Toothtaker and Max B Show Off Toothy Wavy Videos. Phoenix New Times. Retrieved May 28, 2015. ^ a b Ellis, Matthew (May 15, 2012. Max B & Isaiah Toothtaker 'Toothy Wavy' Mishka Mixtape) Prod. By Hood Internet. Prefix. Retrieved May 28, 2015. ^ Schwartz, Danny. "Max B expresses approval for Kanye West album. Hotnewhiphop. Retrieved February 19, 2016. ^ Phillips, Rashad. (2009-01-16) Bronx Woman Confesses In Alleged Max B. Robbery,Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales. HipHop DX. Retrieved on 2012-01-06. ^ Max-B Found Guilty on 9 out of 11 Counts in Murder Trial (Facing up to 20 Years in Prison. 2009-06-09. Retrieved 2012-01-06. ^ This Forgotten Day In Hip-Hop: Max B Gets Sentenced To 75 Years. 2015-06-10. Retrieved 2015-08-16. ^ Jacobs, Allen (2009-09-03. Max B Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison. Retrieved 2009-09-03. ^ Markos, Kibret (2009-09-03. Rapper gets 75 years for fatal Fort Lee hotel robbery. The Record. Retrieved 2009-09-04. ^ Max B Says "Dont Believe Internet Rumors. Itsbizkit. ^ Bark, Theo (August 31, 2012. Max B Appeal Denied: N. J. Court Upholds 75-Year Prison Sentence for Murder, Robbery. The Boombox. ^ Max B Accepts Plea Deal, Prison Sentence Reduced. Rap-Up. Retrieved 2018-10-22. ^ Lewis, Brittany (September 26, 2012. FREE MAX B! Max B Starts "Pardon The Wave" Petition & Big Ups Jay-Z For "3 Kings" Shout Out. Global Grind. ^ Reid, Shaheem (2007-08-06. Jay-Z Teams With Eminem, Young Jeezy; Trina Won't Dis 50 Cent; Everybody's Poppin' On Wu-Tang Clan LP. Retrieved 2009-09-03. Public Domain: The Prequel reviewed. ) Lee, Frazia (2008-07-16. Max B: Public Domain 3: Domain Pain. Metro Spirit. ^ DJ Whoo Kid & Gain Greene present Max B: Public Domain 3 (Domain Pain. 2008-08-01. ^ Reid, Shaheem (2008-12-08. T. Isn't Taking Young Buck From G-Unit. Yet; Bun B Wants To Battle Snoop Dogg. Coke Wave reviewed. ) Ketchum, William E. III (2009-03-21. up-july/ Mixtape Wrapup (February/March. Quarantine reviewed. ) "Big Mike & Max B Present Public Domain 6: Walking The Plank. 2009-07-16. ^ Ketchum, William E. III (2009-08-03. Mixtape Wrapup (July. Retrieved 2009-08-16. pd6 reviewed. ) Life, Lavish. (2010-04-01) max b and mak mustard: dopeman (Public Domain 6. 5) –. Retrieved on 2012-01-06. External links [ edit] Official website Max B discography at Discogs.

What is the wave transport. What is the Wave Rock used for. OMG I NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE I LOVE NATRAL DISASTERS. We do not save trees but anyone noticed that a tree save them from flood water.

This is so trippy! I like it😂

{ id" 323, bband" FM. callsign" KTWVFM. category" Music. city" Los Angeles. country" US. description" 94. 7 The WAVE is a Southern California Original. doubleclick_bannertag. doubleclick_prerolltag. facebook. format" AC. frequency" 94. 7. gmt_offset" 8, hero_image" null, interactive" false, interactive_stream_drift" 0, keywords" KTWVFM, Los Angeles. latitude" 34. 0704, listen_live_url. longitude" 118. 349, name" 94. 7 The WAVE. napster_id" null, napster_station_type" null, nielsen_asset_id" KTWV-FM. nielsen_station_type" 2. observes_dst" null, partner" CBS. partner_id" 1, partner_name" Entercom. phonetic_name" Ninety Four Seven The Wave. popularity" 321287, postal_code" 90036. primary_color. 2c6fb7. r20id" 69, secondary_color. 0fafde. site_slug" 947thewave. slogan" The Soul of Southern California. slug" 947-the-wave. square_logo_large. square_logo_small. state" CA. status" 1, stream_provider_id" null, stream_provider_name" null, stream_type" Non-Interactive. tag_station_id" 11790, text_number" null, triton_id" 1384, triton_name" KTWVFM. twitter" 947thewave. website. market. id" 11, name" Los Angeles, CA. display_name" Los Angeles. activity. genre. id" 17, name" Urban. mood. parent_stations. child_stations. station_stream. type" mp3. url. type" aac. url. interactive_stream_url" null, market_id" 11, market_name" Los Angeles, CA. genre_name. Urban. activity_name. mood_name. playingClass" show_ play. favoriteModifier. not-active. metaTitle" Listen to 94. 7 The WAVE Online. metaDescription" Listen to 94. 7 The WAVE - The Soul of Southern California. Live. Anytime. Anywhere" The Soul of Southern California recently played schedule discover recent stations Los Angeles stations all Urban I WANT TO BE YOUR MAN ROGER Call Out My Name The Weeknd CALL OUT MY NAME THE WEEKND Doo Wop (That Thang) Lauryn Hill DOO WOP (THAT THANG) LAURYN HILL Shining Star. MANHATTANS SHINING STAR. It Ain't Over Til It's Over Lenny Kravitz IT AIN'T OVER TIL IT'S OVER LENNY KRAVITZ Uptown Funk Mark Ronson/Bruno Mars UPTOWN FUNK MARK RONSON/BRUNO MARS Sexual Healing Marvin Gaye SEXUAL HEALING MARVIN GAYE 2:00 pm 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm UTC Pat Prescott 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 2:00 am UTC Deborah Howell 2:00 am 2:00 am 8:00 am UTC Frankie Ross [ id" 299. id" 323. id" 555. id" 545. id" 601. id" 603. id" 349. id" 1102. id" 1226. id" 1668. id" 1683. id" 1685. id" 1692} KROQ The World Famous KROQ 94. 7 The WAVE KNX 1070 NEWSRADIO All news. All the time. K-EARTH 101 The Greatest Hits on Earth! 93. 1 Jack FM 93. 1 JACK FM - Playing What We Want 97. 1 AMP Radio LA's New Hit Music KROQ Roq of the 80s The Roq Of The 80s! We Are Channel Q Giving Everyone a Voice FireLane Burning and Bending Sounds 95. 9 The Fish The Fish 95. 9 is safe for the whole family to listen to! AM 870 The ANSWER 99. 5 KKLA AM 590 The ANSWER [ id" 323. id" 449. id" 987. id" 975. id" 950. id" 495. id" 429. id" 947. id" 1239. id" 1199. id" 1261. id" 1236. id" 1256. id" 1263. id" 597. id" 872. id" 1039. id" 2059. id" 2210. id" 2082. id" 992. id" 2064. id" 2134. id" 2083. id" 1038. id" 2195. id" 2194. id" 1192. id" 2072. id" 2068. id" 907} V-103 The People's Station & The ATL's Home For Hip Hop & R&B 95. 7 R&B Smooth R&B From Yesterday and Today 97. 1 QMG The Best R&B and Old School 102 Jamz The Hip Hop Station WPGC 95. 5 Stay connect to the Hip-Hop Culture 24/7 HOT 93. 7 Connecticut's #1 for Hip Hop and R&B The Block 96. 3, 104. 5, 107. 7 Todays Hip Hop and R&B with Steve Harvey in the Morning Power 106. 1 Jacksonville's Tru Hip Hop KISS 104. 1 Today's R&B 99 Jamz Miami's #1 For Hip Hop and R&B Hot 99. 5 Duval's Only R&B Star 94. 5 Orlando's Only R&B HOT 105 Today's R&B and Old School LATEST from 94. 7 The WAVE QUIZ: Which Super Bowl 2020 Performer Are You? The Truth Behind Dog the Bounty Hunter's Marriage Proposal Revealed Making Waves 2020: Ozie B. Gonzaque, The Woman Behind "To Protect & Serve" Dunkaroos Are Officially Making a Comeback Teresa and Joe Giudice Celebrate Daughter Milanias 14th Birthday.

What are the wave parts of light. I like ! I can see the delight inspiration, but me likey. When life was actually good. Rcs according to the wavelength. What happens to the water particles in the wave as the energy passes through the wave. About the wave App Listen to the wave, Auto Pilot Radio Station and Many Other Stations from Around the World with the App the wave Berlin NH Jazz, Chillout, Pop Auto Pilot Radio Station Athens Chillout, House, Jazz Costa Del Mar - Chillout Ibiza Ambient, Chillout Radio your way - Download now for free the wave: Stations in Family. Max B: Free the Wave on Spotify. The wave coventry.

The wave port jefferson. The wave full movie. The wake 2017. The wave in arizona national park. The wave denville nj. This brought me bjorkian excitement. So fresh and elegant. Love the video treatment by Alden Volney. I have such high expectations now for the album! Yipeee. Yee yee. The avenue. Wow I've had this song for years and never known what it was called haha. The wave hollywood florida. KTWV - The Wave 94. 7 FM: Playlist About KTWV - The Wave 94. 7 FM App Listen to KTWV - The Wave 94. 7 FM, KCBS-FM - 93. 1 Jack FM and Many Other Stations from Around the World with the App KTWV - The Wave 94. 7 FM Los Angeles Hits, Rock, Top 40 & Charts, R'n'B KCBS-FM - 93. 1 Jack FM Rock KRTH - K-Earth 101 70s, 80s, Hits, Oldies Radio your way - Download now for free.

How do you describe the locarion of the wave rock. What is the wave length of 50Hz. More truth in plain sight. Movies aren't fun anymore when your eyes are open. 3:21 when you leave the pizza rolls in the oven for too long. What is the speed of the wave. The wave by todd strasser. Omg this song is so an After song, i mean its absolutly Hessa 😍⚡️. I expected to see the Tuskegee syphilis experiment on here. In the book The Wave who was Mr Ross's bodyguard. Why the wave function must be normalized. So yeah he looked like justin from 13rw. WOw- the Native American Spirits running warning of what happened to them in those Lands in the 1830's- >Trail of Tears...

The weaver and the factory maid. I like this movie, so good. d( ̄  ̄) got some great stuff about brainwashing in it. You can see a lot of different things that use the same system today. This is exactly what happens in Lucid Dreaming amazing 😊. Home Explore Downtown Chandler Wave We may live in a desert, but that doesn't mean you can't ride a wave. at least in Chandlers booming downtown.  Visitors to Downtown Chandler can now get free shuttle rides from four parking garages to destinations throughout the downtown area with a new e-cab service, dubbed the “Wave. ” T he free shuttle service is available from 5-9 p. m. on Thursday, and from 5-10 p. on Friday and Saturday evenings, making it a valuable resource for visitors, including those with limited mobility, who patronize downtown businesses. The vehicles will circulate from the parking garages through the downtown square and to nearby venues. Patrons also can wave them down for rides or hail a ride by calling 602-730-5153. #RideTheWave.

What part of the wave affects volume. Remember when Kanye West announced that he was going to name The Life of Pablo  “Waves, ” and Wiz Khalifa took exception to it because Yeezus was “stealing” swag from the legendary Max B? That resulted in arguably the funniest West rant Twitter in the app's history. Yo, if anyone, comes at ya baby moms like that, you have the right to air that bihh out. Anyways, on July 26, 2019, a picture of a smiling Bigavel surfaced on Bs Instagram captioned, “They gave me 75, got it chopped to a 20 then got it down to a dozen, nigga Im good with the money 🌊🌊 #SUPERBAD. ” And guess whos helping good ole Charley Wingate cut down his time?  Wests wifey, Kim Kardashian. According to Complex, French Montana hit up his exs sister for legal help. “Me and Kim was talking about getting Max B home from jail. Cause shes doing the whole thing… So, like, for her to even reach out and do that I felt like that was powerful. A lot of people dont see things like that. ” Say what you want about Kardashian-West but she seems to be making a slight impact in the fight against mass incarceration. In order to solve the problem as a whole, we must take incremental strides. If all is true, Max Bs release date should be sometime in 2021. Until then, just enjoy a few classics. Free The Wave.

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The wave hotel long branch nj. What determines the frequncy of the wave. I remember when i listen this :D This was my favorite Trance I am addicted to Hardstyle :D viva hardstyle. What is the Wave mechanical model. The wave justin long. Probably your best work thus far. How does the wave began to feel. Every pendant contains plastic waste and sand (less than 0. 5ml) from beaches around the world, hand picked by people who are passionate about keeping our ocean clean.  For every Wave sold, we donate 1 to our monthly partnered nonprofit. Steel The Wave Bracelet! Keep it simple! Help support nonprofits with your purchase of a bracelet! For every item sold, we donate 1 to our monthly partnered nonprofit. SHOP To learn more about how we make, check out the FAQ in the ABOUT page. raises awareness of our responsibility to free the ocean of plastic waste. Upon receiving your Wave, you will receive a unique code  to enter on the Interactive Wave Map! Your code will reveal the beach your Wave came from and the person who took the time to pick up plastic waste often consumed by birds and marine life. VIEW THE MAP.

The wave tool. The vue in wichita kansas. The wave rockaway newspaper. What is the wavelength of white light. That's Justin Long in the pink dress at the end.

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Man i swear this is one of the top songs that i like that you have made i keep replaying it lol. Que maldita obra de arte. The moment you get your 1st gun pulled on you, and looking down that barrel will change you forever. You guys were awesome on graspop metal meeting! sad i missed you out on the architects tour but i'll probably see you soon on april 5 in antwerp.

Doobie Muh Shit 👌🏼🤘🏼. I just finished watching this film at the Traverse City Film Festival, I absolutely cannot rave enough about this film! the cinematography, the acting, the dialogue, everything is absolutely spot on! It is so intense that you, as the viewer, can feel the struggle that Mike Burden is going through and it just captures you and sucks you right in. especially if you know anything about the backstory on it and what really happened. To be honest this film emotionally drained me, I am literally exhausted from watching it. I would even have to go as far as to giving it 6 out of 5 stars, this is one of those do not miss movies.

Johnny I miss you so much that I can't hardly stand it. I would give anything to be to see your face and hear you say let's go brother. I know God has a bigger and better plan for you but I still feel like I have been robbed and feel like I need to get some revenge for you. I don't know how or what to do to get even with the people that took you away from the family that Love's you. I promise you I will be there for your kid's anytime they need anything. I will not let your memory be forgotten. You will always be in my heart and I look for signs from you everywhere I go hoping for a sign of you telling me that you are ok and I don't have to go on everyday worrying about you. I know you are in God's hands now and you are with your dad and all of your uncle's. I love you Johnny Ray and your legacy will live on. Rest in peace Baby Brother. I love you.

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Almost turned it until I heard the hook, good music bro. Listen to this whip every morning... got down on this one. ❤💯. This Guy Went From Logic To French Montana😂😂😂. Yo who still listein in 2018. This shit is lit. Burden movie free online. Burden movie online free. You guys are so good. Burden Movie online casino. Like if This song is fire and u kame here from the ( Ad )🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥. This movie left off an important is Junior. Be careful that you don't find yourself leagaly in trouble. I share you're music with all of my friends and family, even my daughter rocks Burden! Keep the music from the heart.

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Play this at my funeral.


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directed by Gille Klabin / review The Wave is a movie starring Justin Long, Tommy Flanagan, and Katia Winter. Frank, an opportunistic insurance lawyer, thinks he's in for the time of his life when he goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his / release Date 2019 / USA / User ratings 6,8 of 10 Star / Katia Winter. What is the wave length of mobile. What happen to the wave when it decrease the wave height. Eva Green is one of the most underrated actresses of our time. But maybe that's how she ends up doing the real good stuff. Like Kirsten Dunst.

What kind of book is the wave.


Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Conditions of Use Privacy Policy 1996-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. They really voiceovered the “its an earthquake!” Line. Level 1 Original Poster 4 points 5 years ago edited 5 years ago Apologies in advance for the cellphone pic. Just got my order from Foxpedal today. It is a reverb / delay pedal. So far it sounds pretty amazing. I can't wait to try it out with the rest of the worship team on Thursday. Edit: here's my signal chain: tuner-compressor-dual od-reverb / delay. I use a peavey classic 30h and a les paul special faded. Cheers! level 1 Nice pedal, you should do a quick demo or make some samples! There arent many on youtube... level 2 I might once I settle down. I'm in the middle of moving back to the U. S. So if I do decide to do a review it won't be for a month or two. level 1 That's a really nice looking little board too. level 2 Reaction upon seeing all the knobs: I like it already! What's it do? level 1 How does it sound? Easy to tweak the controls? level 2 Amazing, the wave replaced my eterna and my dd7. The sounds are pretty easy to dial in once you know what the do. I miss the tap tempo but eh, the wave is worth it I think. Look up the demo video. level 1 Really love your board. The wood looks rad. level 2 company called groundswell made it for me. cool people.

1:18 Girl: Mama! Dad:. The waters of north little rock. 13:30 you don't know what you would do, unless you are placed in that situation. Nah, I know exactly what I would do. I don't have a high opinion of myself. Rcs according to the wavelength. The waves of the ocean. Pia Mia's voice is kinda unpleasant to the song though and I'm so high on my hessa feeling. You also have to factor in group mentality. I'm sure that girls in the same group would influence each others opinions. Who has noticed that this video is 4:19 long, just as their debut date. What causes the size of the wave. I guess 85℅ knows this Song from After movie😄...

This song will be on repeat, my boyfriend just broke up with me last night. He said “ you deserve better”, meaning he doesnt want to be better for me. Who discovered the wave board. Just found out about these guys by watching a webcast of Other Voices. Spectacular! I can't get enough. Others said before Why don't they try sexy concept? They always do cute songs. When Only One was released some said It's not like their image before. I don't like it or It's not catchy at all. First of all, Only One is a bop. Second, Apink isn't using cute concepts. Their image was spposed to be innocent and pure. It looked like a cute concept because they are cute themselves already. L.U.V and Only One may be a little mature but you can still feel their innocence in it. That is Apink's concept. Some fans left but I will always stay with Apink. Apink doesn't release just a 'cute' songs. Every song they released, you can feel their innocence, pureness, dedication, sincerity, and love for their fans. They always do their best to make pandas happy and proud. They treat pandas like their own family. When stanning Apink I felt like they were my real 'unnies. Apink is real. Their friendship is real and their bond is strong. They decided to stay as a group and I decided to stay with them. I will never regret stanning these girls.

Critics Consensus Well-acted and blessed with a refreshingly humanistic focus, The Wave is a disaster film that makes uncommonly smart use of disaster film clichés. 83% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 108 65% Audience Score User Ratings: 7, 288 The Wave (Bolgen) Ratings & Reviews Explanation The Wave (Bolgen) Photos Movie Info Nestled in Norway's Sunnmøre region, Geiranger is one of the most spectacular tourist draws on the planet. With the mountain Åkerneset overlooking the village - and constantly threatening to collapse into the fjord - it is also a place where cataclysm could strike at any moment. After putting in several years at Geiranger's warning center, geologist Kristian is moving on to a prestigious gig with an oil company. But the very day he's about to drive his family to their new life in the city, Kristian senses something isn't right. The substrata are shifting. No one wants to believe that this could be the big one, especially with tourist season at its peak, but when that mountain begins to crumble, every soul in Geiranger has ten minutes to get to high ground before a tsunami hits, consuming everything in its path. Rating: R (for some language and disaster images) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Mar 4, 2016 limited On Disc/Streaming: Jun 21, 2016 Box Office: 121, 475 Runtime: 104 minutes Cast News & Interviews for The Wave (Bolgen) Critic Reviews for The Wave (Bolgen) Audience Reviews for The Wave (Bolgen) The Wave (Bolgen) Quotes News & Features.

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What are the wave properties of light.

Loved the Jurassic park 2 homage at the close. The wave trailer. What medium is the wave traviling through.

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Eu morro de vontade de chorar com essa música

The wave organ. I still can't believe Han Solo died. Of course it can happen again. And it will. 1:10:47. They just didnt realise it would be such a big wave. Lol. Never A Straight Answer, BS. View Trailer World Premiere THE WAVE 2019, dir. Gille Klabin, 87 min., UNITED STATES Brief Summary Frank (Justin Long) a bored corporate lawyer, decides to shake it up with a wild night out. In the process, he takes a mysterious drug that launches him into a mind-bending time travel adventure. Full Description Frank is a bored corporate lawyer who is about to get the biggest promotion of his life. To celebrate, he lets loose with a night out on the town with his single friend, Jeff. Many shots into their night, the guys follow a pair of flirtatious women to a house party where a persuasive drug dealer convinces Frank to try a mysterious white powder. Frank blacks out immediately, only to wake up alone in the house with no memory of the night before and a lot of unanswered questions. Thus begins a twisted time travel journey thats equal parts LOOPER, GROUNDHOGS DAY, and DUDE, WHERES MY CAR? The film stars the always-delightful Justin Long, leaving behind the early hipster charm of the “Apple Guy” for a far more “PC Guy” brand of white-collar yuppie. Even in a more contained role, he and costar Donald Faison inject the film with goofy, expressive humor that keeps things lively even in the most cerebrally complex plot moments. Featuring a driving futuristic score, hallucinogenic camerawork, and the most surreal use of rotoscope animation in modern cinematic memory, Gille Klabins narrative debut heralds an original new talent with a clear eye for fast-paced action. With whip-smart dialogue, comically over-the-top characters, and enough time travel twists to keep the biggest sci-fi fan on the edge of their seats, THE WAVE is a fresh take on a classic genre that is guaranteed to simultaneously confound and entertain. (LOGAN TAYLOR) With Director Gille Klabin and Actor Justin Long in Attendance.

This video could also help with job or school interviews, just saying. The wave 94.7 los angeles. The wave japan. YouTube. Thewave coventry phone. The wave stepper. What happens to the water particles in the wave as the energy passes through the wave. Who wrote the wave. Me: I got take a crap. Freight Factoring with Love's Freight Factoring with Loves Financial is a smart solution to manage your cash flow, and cover expenses like fuel, insurance, maintenance and payroll without creating debt for your business. In addition to providing immediate payment on freight bills, Loves provides unbeatable Customer service while helping you grow your business.

The wave newspaper rockaway ny. How do you find the period of the wave. Where did the wave effect. The wave after. What happened to Steve's teeth. The wave tattoo. What Factors that affect the wave erosion. The wave 2020. How does changing the frequency of a wave affects the wave of the wave. Am I seeing double? 0:30. I love how he looks down when he says online trolling. Here are Two Superbowl LIV Recipes That Will Change Your Game-day! Los Angeles Based Chef, Food Blogger and Journalist, Veronica Hendrix is Here to Make Your Superbowl LIV Spread More Sweet and Southern.

Why do surfers ride the curved part of the wave

You're beautiful But that ain't half the gold treasure in your soul that you got 💐🌞. When people say “That Was So Much Fun” I always want to retort “So Much Fun that. ” because “So” is such an inadequate adjective, leaving much descriptive vocabulary unused. Sighs an ageing lover of the burstingly colourful English langwidge. The vergency the vergency. What mineral is in the wave rock. Critics Consensus Much like its addled protagonist, The Wave struggles to stay on target, but Justin Long's performance helps this pleasantly offbeat sci-fi fantasy find its way. 65% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 34 Coming soon Release date: Jan 17, 2020 Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available The Wave Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. The Wave Photos Movie Info Frank (Justin Long) an opportunistic insurance lawyer, thinks he's in for the time of his life when he goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his co-worker, Jeff. But their night takes a turn for the bizarre when Frank is dosed with a hallucinogen that completely alters his perception of the world, taking him on a psychedelic quest through board meetings, nightclubs, shootouts, and alternate dimensions. As Frank ping-pongs between reality and fantasy, he finds himself on a mission to find a missing girl, himself. and his wallet. Rating: R (for strong drug content and language throughout, some disturbing images and sexual references) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Jan 17, 2020 limited On Disc/Streaming: Runtime: 87 minutes Studio: Epic Pictures Cast News & Interviews for The Wave Critic Reviews for The Wave Audience Reviews for The Wave The Wave Quotes Movie & TV guides.

What are the main characters in the wave. What is the wave of the ocean. Why is the wave rock important. The wave 94.7. The waterproofing company boston ma. Basically, you live near the ocean, youll die unless you go to the top of a tall building Btw, if this happened in real life, would the water reach a place two hours away from the beach. When Frank goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion, his night takes an unexpected and bizarre turn when he is dosed with a hallucinogen that alters his perception and changes his life forever. Justin Long & ‘The Wave Director Discuss Bad Trips and Break Down Their Existential Thriller 01/29/2020 “THE WAVE” TAKES YOU TO NICECORE NIRVANA Justin Long Talks New Film ‘The Wave THE WAVE IS A PSYCHEDELIC ROMP BOGGED DOWN BY PHILOSOPHY LESSONS Sci-fi ‘The Wave is a solid debut REVIEW: The Wave (2020) The Wave takes us on a trippy, surreal journey through a fractured timeline THE WAVE Crashes Onto DVD & Blu-Ray 2/11 From Epic Pictures 01/24/2020 [News] THE WAVE Crashes Onto DVD & Blu-Ray February 11th from Epic Pictures Movie Review – The Wave (2020) The Wave: Director GIlle Klabin and Writer Carl W. Lucas On Creating A Very Trippy Film [Exclusive] THE WAVE: Star Justin Long Talks Director Gille Klabins Trippy Feature INTERVIEW: CARL W. LUCAS TALKS ‘THE WAVE! Justin Long Talks Getting Trippy For THE WAVE (Exclusive) The Savage Wit And Surreal Wonder Of The Wave Writer, director of ‘The Wave, talk screenwriting, casting ‘The Wave is a time-twisting, visually engaging treat Ride ‘The Wave with Justin Long and Donald Faison Interview: Inside the Beautiful Mind of Gille Klabin, Director of ‘The Wave Review: Justin Long gets lost in ‘The Wave, a trippy, comic exploration of the universe 01/23/2020 {Movie Review}The Wave (2019) Karmas A Bitch LIKE IF SCROOGE WAS VISITED BY THE GHOSTS OF LSD, DMT, AND ECSTASY. Movie Review: ‘The Wave (2020) is Not Your Average Trip Down the Rabbit Hole Buy a Ticket and Take a Ride on The Wave The Wave sends audiences on self-reflective trip 'The Wave' 2019) Movie Review "The Wave" Review (2020) The Wave Review The Wave Movie review by Jeffrey M. Anderson, Common Sense Media [IN THEATERS NOW] THE WAVE (2019) REEL REVIEW: THE WAVE (2019) Going on a Trip THE WAVE REVIEW: ‘The Wave Turns a Bad Trip into a Psychedelic Quest "THE WAVE" WAVELENGTH: A Word With ‘The Wave Writer Carl W. Lucas JUSTIN LONG IS MAKING HIS DIRECTORIAL DEBUT AFTER HIS TRIPPY NEW MOVIE HITS THEATERS [EP #118] REVIEW: THE WAVE (2019) DIR. GILLE KLABIN Movie Review: ‘The Wave THE WAVE: A Mixed Trip Review: Indie Sci-Fi Comedy ‘The Wave starring Justin Long and Donald Faison, directed by Gille Klabin is one insanely weird trip. What to watch (and skip) in theaters and on Amazon Prime this weekend ‘The Wave: Film Review THE WAVE – A WILD RIDE The Wave (4/5) – Movie Review 01/15/2020 Check Out This Exclusive Clip From THE WAVE Justin Long is Reliably Great in The Wave [Review] The Wave: Movie Review THE WAVE (MOVIE REVIEW) The Wave Review: Justin Long Has a Hallucinogenic Nightmare of an Adventure FILM‘The Wave Confronts Karma in a Psychedelic Drug Trip Josephs Review: The Wave Unconventional and super trippy, “The Wave” is an unexpected time travel comedy. Your Next Viewing: THE WAVE Exclusive First Look at The Wave Blu-ray & New Photos! 01/14/2020 Justin Long goes on a psychedelic journey in an exclusive clip from The Wave INTERVIEW: JUSTIN LONG ON HIS CHARACTERS VIBRANT, HALLUCINOGENIC JOURNEY IN THE WAVE Take a Trip with Justin Long and Donald Faison in the New Trailer for ‘The Wave 12/20/2019 THE WAVE Trailer: Justin Long Trips Hard in Gille Kalbin's Indie Thrill Ride 12/19/2019 ‘The Wave Trailer: Things Get Weird For Justin Long In Gille Klabins Directorial Debut ‘The Wave Comes to US Theaters and VOD this January! 12/13/2019 Justin Long in Another Wild Trailer for Trippy Indie Thriller 'The Wave' Exclusive ‘The Wave Trailer Sends Justin Long on a Psychedelic, Reality-Bending Thrill Ride Psychedelic Sci-Fi Adventure ‘The Wave Arrives in Theaters PSYCHEDELIC SCI-FI ADVENTURE THE WAVE 💊 OPENING IN SELECT U. S. CINEMAS & VOD JANUARY 17TH FROM EPIC PICTURES The Wave Trailer Has Justin Long Caught in a Psychedelic Sci-Fi Head Trip 12/12/2019 Final Night Of Screamfest Sends Shivers 11/01/2019 ‘The Wave Team on Time Travel, the Balance of the Universe, and Being Inspired by ‘Spring Breakers 10/17/2019 Fantastic Fest Interview: Riding The Wave With Justin Long 10/10/2019 ‘The Wave Review: Justin Long Takes One Strange Trip [Fantastic Fest 2019] Justin Long's Time-Travel Psychedelic Trip The Wave Almost Feels Like a Ride Well Taken Justin Long in First Teaser Trailer for Psychedelic Parable 'The Wave' The 20 Wildest, Coolest, and Most Unique Films We Can't Wait to See at Fantastic Fest 2019 Watch Justin Long trip out in bonkers trailer for The Wave 10/10/2019.

The top of the wave is called.

0:15 my teacher needs to listen this. The warehouse singapore. Wasn't feeling this song at first but shit just stuck in my head I be at work and be like diamonds ice cream lol. My teacher told me she had to do the milgram experiment in college. She continued saying that only a few people stopped administering the Zappy zaps.

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LOL dating advice from 19 year olds. The Wave is the premier photographic destination in the US Southwest. It is located in the Coyote Buttes North area of the Utah Arizona border. In addition to The Wave Coyote Buttes North contains many other spectacular rock formations. These include The Second Wave, The Alcove, Top Rock Arch, Melody Arch and the Grotto, Sand Cove, and Fatali's Boneyard. The Wave is best photographed from mid-morning to early afternoon so as to minimize the extensive shadows; the other areas listed above are best photographed mid-late afternoon. A permit issued by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is required to see The Wave. Only twenty permits per day (10 on-line and 10 walk-in) are available and demand far exceeds supply. During the most popular months (April, May, September, October) there can be over 150 people applying for the ten walk-in daily permits. In the other months you usually have much less than a 50% chance of getting one at the daily lottery. Your chances are better if you're going alone, or in December - February. A six mile round trip hike in required to get to The Wave. Since there is no trail to The Wave you should be able to use a map and compass or GPS to help with navigation. The BLM provides a map with your permit and instructions on getting to The Wave, and there are a small number of cairns on the way. Over the past five years five people have died on the way to/from The Wave. If you are not sure about your navigation skills I strongly suggest you hike in with a guide or a friend with these skills. Do not go alone. If you use a GPS be sure to mark the Wirepass trailhead and other key points along the route. Stay with your party. Four of the five fatalities were heat related, so if you go in the warmer months bring plenty of water, at least four liters, and preferably more. Permits In order to visit The Wave you need a permit for Coyote Buttes North. Online permits and permit information can be obtained from the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at Coyote Buttes Permits. Twenty people are allowed into Coyote Buttes North each day. Permits for a total of ten people are issued via an on-line lottery and another ten permits are issued via a walk-in lottery. The walk-in lottery occurs the day before the permit is valid, except for November 15th to March 15th when permits for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are all issued on the preceding Friday. Online Permits Permits for Coyote Buttes North are very difficult to obtain, with demand greatly exceeding supply. All Coyote Buttes North permits are awarded by lottery. The on-line lottery opens up four months in advance of your trip date. You have the whole month to apply. For example, for a January 15 permit you would open the lottery page in September. The application fee is 5 per group. There is a maximum group size of six people. You are only allowed to apply once each month. If you apply more than once and win a permit it will be forfeited. Each person in the group is allowed to apply separately provided they do not share an email address. For example, if there are four people in the group a total of four applications can be submitted. On each application you can select up to three dates. The drawing is held the day following the close of the lottery (i. e. October 1 in our example. Shortly after the lottery closes you will be notified via e-mail whether you were successful or not. If you do not receive a notification by the 2nd of the month check your spam folder. If you still haven't received notification it is likely you typed your email address incorrectly on the application. In this case you should call the BLM at +1 435 688-3200 for a status. If you win the lottery you will have to pay an additional 7 per individual fee for the North Coyote Buttes permit. Coyote Buttes North Lottery Schedule Apply between for a permit during January 1 - 31 May February 1 - 28 June March 1 - 31 July April 1- 30 August May 1 - 31 September June 1 - 30 October July 1 - 31 November August 1 - 31 December September 1 - 30 January October 1 - 31 February November 1 - 30 March December 1 - 31 April To apply for an on-line permit go to the BLM permit website at, watch the video, confirm that you have watched the video, and click on the I Agree button. On the next screen you need to enter the number of people in your group (maximum six) and select three dates. The bottom of the screen shows the number of applicants by day, normally Tuesday through Thursday will have the lowest number of applicants. After completing the rest of the application the credit card payment screen will appear, pay the 5. 00 fee for your group, and wait until the first day of the next month to hear if you have been successful. Walk-in permits Walk in permits are issued one day in advance of your hiking date in Kanab at the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument (GSENM) visitor center. The address is 745 E. Highway 89, the phone number is (435) 644-1300. The visitor center is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM seven days a week. The visitor center is on the North side of Highway 89 as you head east towards Page just after the Kanab City Cemetery. If you pass the Comfort Inn you've gone too far. From March 15 to November 15 permits will be issued every day of the week excluding national holidays. During the winter months (approximately November 16-March 15) weekend and Monday permits are issued on Friday. The lottery in Kanab is held at 9 AM Utah time. If you are hiking alone your chances for a permit are better than for a group since there are relatively few single hikers looking for permits. For example if permits were already issued for two groups of four and a single, and you are the only single left you will get a permit unless a group is willing to be split up. The number of applicants at the walk-in lottery varies greatly by month, and slightly by week day. I recently received data from the BLM showing the number of applicants by day for the period Nov 5, 2012 - November 30, 2013. From 2013 to 2018 the number of permit applications has nearly doubled so your odds are only about half of what the 2013 data shows. Based on this data I drew the following conclusions: The best months to apply for walk-in permits are December - February. You have about a 25% chance of getting a permit in these months. Your best chance of getting a permit is in mid January. Early and mid-December also have relatively few applicants. Keep in mind snow cover makes hiking difficult and magnifies risk. Snow also greatly hurts your photographs. House Rock Road may be impassable. Snow cover may make it impossible to reach Top Rock from the west side. The odds are greatly against you in March - May and September - October. In May the average number of people applying is more than 100 for the ten permits! In the winter months there is a very slight advantage in applying on a Friday for a Saturday, Sunday, or Monday permit. Friday applicants are much higher than normal but not high enough to offset the fact that three days of permits are available. When the BLM office is open (Mar-Nov) the best day of the week to apply in person in Kanab is Sunday, followed by Saturday and Monday. The Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Years weeks have very high numbers of applicants and should be avoided. Only these longer holidays seem to have high visitation, for other holidays visitation is average. Additional information about permits can be found on my permits page here. When to Go / Climate December - February It is "relatively" easy to get permits in December, January and early February, especially through the walk-in process. Permits are hard to get around the Christmas and Ne Years holidays so avoid these times. There is a good chance there will be snow on the ground in the winter months. Snow makes hiking difficult and photographing the patterns in the red rock chancy. If there is snow you may be limited to shooting southern exposures such as The Boneyard and Sand Cove. Average cloud cover is also high in the winter months, and House Rock Road is often muddy and difficult or impossible to drive on. The South Buttes are even higher in elevation than the Wave, about 6, 200 feet, or four degrees cooler. This makes snow even more likely in the South Buttes, and it will last longer. I have been to Cottonwood Cove when the north facing exposures had over a foot of snow on them. March - May These are good months to visit, especially April and May when cloud cover is low and temperatures moderate. Getting a permits is very difficult. Average wind speed is highest in the southwest in the Spring. The wind comes from the Southwest in this area all year round peaking in the afternoon. Sand Cove runs North - South and forms a natural wind tunnel. This makes good photography of Sand Cove and The Boneyard difficult in the Spring. Average cloud cover is low during May. A very good month to go to The Wave if you don't mind the heat. Cloud cover is low as is precipitation. The best month for night photography as the Milky Way stretches across the sky. July - August I used to believe these were the worst months to go to The Wave. I now believe they are reasonably good, if you are prepared and can stand the heat. Average daily high temperature at the Wave is 101 ºF in July and there is little shade. If you go in July do not plan to be out all day. Either go in the morning when temperatures and cloud cover are lower, or go in mid afternoon if the weather looks cooperative. In 2013 there were three heat related fatalities at the Wave, and there was another heat related death in 2018. Go prepared. If you plan to stay the whole day you will need to find shade. A space blanket can help, you need to elevate it with hiking sticks, rocks, bushes. A good place to find natural shade is on Toprock at the Alcove. Finally bring at least one gallon of water per person in July and August. You will need it. I have seen recommendations of nine liters per person per day when temperatures are this high! Keep water inside your pack so it stays cooler, and bring some of it in the for of ice. There is a good possibility of afternoon thunderstorms or even hail. Mornings are cooler, often clear, and have little wind. It's likely you can get a good photograph in the morning, and if the weather cooperates you may get a great one in the afternoon! With luck there will be water at the Wave or in the water pockets south of The Wave. Water pockets won't last long given the average July August temperatures though. If there are water pockets look for tadpoles and tadpole shrimp. If there's a lot of water you may even hear toads croaking! males calling for females. Permits, though still difficult, are easier to get than during the peak months. September - November Excellent months for visiting, Page and Kanab are less crowded than during summer vacation, and cloud cover and temperatures are reasonable. Permits are very difficult to get. The rest of the Southwest is also beautiful at this time of year with the Aspens changing in late September/early October, and the Cottonwoods in late October. Another good source of climate information based on the Page airport data can be found at. Getting to The Wave There are two entry points to Coyote Buttes North, Wirepass Trailhead (WP) and The Notch. The Notch is no longer actively publicized by the BLM. The trail from the Notch is poorly defined. I strongly recommend access from the Wirepass parking lot. To get to the Wirepass trailhead take Highway 89 to House Rock Road. The House Rock Road turnoff is between mile posts 25 and 26 on Highway 89 in Utah. House Rock Road is normally passable by passenger cars. Do not take this road if it is wet. It is clay based and impassable even to 4WD vehicles when wet. When the road is muddy it is like driving on ice and there are drop-offs. When dry take House Rock Road for 8. 4 miles to the WP parking area on the right. You can dry camp at the Wirepass trailhead, and a toilet is present. Better camping with fire pits, tables, and pit toilets is available at the Stateline Campground, one mile further south just off House Rock Road. Begin your hike to the Wave by signing the trailhead register and crossing House Rock Road. Follow the well defined trail east for fifty yards until you enter the wash. Wirepass wash feeds into Buckskin Gulch, the longest slot canyon in North America. Continue walking down the wash. About. 55 miles from the trailhead you will see a sign marked Coyote Buttes on the right. Turn right and follow the good trail up the hill and across the sage field. At the end of the field you will cross a wash. This wash also flows into the Wirepass slot canyon one half mile downstream. Total distance across the sage field to the wash is about. 65 miles. After crossing the wash hike up the slickrock to a sometimes cairned saddle. If you have a GPS mark this location. You are now in the permit area. From here there may or may not be cairns and they may or may not be accurate. There are a small number of BLM sign posts in the area at critical locations, one can be seen about 50 yards east of the saddle. Note its location, on your return this marker will tell you where to turn to the west. From the saddle proceed south, after. 35 miles or so you will see a twin butte with a downed barbed wire fence on its left (east) side, either go over the fence (easy but a little exposed) or walk around the buttes via their the west side. Continue heading almost due south aiming for the crack in the cliffs to the south. After another. 8 miles or so you will cross another small wash, continue heading towards the crack in the Wall and go up the sand dune. There should be a clear trail up the sand dune unless it had been very windy overnight. You will shortly arrive at The Wave. It is about 2. 8 miles in total from the WP trailhead to The Wave. Returning to the trailhead It is fairly easy to get back to your car, even at dusk. The small sign posts installed by the BLM will glow in the dark if a flashlight is shined on them. Make sure that when you return you do not try to cross the ridge too early after heading north. Look for the sign post referenced above, it will tell you when to turn to cross the ridge. It should be easy to cross over the small ridge; if not you have turned west too early. Conversely if you go too far north you will end up in or overlooking Wirepass slot canyon. If so turn around and try again. For an interesting story of someone who got lost on the return, see Trouble in Coyote Buttes. If you get lost or injured and need help try to gain elevation. You may be able to get a cell signal. I have gotten service via Verizon, and a friend via AT&T. Your day at The Wave Start at The Wave So you've finally gotten a permit and want to make the best use of it. There is a nice loop hike starting and ending at The Wave. It covers most of the best photo sites in Coyote Buttes North and, if you are willing to be out most of the day, you can hit all of them in good light. Being out all day is dangerous in the summer months, so only do the loop from September through May. The loop does not include Top Rock, unless you are a very strong hiker save this for a second trip. The first stop on the loop hike is The Wave. The Wave gets good light about an hour after sunrise, before then parts of it are in shadow. It takes about 90 minutes to hike from the Wirepass trailhead to The Wave. Most people start their hike very early in the day and end up leaving when they run out of energy, usually before best light. If you have the stamina to stay out 10-15 hours begin hiking at dawn; otherwise I suggest you start your hike later. Do not start hiking too late as shadows start to hit the south wall of The Wave before mid-day. After shooting The Wave explore the area around it for an hour or two. There are usually some nice water pools 150 yards southeast of The Wave. Ginger Rock is a good subject mid-day. It can be found about 200 yards north of The Wave. Best early morning Best shot at mid-morning Best late morning Best in the afternoon Dinosaur Tracks and The Boneyard Leave The Wave by retracing your steps back down the sand dune to the wash below. At the foot of the dune turn west, cross the wash, and ascend to the area with the dinosaur tracks. The tracks are located in red stone very close to the wall. If you are not experienced in finding tracks they can be hard to locate even with GPS coordinates. The tracks are three toed and hand sized. They usually come in a small cluster arranged in a line. I left a small circle of rocks around a pair of footprints about ten years ago, as of mid 2017 the circle was still there. After visiting the dinosaur tracks continue south about. 3 miles till you reach an open area. Fifty yards or so to the west lies a small brown and yellow striped area with some rocks that look like a tic-tac-toe board lying on the stripes. The area was named "The Boneyard" by photographer Michael Fatali. The loose rocks are called lace or box rocks. Please do not move them, they are fragile. Wait until the cliffs to the northwest of The Boneyard are in shadow before shooting; the dark background of the cliffs contrasts with The Boneyard nicely. Stay until the sun goes behind the cliffs to the west and The Boneyard starts to fall into shadow. If you are feeling energetic you can Note that The Boneyard is also very good at dawn, light hits it just after sunrise with March and September being optimal times to shoot it at dawn. Dinosaur Track The Boneyard Lace rock north of The Boneyard Sand Cove After leaving The Boneyard head down the sandy wash which runs south-east. In. 2 miles turn more to the south into Sand Cove Wash. Continue up Sand Cove Wash about 100 yards and hike up to the teepees to your east (left. This area contains beautiful sandstone curves and is called Sand Cove. It is best captured late afternoon just before it goes into shadow. A wide-angle lens is needed. Sand Cove is largely in shadow in the morning. Stay at Sand Cove until it starts going into shadow. Looking south from Sand Cove The Second Wave From Sand Cove hike east north-east and scramble up the cliff until you reach a flat area just before a much steeper cliff. The Second Wave is at the foot of this steep cliff. It is a great late afternoon location, but only fair the rest of the day. Shoot it from the small sand dune a few yards south, or from the rocks to the south east about ten feet above it. Make sure the cliffs to the west are in shadow. Shoot until the Second Wave goes into shadow. Leave a bit earlier if you are concerned about hiking back to your car after sunset. To return to the Wirepass parking lot head north passing back through The Wave. There should be many good photo-ops along the hike back so don't put your camera / tripod away too soon. After leaving The Wave head down the sand dune, cross the wash, and head north to retrace your steps back to your car. "The Dive" and the North and South "Teepees" will be in good light on the way back. You will need a long lens to shoot them. If you hurry you should be able to get back to your car 30-45 minutes after sunset. Warning - if you do not have good navigation skills or have a GPS and know how to use it, you should leave The Second Wave well before sunset. Last light on The Second Wave Photographing The Wave About half of all visitors to Coyote Buttes North never explore much beyond The Wave. This is especially true in the summer and winter when extreme temperatures, lightning, or snow cover tend to keep visits short. In view of this I've added some thoughts on how to photograph just The Wave. A gallery showing what I believe to be the classic images of The Wave is here. The Wave opens up in three directions, to the north (the direction you came in on) to the east, and to the southwest. Each of these openings has a good photo associated with it. Below is a map showing the topography of The Wave. Permits to The Wave are so hard to get that I'd suggest you shoot from all three directions on your first trip. All can be shot in the morning in good light. In addition to these images there are many other possibilities, see the main Wave gallery for some ideas. Facing West This image is best mid-morning. By late morning the wall on the left (the south wall) is starting to go into shadow, especially in the winter. You'll need a wide or ultra-wide for best results. The image shown was shot at 14mm. The "Eye of The Wave" is shown on the right. It is a great example of soft-sediment deformation. Great photos to the west can be had at night too. This image was shot at 24mm. The moon shining through the slot lit the center of The Wave and its north wall. This image is best about an hour after sunrise when the south wall is in light, and the side walls are in shadow. A few hours later the side walls are partially lit and the image suffers. Water is often found at the entrance to The Wave, especially in summer. Only a little water is needed to get a good photo, even one inch will do. Shoot close to ground level to emphasize the little rocks in the water, with a wide angle to normal lens. Both vertical and horizontal compositions work. This is my favorite image of The Wave. It is best from May through August when the center of the Milky Way is in the southern sky. The south wall was lit by an LED panel, and the other two walls were light-painted with a warm temperature flashlight. This image shows the entrance to The Wave. It is best mid-day and in the afternoon when clouds are present. This image was shot at dusk. A warm LED panel was used to light the walls. The image was shot at 14mm. The last image, is of a short slot canyon which gets excellent reflected light in late morning. Watch your DOF when shooting this. You may want to smooth out the sand in the slot using a cloth, jacket, or rain jacket before shooting. It is very difficult to remove the footprints in this sand using Photoshop. This image of the slot canyon wall shows a superb example of soft sediment deformation. This occurs during the early stages of sediment consolidation when the sediment is unsolidified or liquid like. This page was last updated 1/23/2020.

Edit Storyline Frank, an opportunistic insurance lawyer, thinks he's in for the time of his life when he goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his co-worker, Jeff. But their night takes a turn for the bizarre when Frank is dosed with a hallucinogen that completely alters his perception of the world, taking him on a psychedelic quest through board meetings, nightclubs, shootouts, and alternate dimensions. As Frank ping-pongs between reality and fantasy, he finds himself on a mission to find a missing girl, himself - and his wallet. Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for strong drug content and language throughout, some disturbing images and sexual references Details Release Date: 21 September 2019 (USA) See more  » Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 8, 101 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Soundtracks Replayyy Written by Russell Cloder & Devin Gati Performed by DREAM RADIO See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ».

The wave az. The weaver and the factory maid. The wave norfolk. The wave hairiin uyanga. Average rating 3. 58 17, 638 ratings 1, 875 reviews, Start your review of The Wave This book is scary. Honestly. It's not a horror story, it's not the kind of novel where monsters come jumping out the closet; or at least not the green googley-eyed kind. This is a true story which I was told not to read because the subject matter was too old for me. When I first read The Wave, I had no comprehension of why it was scary. Bad things happened, but it was more or less ok in the end. It wasn't until I was older, and had a better grasp of world history, social psychology, and a true... “Laurie Sanders sat in the publications office at Gordon High School chewing on the end of a Bic pen. She was a pretty girl with short light-brown hair and an almost perpetual smile that only disappeared when she was upset or chewing on Bic pens. Lately shed been chewing on a lot of pens. In fact, there wasnt a single pen or pencil in her pocketbook that wasnt worn down on the butt end from nervous gnawing. Still, it beat smoking. “ Thus begins The Wave. Can we break apart that paragraph... I read this book while on a family trip to Washington, D. C., shortly after visiting the Holocaust museum (which is, in fact, where my mom bought it. in the gift shop. and is it weird that the Holocaust museum has a gift shop? Even if the proceeds go to the museum. Perhaps that wasn't the best time to pick up a book that seeks to grossly oversimplify how fascism can slowly creep up and overtake a society of otherwise well-meaning people, but what with the blatant metaphors and bad, bad... This book, written under the pen name of Morton Rhue in the United States, is a novelisation of the telemovie of the same name, which was based on a short story by Ron Jones about a real event. In 1969 a high school history teacher, Ben Ross, was working in a small "all-American" town teaching his class of grade 12 students about the second World War. After showing them a film on Adolf Hitler, the Nazis and concentration camps, his students couldn't understand why the German people hadn't... A compelling story about how Nazi Germany could have been created- how the minority controlled the majority, and how the majority allowed themselves to be controlled. It's based on the true story of The Third Wave experiment, which demonstrated fascism as a part of teaching about WWII. But the writing of this book. Oh, the writing. It hurts. It should be noted that in tiny print on the copyright page, it does note that this is a novelization of a teleplay that was an adaptation of the original... A new movement is coursing through High School. discipline and strength must be maintained and enforced. This novel dramatizes an incident that took place in California (Ellwood P. Cubberley High School history class in Palo Alto, California) in 1969. As the experiment 'exits' the class there many positive features that start to take what is to be done with the individuals who do not fit in? Chilling glimpse into how Nazism was able to spread. I read this book as an assigned book report and wasnt quite sure if I would like it or not. To be completely honest, I picked it because of its title. The Wave. It sounded relaxing to me. However, when I actually read the book, I realized it wasnt about the waves in the ocean at all. It was a pleasant suprise to read something different. When you finish reading the book, you have that feeling like "wow. That ACTUALLY happened. Its very sad that this happened, but we have to learn from people's... Danit Benjamin's book review of "The Wave" by Morton Rhue. This book is based on a true story of an experiment carried out by Ben Ross, a history teacher in a high school in California. They were studying World War II. After being shown a documentary showing the atrocities the Nazis committed the students questioned how it was possible for 90% of the German people to allow this to happen. Ben Ross decided to do an experiment to show the students how easily it could happen. He created a group... Unfortunately, this was a huge disappointment for me. Although the topic and the fact that this book is based on a real story are very interesting, it was rather poorly executed. The major problem for me were the characters. They had absolutely no depth to them and I was left with many questions. Why does the teacher decide to keep the experiment going in the first place? Why do the students just go with it, without any questions? What makes them decide to tell other students about the movement... 3. 5 stars It was a very frightening read, my stomach was in knots and I felt sick from the idea alone. I know that it is BASED on true events, but I find it hard to believe that it happened so fast! 5 days? Really? Is that what it takes to create a monster? The writing is OK, but I expected more from it. BUT, a very important read, and I'm glad it is a must read in many schools around the globe. History can repeat it self if we are not careful. Such a fascinating story and concept. It is scary if you think about it, but so well done. Extremely interesting premise, as soon as I discovered this gem I dropped everything to pick it up. Maybe it has something to do with the way it was written, but even though this was based entirely on a true story, it just seems kinda ridiculous. It feels like the books about a group of elementary aged kids, rather than teenagers. Half of my issue with this book is the voice used for the audiobook, which is how I read this, so Im not really sure if its fair to rate based on that. But... The Wave is based on a actual incident that happened in Palo Alto California in 1969. What started as a lesson in a history class disrupted the entire school, showing how group pressure can influence peoples behavior and thinking even causing great harm to others. This book should be read by everyone at least once. In high school, everyone in my class said that they couldn't believe that so many German citizens went along with the atrocities of the Holocaust. They all claimed that if they'd been alive during that time, they'd have rebelled, they'd have saved Anne Frank. basically that they wouldn't have agreed to do it. It was around this same time that I picked up 'The Wave. Knowing that it was real sent shivers down my spine. It still does to this day. The book's plot surrounds a young teacher named... The Gist The Wave is based on a true event in Palo Alto, California in 1969. A teacher and his senior history class are learning about World War II and the students dont understand how people followed Hitler and why no one stood up to him. The teacher (Ben Ross) soon comes up with an experiment called The Wave to show the students how it was to live in Nazi Germany. The students and teacher soon get caught up in The Wave and only Laurie Saunders and David Collins realize what The Wave actually... This book is based around a true event that happened in a Californian school which involved psychological manipulation of the students. I believe there are film adaptations of this story as well. Our main character Laurie begins to worry when a seemingly harmless movement known as the 'Wave' takes over her school. Started by a teacher who wanted to give a better idea of what it would be like to be a Nazi, the idea slowly takes hold - her schoolmates are saluting, marching and chanting. But when... This book was recommended to me by a student I tutor in math. The version I have has the author's real name, Todd Strasser. It is accessible and relevant to all ages, although it is clearly geared toward young adults. In a sentence, the book explores the ease with which groups fall into extreme and destructive social dynamics and mindsets. The setting is a high school class studying the Nazis and skeptical about how the German populace able to follow such an evil political movement. Surprise... In the words of my sister: I would say there's no way this could happen in real life, but that's what those kids said. and this is a true story. Kids are brutal, and The Wave is a perfect example of how their intolerance for individuality can get out of hand when harnessed incorrectly. Like David Collins, I wish there really was a way to make kids (from the 10-year-olds who act like 16-year-olds to the 16-year-olds who act like 20-year-olds) pay attention in class, do their homework, and... What I like most about this book, is that it simply is true. Not only what horribly things are possible, but that you must stand up for yourself and who you are and what you believe in, even if that means being an outsider. So much bad happens and people say its not possible to do it again. Honestly, that one person could do so much harm and had to get the idea from somewhere, so what not possible again? Why is it insane? Why is this idea insane, if the others were too? If the idea creating a... 'The Wave' by Todd Strasser is based on a true story of a high school in California. It expresses how humans can be so easily influenced by their surroundings, and how that could lead to terrible consequences. I would recommended this book to anyone interested in social behavior and psychology. Read this for a class assignment and I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. Don't really know how to explain it in just a couple of sentences but I suggest that everyone should read this book. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The Wave is a 1981 young adult novel by Todd Strasser. Todd Strasser was born in 1950 in America who wrote more than 140 young-adult novels and many short stories and works of non-fiction, some under the pen name Morthon Rhue and T. S. Rue. In the Wave, we can regard the way that a simple class test can finish in such a dramatically way. The book begins with only a class about 30 pupils which all of them become part of the Wave. Ben Ross wants to teach the class a lesson. This lesson cannot be... Perhaps not a book to use in the primary school classroom, but a story that serves as a cautionary tale to teachers and teaching. A history teacher unable to fully explain the reasons behind how and why the rise of Nazism and the persecution of Jews took place devises a social experiment involving the whole class. The class are taught in a way that removes 'thinking' on their part and is a form of conditioning and control that resembles military training. Other pupils in the school quickly want... Hard to tell the true from the fiction in those type of books, but it's a very interesting subject for sure. The mass influence and how people can accept stuff just to be a part of a group, to fit in, this is scary but in the same so true, that the scary part if it's old this book is still very actually and could be use in high school to show to teens that you have to learn to question the idea and the people around you, to make your own opinion, hopefully a brilliant one. It's a... nsidering that this was a prescribed book for my class this year, it wasn't bad. I'm not really a fan of short books, since they just don't provide the same experience a novel does, but this short book pleasantly surprised me. The story follows Laurie Saunders; a popular, smart student who's school life is almost perfect. She's got a nice boyfriend, she's the editor of the Gordon Grapevine, she's got an equally smart and popular best friend and school life is treating her nicely. Until the... Have you ever finished a book and thought, Wait, wheres the rest of it? It cant be over? I still have so many questions! That was me with this book. The Wave is a fictionalization of a real-life experiment that took place in a California high school in the 1960s. A history teacher wanted to help his students understand why the Germans went along with Hitlers plan during WWII. Why didnt more people resist Hitler? The teacher invented a “game” that he called The Wave. (In real life, it was... This book was very good. I got really absorbed into it. It was an interesting topic, and the fact that it happened for real, made it even more interesting. This novel helped me to see how "good people" can do "bad things" without realizing how terrible they were being. It doesn't justify or apologize for these actions, but it shows how naturally horrific events can happen. When you finish reading the book, you have that feeling like "Wow That ACTUALLY happened. It is very sad that this... I have wanted to read this book since seeing the movies a few years ago. In terms of plot it is alright, detailing a school's rapid descent into blind and hurtful obedience under the pretext of unity, equality, and action. But the writing is tepid at best. The fact that it is based on a true story is the only reason to read it. This was so frickin boring.

Was the book the wave banned.


Richard Jewell Online Without Registering No Sign Up






  • Writers: Marie Brenner, Billy Ray
  • countries: USA
  • audience Score: 7125 Vote
  • release Date: 2019
  • runtime: 131 minute
  • Cast: Paul Walter Hauser, Ryan Boz

Ce a3 cf 86%ce b1 ce b3 ce b5 ce af ce bf chart. Durante los Juegos Olímpicos de verano de 1996 en Atlanta, el guardia de seguridad Richard Jewell descubre una mochila sospechosa debajo de un banco en Centennial Park. Con poco tiempo de sobra, ayuda a evacuar el área hasta que explota el dispositivo incendiario dentro de la bolsa. Aclamado como un héroe que salvó vidas, la propia vida de Jewell comienza a desmoronarse cuando el FBI lo nombra el principal sospechoso del atentado. Ficha Técnica Condición Lanzada Clasificación R/18 Título Original Richard Jewell Idioma Original Inglés Estadounidense Año Lanzamiento 2020 Tiempo Proyección 2 horas y 11 minutos Género(s) Biografía, Crimen, Drama País Origen Estados Unidos Productora No disponible Fecha Estreno 02 de enero, 2020 IMDb 0. 0 Metacritic Rotten Tomatoes Elenco Sin Reparto Asignado No se encontraron personas asociadas a la producción. Staff Sin Personal Asignado Resumen Cartelera Sin Funciones Disponibles No hay funciones disponibles. Funciones Sin Resultados No se encontraron funciones disponibles para la produccón en estos momentos.


I never cry in theaters specially when my gf is next to me no matter how sad a movie is. but this one got to me.

I hope Clint next movie will be about Mark Fuhrman

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This very same money seeking opinion based media survives and thrives today. Ƶ´ç«çš„å‘å33 à bordeaux. Á«ã‚ƒã‚“こå§æˆ¦ao 01. Ce a3 cf 86%ce b1 ce b3 ce b5 ce af ce bf 2017.

Dirigida por Clint Eastwood y basada en hechos reales, ‘El Caso de Richard Jewell es una historia de lo que sucede cuando lo que se informa como un hecho oculta la verdad. ‘Hay una bomba en Centennial Park. Tienen 30 minutos. El mundo conoce por primera vez a Richard Jewell como el guardia de seguridad que informa haber encontrado el dispositivo en el atentado de Atlanta en 1996, su informe lo convierte en un héroe cuyas acciones rápidas salvan innumerables vidas. Pero en cuestión de días, el aspirante a hacer cumplir la ley se convierte en el sospechoso número uno del FBI, vilipendiado por la prensa y el público por igual, su vida se desgarró. Al comunicarse con el abogado independiente y anti-establecimiento Watson Bryant, Jewell profesa firmemente su inocencia. Pero Bryant descubre que está fuera de su alcance mientras lucha contra los poderes combinados del FBI, GBI y APD para limpiar el nombre de su cliente, mientras evita que Richard confíe en las personas que intentan destruirlo. La película está protagonizada por Sam Rockwell como Watson Bryant y Kathy Bates como la madre de Richard, Bobi; Jon Hamm como el investigador principal del FBI; Olivia Wilde como la reportera de Atlanta Journal-Constitution Kathy Scruggs; y Paul Walter Hauser interpreta a Richard Jewell. El guión fue escrito por Billy Ray, basado en el artículo de Vanity Fair “American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell” de Marie Brenner. Además Eastwood también produjo la película, junto a Tim Moore, Jessica Meier, Kevin Misher, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Davisson y Jonah Hill. El equipo creativo de Eastwood incluye al director de fotografía Yves Bélanger y al diseñador de producción Kevin Ishioka, junto con la diseñadora de vestuario Deborah Hopper y el editor ganador del Oscar Joel Cox, que han trabajado con Eastwood a lo largo de los años en numerosos proyectos. La película estará en cines próximamente y será distribuida mundialmente por Warner Bros. Pictures. Comentarios Comentarios.

E3 81%8b e3 81%90 e3 82%84 e5 a7 ab e3 81%ae e7 89%a9 e8 aa 9e 6. Ce a0 ce 91 ce 9b ce 95 ce a1 ce 9c ce 9f remix. 一個官人七個妻 網頁版. 完美世界新马版 羽芒. にゃんこ大戦争 pc. Lets go watch the movie that the MEDIA want to boycott. にゃんこ大戦争 激レア. E4 b8 80%e5 80%8b e5 ae 98%e4 ba ba e4 b8 83%e5 80%8b e5 a6 bb series. Ō美世界æ–. I worked at the Atlanta Journal Constitution from 1986 to 1989, it was a complete clown show from the top to the bottom. To attack media slandering of an individual to sell stories, Eastwood created a media that slandered an individual to sell stories. Irony speaks for itself. Dirigida por Clint Eastwood y basada en eventos reales, “Richard Jewell” es el relato de lo que sucede cuando lo reportado como un hecho niebla a la verdad. “Hay una bomba en Centennial Park. Tienen treinta minutos”. Richard Jewell es presentando como un guardia de seguridad que da aviso de un dispositivo durante el atentado terrorista en Atlanta de 1996. Este reporte lo convierte en un héroe cuya rápida acción salva a incontables vidas. Pero al cabo de unos días, lo que fuera una acción por simple cumplimiento del deber, lo convierte en el principal sospechoso; vilipendiado tanto por la prensa como por el público, su vida queda destrozada. Al contactar con el contestatario abogado independiente Watson Bryant, Jewell profesa firmemente su inocencia; pero Bryant descubre que se encuentra solo en una pelea para limpiar el nombre de su cliente en contra de las fuerzas combinadas de la FBI, el GBI y la APD, mientras intenta evitar que Richard confié en aquellos que intentan destruirlo. Con las estrellas del celuloide y ganadores del Oscar Sam Rockwell (“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”) como Watson Bryant y Kathy Bates (“Misery, ” TVs “American Horror Story”) como la madre de Richard, Bobi; Jon Hamm (“Baby Driver”) como el investigador a cargo del FBI; Olivia Wilde (“Life Itself”) como la reportera del Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Kathy Scruggs; y Paul Walter Hauser (“I, Tonya”) interpretando a Richard Jewell. Eastwood, ganador del Oscar, dirige con un guion del nominado al Oscar Billy Ray (“Captain Phillips”) basado en el artículo de Vanity Fair article “American Nightmare—The Ballad of Richard Jewell” escrita por Marie Brenner. Eastwood también produce con la bandera de Malpaso, junto a Tim Moore, Jessica Meier, Kevin Misher, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Davisson y Jonah Hill. El equipo creativo de Eastwood incluye al director de fotografía Yves Bélanger y al diseñador de producción Kevin Ishioka, junto a su diseñadora de vestuarios de muchos años Deborah Hopper y el editor ganador del Oscar Joel Cox (“Unforgiven”) quien ha trabajado con Eastwood a lo largo de los años en numerosos proyectos. La música está a cargo de Arturo Sandoval, quien musicalizo “The Mule” de 2018. Warner Bros. Pictures presenta una producción de Malpaso, Appian Way/Misher Films/75 Year Plan Productions, “Richard Jewell”. La película será distribuida mundialmente por Warner Bros. Pictures. DIRECCIÓN Clint Eastwood GUIÓN Marie Brenner Billy Ray ELENCO Sam Rockwell Kathy Bates Jon Hamm Olivia Wilde Paul Walter Hauser.

ƝŽå¯Ÿæœå¨çˆ¾äº‹à vendre. ĸ€å€‹å˜äººä¸ƒà l'accueil. Το σφαγείο στίχοι. Richard Jewell was a Hero both the Feds and the Media tore into him like a pack of wolves. El caso de Richard Jewell Buscar Ingresá Tu Ubicación Arriba O Seleccioná Un Cine Abajo Buscar y Filtro Hacé click para obtener indicaciones. Richard Jewell Born Richard White [1] December 17, 1962 Danville, Virginia [1] Died August 29, 2007 (aged 44) Woodbury, Georgia Other names Richard Allensworth Jewell Occupation Security guard, Georgia law enforcement officer (Police Officer & Deputy Sheriff, at the time of his death. Known for July 1996: discovered pipe bomb at Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, helped evacuate people from the area before the bomb exploded three days later: falsely implicated by media and FBI of planting the bomb himself October 1996: exonerated by an FBI investigation Richard Allensworth Jewell (born Richard White; 1] December 17, 1962 – August 29, 2007) was an American security guard and police officer famous for his role in the events surrounding the Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. While working as a security guard for AT&T, in connection with the Olympics, he discovered a backpack containing three pipe bombs on the park grounds. [1] Jewell alerted police and helped evacuate the area before the bomb exploded, saving many people from injury or death. Initially hailed by the media as a hero, Jewell was later considered a suspect, before ultimately being cleared. Despite never being charged, he underwent a " trial by media. which took a toll on his personal and professional life. Jewell was eventually exonerated, and Eric Rudolph was later found to have been the bomber. [2] 3] In 2006, Governor Sonny Perdue publicly thanked Jewell on behalf of the State of Georgia for saving the lives of people at the Olympics. [4] Jewell died on August 29, 2007, at age 44 due to heart failure from complications of diabetes. Personal life [ edit] Jewell was born Richard White in Danville, Virginia, the son of Bobi, an insurance claims coordinator, and Robert Earl White, who worked for Chevrolet. [1] Richard's birth-parents divorced when he was four. When his mother remarried to John Jewell, an insurance executive, his stepfather adopted him. [1] Bombing [ edit] Centennial Olympic Park was designed as the "town square" of the Olympics, and thousands of spectators had gathered for a late concert and merrymaking. Sometime after midnight, July 27, 1996, Eric Robert Rudolph, a terrorist who would later bomb a lesbian nightclub and two abortion clinics, planted a green backpack containing a fragmentation-laden pipe bomb underneath a bench. Jewell was working as a security guard for the event. He discovered the bag and alerted Georgia Bureau of Investigation officers. This discovery was nine minutes before Rudolph called 9-1-1 to deliver a warning. During a Jack Mack and the Heart Attack performance, Jewell and other security guards began clearing the immediate area so that a bomb squad could investigate the suspicious package. The bomb exploded 13 minutes later, killing Alice Hawthorne and injuring over one hundred others. A cameraman also died of a heart attack while running to cover the incident. Investigation and the media [ edit] Early news reports lauded Jewell as a hero for helping to evacuate the area after he spotted the suspicious package. Three days later, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed that the FBI was treating him as a possible suspect, based largely on a "lone bomber" criminal profile. For the next several weeks, the news media focused aggressively on him as the presumed culprit, labeling him with the ambiguous term " person of interest. sifting through his life to match a leaked "lone bomber" profile that the FBI had used. The media, to varying degrees, portrayed Jewell as a failed law enforcement officer who may have planted the bomb so he could "find" it and be a hero. [5] A Justice Department investigation of the FBI's conduct found the FBI had tried to manipulate Jewell into waiving his constitutional rights by telling him he was taking part in a training film about bomb detection, although the report concluded "no intentional violation of Mr. Jewell's civil rights and no criminal misconduct" had taken place. [6] 7] 8] Jewell was never officially charged, but the FBI thoroughly and publicly searched his home twice, questioned his associates, investigated his background, and maintained 24-hour surveillance of him. The pressure began to ease only after Jewell's attorneys hired an ex-FBI agent to administer a polygraph, which Jewell passed. [5] On October 26, 1996, the investigating US Attorney, Kent Alexander, in an extremely unusual act, sent Jewell a letter formally clearing him, stating "based on the evidence developed to date. Richard Jewell is not considered a target of the federal criminal investigation into the bombing on July 27, 1996, at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta. 9] Libel cases [ edit] After his exoneration, Jewell filed lawsuits against the media outlets which he said had libeled him, primarily NBC News and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and insisted on a formal apology from them. In 2006, Jewell said the lawsuits were not about money, and that the vast majority of the settlements went to lawyers or taxes. He said the lawsuits were about clearing his name. [5] Richard Jewell v. Piedmont College [ edit] Jewell filed suit against his former employer Piedmont College, Piedmont College President Raymond Cleere and college spokesman Scott Rawles. [10] Jewell's attorneys contended that Cleere called the FBI and spoke to the Atlanta newspapers, providing them with false information on Jewell and his employment there as a security guard. Jewell's lawsuit accused Cleere of describing Jewell as a "badge-wearing zealot" who "would write epic police reports for minor infractions. 11] Piedmont College settled for an undisclosed amount. [12] Richard Jewell v. NBC [ edit] Jewell sued NBC News for this statement, made by Tom Brokaw, The speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case. 13] Even though NBC stood by its story, the network agreed to pay Jewell 500, 000. [10] Richard Jewell v. New York Post [ edit] On July 23, 1997, Jewell sued the New York Post for 15 million in damages, contending that the paper portrayed him in articles, photographs and an editorial cartoon as an "aberrant" person with a "bizarre employment history" who was probably guilty of the bombing. [14] He eventually settled with the newspaper for an undisclosed amount. [15] Richard Jewell v. Cox Enterprises (d. b. a. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. edit] Jewell also sued the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper because, according to Jewell, the paper's headlines read, FBI suspects 'hero' guard may have planted bomb. pretty much started the whirlwind. 16] In one article, the Atlanta Journal compared Richard Jewell's case to that of serial killer Wayne Williams. [13] 17] The newspaper was the only defendant that did not settle with Jewell. The lawsuit remained pending for several years, having been considered at one time by the Supreme Court of Georgia, and had become an important part of case law regarding whether journalists could be forced to reveal their sources. Jewell's estate continued to press the case even after his death in 2007, but in July 2011 the Georgia Court of Appeals ruled for the defendant. The Court concluded that "because the articles in their entirety were substantially true at the time they were published—even though the investigators' suspicions were ultimately deemed unfounded—they cannot form the basis of a defamation action. 18] CNN [ edit] Although CNN settled with Jewell for an undisclosed monetary amount, CNN maintained that its coverage had been "fair and accurate. 19] Aftermath [ edit] In July 1997, U. S. Attorney General Janet Reno, prompted by a reporter's question at her weekly news conference, expressed regret over the FBI's leak to the news media that led to the widespread presumption of his guilt, and apologized outright, saying, I'm very sorry it happened. I think we owe him an apology. I regret the leak. 20] The same year, Jewell made public appearances. He appeared in Michael Moore 's 1997 film, The Big One. He had a cameo in the September 27, 1997 episode of Saturday Night Live, in which he jokingly fended off suggestions that he was responsible for the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. [21] In 2001, Jewell was honored as the Grand Marshal of Carmel, Indiana's Independence Day Parade. Jewell was chosen in keeping with the parade's theme of "Unsung Heroes. 22] On April 13, 2005, Jewell was exonerated completely when Eric Rudolph, as part of a plea deal, pled guilty to carrying out the bombing attack at Centennial Olympic Park, as well as three other attacks across the southern U. Just over a year later, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue honored Jewell for his rescue efforts during the attack. [23] 24] Jewell worked in various law enforcement jobs, including as a police officer in Pendergrass, Georgia. He worked as a deputy sheriff in Meriwether County, Georgia until his death. He also gave speeches at colleges. [5] On each anniversary of the bombing until his illness and eventual death, he would privately place a rose at the Centennial Olympic Park scene where spectator Alice Hawthorne died. [25] Death and legacy [ edit] Jewell died on August 29, 2007, at the age of 44. He was suffering from serious medical problems that were related to diabetes. [4] Richard Jewell, a biographical drama film, was released in the United States on December 13, 2019. [26] The film was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood. It was written by Billy Ray, based on the 1997 article "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell. by Marie Brenner, and the book The Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle (2019) by Kent Alexander and Kevin Salwen. [27] 28] 29] 30] 31] Jewell is played by Paul Walter Hauser. See also [ edit] Steven Hatfill and Bruce Edwards Ivins, two men who were sequentially subjected to similar media attacks and reputation destruction after FBI leaks identifying them as suspects in the 2001 anthrax attacks Yoshiyuki Kōno, a man who was subjected to a comparable " trial by media " in Japan as a suspect in the Matsumoto sarin attack Brandon Mayfield, an American Muslim man who was falsely accused of involvement in the 2004 Madrid train bombings Media circus Scapegoating References [ edit] a b c d e f "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Rick Jewell. Vanity Fair. February 1, 1997. Retrieved July 22, 2016. ^ Anthrax Investigation (online chat with Marilyn Thompson, Assistant Managing Editor, Investigative. The Washington Post. July 3, 2003. ^ National Journal Global Security Newswire (August 13, 2002. Anthrax: FBI Denies Smearing Former US Army Biologist. Archived from the original on April 19, 2005. Retrieved September 28, 2006. ^ a b Sack, Kevin (August 30, 2007. Richard Jewell, 44, Hero of Atlanta Attack, Dies. New York Times. Richard A. Jewell, whose transformation from heroic security guard to Olympic bombing suspect and back again came to symbolize the excesses of law enforcement and the news media, died Wednesday at his home in Woodbury, Georgia. The cause of death was not released, pending the results of an autopsy that to be performed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. But the coroner in Meriwether County said Jewell died of natural causes and that he had battled serious medical problems since learning that he had diabetes in February. ^ a b c d Weber, Harry R. (August 30, 2007. Former Olympic Park Guard Jewell Dies. Associated Press in The Washington Post. Security guard Richard Jewell was initially hailed as a hero for spotting a suspicious backpack and moving people out of harm's way just before a bomb exploded, killing one and injuring 111 others. But within days, he was named as a suspect in the blast. ^ Sack, Kevin (April 9, 1997. U. Says F. B. I. Erred in Using Deception in Olympic Bomb Inquiry. The New York Times. ^ Jewell wants probe of FBI investigation. CNN. July 30, 1997. ^ The Activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Part III. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the Judiciary. July 30, 1997. CS1 maint: extra punctuation ( link) "Jewell cleared of Olympic park bombing. October 26, 1996. ^ a b "Jewell sues newspapers, former employer for libel. January 28, 1997. ^ Ex-Suspect in Bombing Sues Newspapers, College; Jewell's Libel Claim Seeks Unspecified Damages. Washington Post. January 29, 1997. Archived from the original on October 20, 2012. Retrieved July 16, 2008. ^ Jewell settles with college. Lakeland Ledger. August 27, 1997. Retrieved May 5, 2010. ^ a b Ostrow, Ronald J. (June 13, 2000. Richard Jewell Case Study. Columbia University. ^ Jones, Dow (July 24, 1997. Richard Jewell Files Suit Against The Post. The New York Times. ^ Weber, Harry (August 30, 2007. Former Olympic Park guard Jewell dies. USA Today. Retrieved April 18, 2013. ^ 60 Minutes II: Falsely Accused. 60 Minutes II. CBS Worldwide. June 26, 2002. Retrieved August 2, 2006. ^ Fennessy, Steve (August 1, 2001. The wheels of justice - After five years, Richard Jewell v. AJC a long way from over. Creative Loafing. ^ Bryant v. Cox Enterprises, Inc., 311 Ga. App. 230 (Ga. Ct. 2011. ^ Fox, James Alan (September 17, 2009. Commentary: Don't name 'person of interest. CNN. CNN. ^ Reno to Jewell: I regret the leak. July 31, 1997. ^ Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update Segment - Richard Jewell. NBC. ^ Carmelfest filled with fun for everyone" PDF. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 17, 2005.   (423 KB) "Jewell Finally Honored As A Hero. Gannett via WGRZ. August 2, 2006. Retrieved September 22, 2012. ^ Perdue, Sonny (August 1, 2006. Governor Perdue Commends Richard Jewell. Office of the Governor of the State of Georgia. The bottom line is this – Richard Jewell's actions saved lives that day. He deserves to be remembered as a hero. said Governor Sonny Perdue. "As we look back on the success of the Olympics games and all they did to transform Atlanta, I encourage Georgians to remember the lives that were spared as a result of Richard Jewell's actions. " Weber, Harry R. (September 4, 2007. Former security guard Richard Jewell memorialized a hero. The Associated Press. ^ Ramos, Dino-Ray (October 8, 2019. Clint Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell' To Make World Premiere At AFI Fest. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved October 9, 2019. ^ Climek, Chris. "Review: Richard Jewell' Clears One Name While Smearing Another. NPR. Retrieved December 13, 2019. ^ Brenner, Marie (February 1997. American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell. Retrieved December 6, 2019. ^ Kent Alexander and Kevin Salwen (2019. The Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle, Abrams, ISBN   1683355245. ^ Stop defending an irresponsible movie and start apologising, Benjamin Lee, Film. The Guardian. December 13, 2019. Retrieved December 14, 2019. ^ Marc Tracy. "Clint Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell' Is at the Center of a Media Storm. The New York Times. Retrieved December 14, 2019. Further reading [ edit] Kent Alexander; Kevin Salwen (2019. Suspect: An Olympic Bombing, the FBI, the Media, and Richard Jewell, the Man Caught in the Middle. Harry N. Abrams. ISBN   978-1419734625. External links [ edit] Richard Jewell v. NBC, and other Richard Jewell cases. Libel and Slander. May 18, 2011 Farnsworth, Elizabeth (October 28, 1996. Olympic Park: Another Victim. PBS NewsHour. " All I did was my job' Decade later, pain of being called bombing suspect fresh to Richard Jewell. NBC News / Associated Press. July 27, 2006. Richard Jewell at Find a Grave ESPN 30 for 30 clip.

Looks very powerful. Why look for the perpretators if you can blame it all on someone else? Watch Clint Eastwood's movie. It's pretty good. E4 b8 80%e5 80%8b e5 ae 98%e4 ba ba e4 b8 83%e5 80%8b e5 a6 bb king. Perfect timing for this film... Παλερμο παιχνιδι πως παιζεται. かぐや姫の物語 あご. E7 87%83 e7 87%92 e5 a5 b3 e5 ad 90%e7 9a 84%e7 95%ab e5 83%8f review.

Eastwood conversa con Paul Walter Hauser, quien interpreta al guardia de seguridad que le da título a la película y con Sam Rockwell, quien compone al abogado de Jewell Crédito: Warner En la noche del 20 de noviembre último, la mayoría de los invitados al estreno mundial del largometraje número 38 en la extraordinaria carrera como director de Clint Eastwood imaginó un regreso triunfal del último gran realizador clásico de Hollywood a la carrera por el Oscar. A sala llena, la primera proyección de El caso de Richard Jewell había concluido con todos los asistentes de pie en la sala, saludando con una ovación ese lanzamiento. Pasó algo más de un mes y en vez de la glamorosa travesía hacia el premio más anhelado de Hollywood, la nueva película de Clint Eastwood podría viajar directamente hacia algún tribunal de justicia estadounidense. Todavía sigue abierta la posibilidad de que el principal diario de la ciudad de Atlanta termine llevando a los tribunales a Eastwood y a su película, acusada de supuestas calumnias por el modo en que se retrata allí a una periodista que participó de la cobertura de un hecho trascendental para la ciudad, ocurrido durante los Juegos Olímpicos de 1996. Trailer de Richard Jewell, la nueva película de Clint Eastwood 02:35 No sabemos todavía cuál será la conducta final de los abogados de The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, fundado en 1982 a partir de la fusión de dos diarios centenarios. Lo que sí sabemos es que esa controversia muy probablemente haya dinamitado de manera definitiva las genuinas chances de participar en la competencia por el Oscar que la película había esbozado en el momento de su aparición. El hecho también dejó un daño colateral. El caso de Richard Jewell fue un rotundo fracaso comercial en los Estados Unidos. Ninguna otra película de Eastwood tuvo en los últimos cuarenta años números tan flojos en la taquilla como su flamante obra, que Warner estrenará hoy en la Argentina. La polémica tiene visos ruidosos y hasta algún morbo. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution acusa a Eastwood y al guionista de la película, el experimentado Billy Ray, de hacer un retrato próximo a la difamación de la periodista Kathy Scruggs, sugiriendo que la película la muestra con la deliberada intención de intercambiar sexo por información en un contacto con un agente del FBI. ¿Qué clase de información buscaba Scruggs? Algo que pusiera luz sobre un acontecimiento trágico del que se sigue hablando en Atlanta. El 27 de julio de 1996, una bomba explotó en un parque público de esa ciudad en medio de una celebración popular conectada con la fiesta olímpica. Dos personas murieron y un centenar más sufrió heridas de distinta consideración. La tragedia pudo haber sido mayor si un guardia de seguridad llamado Richard Jewell no hubiese descubierto pocos minutos antes del estallido una mochila abandonada en la que se habían colocado los explosivos. Jewell era un hombre de existencia introvertida que vivía con su madre y soñaba, a veces con modos impropios, con transformarse en agente de la ley. El hallazgo de Jewell facilitó la paulatina evacuación del lugar, que estaba en marcha cuando la bomba explotó. Jewell se convirtió instantáneamente en el héroe del momento, hasta que el FBI comenzó a observarlo y lo incluyó poco después entre los principales sospechosos del hecho. Eastwood planteó su película número 38 como una reivindicación de Jewell, que murió a los 44 años, en 2007 Crédito: Warner El modo en que la película muestra cómo Scruggs reveló esa novedad en las páginas del diario abrió la disputa que terminó colocando a la película en segundo plano. Y llevó a sus protagonistas a retomar la discusión acerca de las responsabilidades que tienen las agencias gubernamentales y de los medios en apresurarse a marcar culpabilidades o inocencias en asuntos relevantes. Es una vieja obsesión de Eastwood, que siempre fue una suerte de cruzado defensor de las decisiones y las conductas individuales frente al avance de las instituciones. El director fue señalado desde algunos medios como portador de una mirada sobre la prensa (sobre todo) parecida a la que expresa la administración Trump. Pero, bien mirado, el planteo de El caso de Richard Jewell aparece en línea con lo que Eastwood viene haciendo en sus últimas películas, sobre todo Sully y El francotirador. Tomar hechos de la vida real y personajes reales para reivindicar sus decisiones individuales, que en muchos casos chocan con posturas institucionales que cuestionan y degradan el valor de las personas. Desde esta mirada, Eastwood es visto como un libertario más que un hombre alineado con alguna postura ideológica de la actualidad estadounidense. No hay manera de que los dos protagonistas involucrados a fondo en esta historia puedan exponer su testimonio fuera de lo que plantea la película. Jewell falleció a los 44 años por causas cardíacas, en 2007, después de quedar limpio de culpa y cargo, y sin acumular jamás en su contra prueba que lo incriminara. Scruggs, en tanto, murió en 2001 por una sobredosis accidental de medicamentos recetados. "Contrariamente a todo lo que se dijo, no creo que Kathy haya «intercambiado sexo por información». Nada en mi investigación sobre ella me llevó a sugerir esa conducta y tampoco tuve la intención de expresar algo así. Todo lo que se dijo no es otra cosa que un rechazo misógino al complicado trabajo que ella debió hacer. Por otra parte, creo que la película sugiere que hubo algún tipo de relación romántica previa entre Scruggs y el agente del FBI" señaló Olivia Wilde, la actriz que interpreta a la periodista. Olivia Wilde afirma que las acusaciones contra Kathy Scruggs, la periodista que interpreta en la película, de que había intercambiado sexo por ingormación, son producto de la misoginia Crédito: Warner Eastwood estuvo cuatro años sobrevolando este proyecto hasta que finalmente pudo concretarlo. Antes del estreno, dijo que El caso de Richard Jewell tiene un doble propósito. "Que cuente una historia de la forma más entretenida posible, porque al fin y al cabo estamos en el negocio del entretenimiento y queremos contar grandes historias, y que al mismo tiempo sirva para transparentar el nombre de Richard Jewell y despejar toda duda alrededor de su nombre. Esta película, además, creo que es un triunfo para la familia Jewell" dijo el realizador a la agencia AP. Jon Hamm interpreta al agente del FBI convencido de que Jewell es sospechoso; Sam Rockwell es el abogado del protagonista y Kathy Bates personifica a su sufrida madre. Para encarnar a Jewell, Eastwood descartó la opción inicial de convocar a Jonah Hill (que aparece en los créditos como productor junto a Leonardo DiCaprio) y eligió en cambio al mucho menos conocido Paul Walter Hauser, que más allá de su parecido físico con el verdadero Jewell fue de todos el que cosechó mayores elogios y aparece mucho mejor posicionado que el resto para aspirar con alguna chance a un lugar entre los candidatos a alguno de los premios actorales de Hollywood. Con todo, que Richard Jewell haya quedado completamente al margen de las nominaciones al Globo de Oro es toda una señal. Parece muy difícil después de todo lo ocurrido que la película recupere sus aspiraciones en medio de la temporada de premios, y cuando los galardones más fuertes se ponen ya en juego. Sobre la controversia con The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Eastwood señaló que el diario se enfrentó antes que nadie a una situación tremendamente compleja: Fueron los primeros en decir que el principal sospechoso de haber colocado la bomba era Richard Jewell. Entiendo el aprieto en el que se metieron y también la necesidad de racionalizar todas estas cuestiones. La verdad es que hoy las historias biográficas que encara Hollywood están bajo la lupa. Piensen en lo que pasó con la familia Dupont en Foxcatcher o con la Iglesia Católica en Spotlight. Lo importante es que contamos nuestra visión de la historia. Y creo que hicimos un gran trabajo. ADEMÁS Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento. Para poder comentar tenés que ingresar con tu usuario de LA NACION.

I'm glad Kathy Scruggs is dead. First of all, the acting in this movie is outstanding from everybody. There was no stand out to me because honestly, everybody was giving it their all in this movie. Paul Walter Hauser was incredible as the title character and as I said, in the beginning, I know nothing about what happened but he seemed to be acting like how I would picture him acting. His chemistry with Sam Rockwell, who plays his attorney/friend Watson Bryant, was unbelievable. There are so many scenes that showcase it but there's one scene at the end of this movie that drives it home how great of friends they were. Kathy Bates, who plays Bobi Jewell, deserves an award for her performance because she was giving it her all in this role and there's one scene in this movie that really showcases it and it nearly brought me to tears. Honestly, this movie was such an emotional ride to go on because the entire time I just wanted to walk up to the FBI agents and slap them. This movie doesn't show the press side or the investigation process but Richard Jewell's side of it and not many movies do that and I'm happy that this movie did that because people need to see what he was going through. This movie pretty much is showing us the audience that with the news and media we aren't getting the whole story only facts and sometimes it can't be trusted. Honestly, this movie is worth checking out at least once because it's well-acted, directed and for the story even if you don't know anything about what happened because I looked into it and other than one or two things that were changed everything that you see did happen. In the end, Richard Jewell is a movie that deserves more attention not just at the box office but also the awards.

This event is an example of a false flag attack perpetrated by the media-federal government complex. If they can do it to Richard Jewell they will and can do it to you. 完美世界新马版客服. "Richard Jewell"
"How the media and Government Organizations screw the American Public"
If you exit from Richard Jewell with no emotions at all on the subject matter, or if you take the side of the reporter in the situation, you may want to get your head checked.
Clint Eastwood's direction knocks it out of the park once again, after the lackluster reception that "The Mule" received, but Eastwood's strengths lie in character studies, and the life of Richard Jewell is precisely that.
The performances all around are solid, but the especially powerful are those of Paul Walter Hauser, playing the title character, Sam Rockwell, as lawyer Watson Bryant, and Kathy Bates, as Bobi Jewell.
Writing a full review on the film itself would be irrelevant, as the 60 minutes interview of Jewell himself nails all the major plot points, but the performance by Hauser shows a man who spent his entire life praising the law enforcement figures of the United States of America, in the hopes of being one, only to get absolutely slammed by what he loved and made a suspect and a victim in turn because of who he was and because he had a sordid, not criminal, past.
This film should not be missed by anyone.

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Eastwood yelled at a chair once at a fancy dinner. Don't forget

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